Tuesday, July 16, 2024




Cui Bono?

HINT: It’s not nearly as simple as it looks…or is it?

*Everything you read below points to MOSSAD having staged this false flag assassination attempt hoax in order to get Trump elected and to keep him on
a very short leash once he’s in the Oval Office.  In this way, Trump will follow
every single order coming out of Israel knowing his life could be taken in a
D.C. flash.   

Was this really another 9/11 type false flag? The Intel Drop thinks so:


I’m not so sure but the article raised some troubling questions which, considering our long history of false official narratives linked to similar events, need to be addressed.

It sure looked real but the whole thing was too clean, too Hollywood, over way too quickly with the suspect dead and the victim okay, ready for all that sympathy from his supporters with the ability to blame his desperate enemies.

The key points are the eyewitness claiming the cops and Secret Service did nothing despite his attempting to point out the suspect with a rifle on the roof before the shooting started and the lack of other casualties behind Trump if the bullets were real.

However, even a cursory examination of the facts indicates exactly who is behind this obviously staged and highly choreographed ‘assassination attempt’.
(Source: The Trump Assassination Attempt: It Looked So Real!)

Cui Bono?

By far, Donald Trump himself has the most to gain from this transparent assassination attempt, individually speaking.

As for the state actor that has the most to gain from such a politically captivating and highly consequential event, only the Zionist State of Israel fits the bill—AS ALWAYS!

For those who are not aware, Israel was directly responsible for Trump’s
victory in 2016 so that he could MIGA*, which he did with
extraordinary presidential prowess.

*MIGA = Make Israel Great Again

Hence, this entire assassination episode was carried out by MOSSAD—END OF STORY.

However, such a highly complex attempt to murder a POTUS candidate in broad daylight, and at such a highly viewed public event, also had the full support of the entire U.S. Intelligence Community, which means that MOSSAD was pulling the strings from the top.

Only the US Intel Community would stage such a transparent intimidation ‘shots fired’ event against Trump (with MOSSAD oversight, of course).

KEY POINTS: People, if the Leftists or NWO globalist cabal or DNC bigwigs or whoever really wanted to kill Donald Trump, they would have killed him already.  If they wanted him off the 2024 ballot, he’d be dead and buried by now.  In other words, he would have been JFKed years ago.  Which means that this extremely dramatic assassination attempt was executed by MOSSAD for two primary reasons: (i) To show the world just how despicable the Democrat Party really is after so much reckless and brazen chatter on the Left about murdering Trump and (ii) to significantly raise his electability chances, especially among ALL the wavering Righties and Independents, by turning him into a brave hero and potential martyr.

Already, barely hours since the shooting, the interwebs are alive with claims from MAGA activists asserting that the failed assassin MUST be an evil, crazed, Leftist, Antifa, transsexual, etc, etc, operative. Which of course they would say. Which of course is the whole point.

Right here on these boards, we even have Trump supporters trying to cast doubt on the official investigation by the FBI before it has properly begun. Why? What are they afraid the professionals will uncover?

What must really have happened is really, really obvious. Some crazed, maladjusted, gun-addicted lunatic yearning for an end more spectacular than the traditional suicide-by-cop was recruited by secret operatives on someone’s Team Red to crawl up on to a roof and shoot a few people in the crowd. If someone died, so much the better. Meanwhile, Trump just clapped his hand to his ear, bursting the sachet of fake blood hidden behind it, and staggered about a bit while the Secret Service agents did their duty blew the shooter to bits. Dead men tell no tales, eh?

It wasn’t a very good piece of acting, but in the heat of the moment, who would notice?
(Source: The Donald Trump False Flag Assassination Attempt)

Where Hollywood meets World Wrestling Entertainment

If you didn’t catch it, folks, we’re talking about a typically orchestrated WWE event—live from Vegas (or in this case from Butler, PA).

Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up … … … except that’s precisely what Trump’s well concealed MOSSAD masters just did…during prime time and in glowing color.

Remember, the Zionist banksters completely own and operate Hollywood, the WWE and every other crass, crude and coarse media enterprise in the USA from the very beginning.  So no one — NO ONE — does “Made in America” drama (and schmaltzy melodrama) better than those super schmucks.


The Predictable Wild and Crazy Aftermath

Who did not know that this 2024 election cycle would bring a June Surprise, a July Surprise, an August Surprise, a September Surprise, as well as the usual October Surprise?

Welcome to the July Surprise!!!

