Tuesday, July 30, 2024




The Trump Shooting was of course Staged

by Miles Mathis

First published July 15, 2024

This paper went immediately to #1 at Yandex on the search “Trump shooting staged”, and several other results on the first page are republications of this paper.  This puts me ahead of TIME, FoxNews, NewYorkPost, NewYorkTimes, NBCNews, ABC, the Guardian, and USAToday.  This despite heavy interference by Google and everyone else.  Google immediately delisted it completely, as did Bing and Yahoo.  So even while being censored by the top search engines controlling 97% of searches, I am still drubbing the mainstream using real numbers.  How is that possible?  WORD OF MOUTH.

Bing is using the trick we have seen before: rotate the same promoted 20 results over and over, page after page, so that you never get to any real results based on popularity.  Plus, that search and all similar ones have been rigged to take you to opposite listings assuring you the Trump shooting was NOT staged.  Proving these search engines are worthless.  Even the results at Yandex linking to me, like the one at Henry Makow, mysteriously don’t link back to my site.  Makow quotes from this paper but conspicuously links to someone else, right under my name.  They also republish me without providing a clickable link.  We can also judge other alternative sites by their response to this event.  John Leake at Global Research is selling it as real and pooh-poohing any claims there are anomalies.  He makes

ludicrously weak arguments against, referring contemptuously to a couple of substack authors, but fails to tell you who they are so that you can make your own assessment.  He doesn’t mention me at all, of course, though if he wants to save this narrative he should have to respond directly to the strongest argument.  That will never happen.  The last thing he or his overseers want is sending anyone to this paper or this site.      

Let me preface this by stating for the record what my regular readers already know: I am not partisan.  I hate both parties and candidates about equally. I have destroyed Biden and the Democrats many times, pointing out they are now more fascist than the Republicans, which took some doing.  Everyone is now reading from scripts, and I have admitted the Republicans currently have a better script.  They have been given the more rational talking points for a reason: this is all part of some long-term plan to move the country even further right, into the waiting arms of the governors.  But I am not buying any of the scripts and I recommend you don’t either.  You should be looking for ways to drive around both parties and the Matrix that has become our world. 

I have waited a few days to publish this, though I knew instantly it was staged, without even looking at it closely.  I wanted to let others collect evidence while I finished papers on other topics that I consider more important and interesting.  Since I have proved to you everything else is fake, that should be our logical and default assumption for any new highly promoted event.  FAKE.

But somehow all the other fake events specialists like Alex Jones and Mike Adams have forgotten that basic rule.  Everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten what a false flag is these days.  When was the last time Jones outed a false flag, or even used the term?  Strange, since that is how he made his name.  Before 911 he was just a loud obnoxious guy on Austin public access, but when he started yelling that 911 was a false flag, his big rise began. 

Today, Jones couldn’t spot a false flag from a foot away.  He couldn’t spot moulage or any other clue to save his life.  Instead he is promoting this fake event like there is no tomorrow, never even considering the possibility it might be staged.  Same for Mike Adams, who published a standard report on the event yesterday, but nothing more. 

[Next day: Jones is getting ratioed on his own site in comments, indicating this is backfiring on them. He is now warning the deep state will take Trump out with a tactical nuke.  No, really.

It says “Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are next.”  Infowars really needed to combine the Trump storyboard with the Nuke storyboard, and this is what they came up with, so they could get the mushroom cloud above the word Trump.  Hmmm, I wonder if that qualifies as fearmongering?

As for Mike Adams, he soon came out with a video claiming it would be impossible to fake the shooting.  Strangely, I missed this video since it hasn’t appeared on his main site.  It is on Brighteon video, but not linked from NaturalNews’ front page.  I am not going to bother listening to it, because he did the same thing after the Las Vegas hoax, claiming to be an arms expert, confirming it as real, and making a total ass of himself with his fake ballistics math.  Remember, there he did a big acoustic analysis, but forgot to ask if the sounds were live or recorded.]

Before we get into it, let me just state the obvious: in that “iconic” photo, Trump is not saying “fight”, he is saying “fuck”.  Everybody knows that, so let’s just be honest.  That will help get us in.

Another clue is that, technically, the flag is upside down in that photo above under title.

Then we have the bad moulage job, where some make-up girl was hiding behind the podium and smeared some fake blood on Trump when he kneeled down.  It isn’t convincing at all, since the straight lines of blood look like they were drawn on with a red marker.  Then there is some red goop on his ear, but she didn’t have time to make that look real, either.  All she did is make the whole ear red.  But where is the bullet hole?  We seem to be missing a bullet hole. 

If a bullet had taken off even a centimeter of the edge of the ear, it would be bleeding profusely, and we would see blood dripping from his earlobe down onto his shirt and jacket.  I have scratched off scabs on my ear that bled more that that, and you probably have, too.      

Then there’s the little problem about allowing him to stand up and do his little dance, gesturing to the crowd and so on.  They had to get the picture for the papers.  But if this had been real they would have kept him down.  He would never have been allowed to stand back up almost immediately, making himself a target again.  That was against all protocol and logic.

[Two days later: I finally paused on this film still:

Anyone want to tell me what is suspicious about that?  How about the big banner across the lower part of the stage, rising to above Trump’s knees?  That isn’t a banner on the video, that is a physical banner that was on the stage.  When I first claimed a makeup girl was behind the podium applying moulage, a couple of people emailed me derisively, saying they couldn’t hide a girl behind that skinny podium. But as you see, they could easily hide her behind that banner. That is why it was there. It reminds us  of the Boston Maratho n f our fences fake, doesn’t it?  In fact that is exactly why I spotted it.  We have been here before.] 