And all the fall-out that such a gift to the GOP will surely keep on giving right until Election day.  For example:

Republicans accuse Biden of plotting an assassination attempt
on Trump, demanding an investigation be launched against him

By the way, no one said the communist-run Democrat Party doesn’t deserve everything they got coming at ’em, starting with the rapidly collapsing campaign of their Idiot-in-Chief.  After all, no one and no entity ever escapes the jaws of karma when they show up to bite your ass—BIG TIME!

Which means that even the US Intel Community is about to receive a HUGE dose of instant karma.  For example, there is this little data point that was mysteriously released by YOU KNOW WHO.

Secret Service Given ‘Stand Down’ Orders Before
Trump Assassination Attempt [Just like JFK]

However, this MAGA DRAMA is already going in every direction imaginable at once, so everyone with skin in the game is jumping into the WWE ring to get their licks in as follows: Already there are loud shouts of “FAKE BLOOD” & “LACK OF BLOOD ON SHIRT” in the Trump assassination attempt.

Years of Predictive Programming

Who could possibly ignore the several years of predictive programming regarding this prophesied event?

THEY WANT HIM DEAD: Just Three Months Ago Democrats
Introduced a Resolution to Strip Trump of His Secret Protection

So, whether fake or real, wasn’t it a self-fulfilling prophecy because so many — on both the Left and the Right — have been predicting it … or were those all deliberately planted stories BY YOU KNOW WHO just part of the ruse…………..

World Stage: The Predicted Fake Trump Assassination
Attempt Played Out on July 13

Then there is this totally predictable twist that comes with every conspiracy theory ever conceived:

Trump Assassination Attempt: Was it Allowed to Happen?

Engineering CIVIL WAR 2.0

Is there any question that The Powers That Be have been stealthily and overtly manufacturing a Second Civil War? 

Well, what better way than to try to assassinate (whether real or hoax) the leader of the Right?

Cancellation of Second Amendment by Republicans

If you don’t see the obvious set-up here then take a quick view/read of these alarming videos and articles.  Why else was the shooter equipped with an AXSR rifle?

PHOTO & VIDEO: Oh, really, the 20-year-old shooter at the PA
Trump rally used a $12,000 rifle! Then which intel agency
bought it or him—MOSSAD, CIA, MI6, BND, DGSE orGID? 

Then there is this shocking development at the RNC:


And here’s how that plot went down:


The gun control game was always set up so the GOP would do the dirty deed with Trump writing the Executive Orders that will strip the Right of their legal firearms.

DISTRACTION Brought To You By Israel

Let’s never forget that any and every major and dramatic global event always — in some way, shape or form — serves the Zionist State of Israel.

Because of the veritable non-kinetic civil war taking place throughout Israel, Team Netanyahu needs all the help they can get right now.

The Epic War Finally Begins In Earnest

However, it’s the ongoing Gaza Genocide that really has them worried as never before. See: Israel to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews as huge political war intensifies for Netanyahu

KEY POINT: “Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he will “present the truth” about the war against Hamas in Gaza when he addresses the U.S. Congress on July 24 during a visit to Washington, Republican leaders said on Thursday.”Reuters  So you know Bibi had to radically shift the public discourse around the Gaza Genocide before he came here, as many will protest against his presence and the Palestinian Holocaust as never before in U.S. history.

In view of the recent massacres by the barbaric IDF of scores of Palestinian women and children, elderly and infirm in supposed safe zones and homeless shelters and refugee camps throughout Gaza, the Israeli government is in desperate need of HUGE distractions, especially for their American tax-paying sponsors.  And so this nakedly staged assassination attempt has served as the best distraction a few shekels can buy.


A HUGE Gift To Candidate Biden

Let’s not forget that this staged event was probably the only thing that could happen which could divert so much MASSIVE attention being given to “Crash and Burn” Joe Biden.

Make no mistake, Biden is the first candidate in U.S. history to be so threatened with a complete removal not only from his candidacy, but also from the Oval Office this summer and not on Inauguration Day, 2025.

Plan to Remove Biden from the stage forever so that
Manchurian Candidate Kamala Harris can take over

To be continued —

State of the Nation
July 14, 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note: Virtually every false flag shooting hoax in the USA, whether real or fake, is carried out in such a way so that reality is carefully blended with fakery.  In this fashion, the perps make whole black operation (and psyop) extremely difficult to successfully investigate and accurately analyze.  For one thing, by using this method of highly purposeful obfuscation, the planners pit truth seeker against truth seeker.  Very few folks have the detachment and objectivity to understand that these meticulously engineered events are specifically designed to divide and conquer the American body politic all day long.  Which is exactly what the “TRUMP FALSE FLAG ‘ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT’ HOAX” will do for months to come.


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