Next we come to the assessment that has made the papers, that being the Secret Service acted nothing like the Secret Service.  Some are implicating Secret Service, implying there was some sort of stand down, but that is again misdirection.  Yes, the strange (in)actions of the Secret Service indicate either a stand down OR they indicate a faked event.  So why is no one in the mainstream or alternative press on either side allowed to point that out?  Only a few wingnuts like minor actresses are saying it, and they are being leapt on from all quarters as insane.  But what is insane about it?  Logically, it should be the first thing to mark off, right?  Any real investigation would start by proving the event happened.  These are Hollywood people, after all.  Trump is an actor and has worked on TV and with WWE, both masters of fakery.   So there is nothing insane about looking closely at this event for signs it was staged.  If we do that, it quickly becomes clear it was allowed to happen, but not because SS wanted Trump dead.  It was allowed to happen because it was staged.  Occam’s Razor applies here, since the staging explanation is far simpler than any other explanation. 

If you haven’t read the mainstream admissions, they have admitted SS had previously tagged that rooftop where the shooter was perched as dangerous, so it should not only have been restricted, it should have had an agent physically on it.  Snipers on adjacent buildings could see him and had already spotted him, but allegedly weren’t allowed first shot.  Yeah.  If you believe that you will believe anything.  That’s why the snipers were there in the first place: to prevent a first shot on a former President.  People in the crowd had also seen the shooter and warned SS about it, but were ignored. 

Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump. 

They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS.  That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer.  Convenient.  So how fast was his shutter speed?  Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s.  Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed.  But let’s say he was.  At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move?  Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps.(3500 fps – TID)  So we just multiply.  The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches.  Is that track 3 inches?  No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s.  Anyone can do that math.  8000/8000 = 1. 

The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags.  He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged.   So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of—Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc.—Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.  

Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them, or into their neighbors.  They sit and stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. Some are filming on their cellphones.  Most just continue to watch, as if it is on TV.  That’s because they know the bangs are just blanks.  One of the guys interviewed afterwards (the big guy in a red shirt) admitted it sounded like fireworks behind the stage, not an AR15 more than 100 yards in front of the stage.  Whoops!  He is being paid to sell the hits on the crowd, but he goes off script badly, as these crisis actors always do.  I think you could tell the difference between pops behind or under the stage and a high-powered rifle 500 feet away.  We should also hear the bullets whizzing, and as in the Las Vegas fake, we don’t.   Even more ridiculous, perhaps, is that they paid these people on stage to stay there and cheer when he raised his fist.  No one knows all shooters have been killed at that point, how could they, but not only have they not run or tried to hide, they sit there calmly and then stand up and cheer when Trump does his “fight” act.  This is fake event staging at its worst.  

You will say one of those people was killed.  Corey Comperatore.  Unfortunately, his story doesn’t add up, either.  We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township.  But his LinkedIN profile doesn’t mention being a firefighter.  It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years.  Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.

Nice of him to comment on his own death, right?  That’s very helpful.  You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike. 

Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there.  And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN.  So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy.   [Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.]

And this is really embarrassing:

His old firehouse now has that memorial.  Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong.  They have never heard of that guy.

Plus, I just watched the full film, and I don’t see where Comperatore was allegedly sitting.  He should be to the right of the stage behind Trump, in order to catch a bullet, but if you look over there, those people are all just sitting there calmly.  If some guy is bleeding to death among them, you would never know it.  I guess they were too busy taking pictures and cheering to notice the dead guy at their feet. 

Then we have the matter of the shoes photographed being left onstage after the event.  And Trump saying Secret Service knocked him out of his shoes when they pulled him down.  What?  Was he wearing flips?  No, he was wearing tightly laced wingtips, by his own admission.  So why do we always see the shoes in these fake events?  Well, it obviously refers back to the 1997 film Wag the Dog, and Willie Nelson’s song “Old Shoe”.  They are admitting the dog is being wagged here. 

[Next day: Radaris gives up the farm on this guy as well.  Turns out his wife that you see in pictures with him is a . . . oh are my readers going to love this . . . a Cummings.  Take that link to see my previous paper showing you who these people are: same as Comyn, Comnene, and likely Cohen. Harry Cummings of this family also links us to Leiberton, Parsons, Hannah and Cichra, and Karen

Bird, 76.   

The Harry J. Cummings on these pages is the one from Cheswick who died in 2014.  At Findagrave we find he came out of the Navy.  His sister married a Howenstein, which is a respelling of Hohenstein. Like the Cummings, the Hohensteins are nobles, being German grafs closely related to the Princes von Teck and the Princes von Wurttemberg.  As such they were just a step away from the crown.

Now, pausing on the name Cichra in that Cummings list, we find more clues.  Chris Cichra of this Pittsburgh family is listed, and we find him at LinkedIN as well.  He just happens to be a senior camera operator at Perspectrum LLC, which has a Youtube channel.  Among their specialties are high-speed photography and drone footage.  Did you get that?  

Then we have this little problem:

That’s the alleged shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, in a Blackrock commercial from last year.  For some reason not given, Blackrock shot their commercial at Bethel Park Highschool, where Crooks was a student.  Blackrock has now admitted that is him, removing the commercial from any future rotation. That is being sold as some sort of wild coincidence, but it isn’t.  Any student appearing in this commercial would be handpicked by the directors.  They don’t just shoot randomly and then ask students to sign a release.  My guess is Crooks is related to someone high up at Blackrock, and this was his first foot-wetting for his career.  What career?  CIA, of course.  His fake death in this event is the perfect entry into CIA, since he now has cover.  The best cover available: a faked death.

[Next day: now we have the problem of identifying Crooks from DNA.  He had no ID and his head was allegedly blown off (though we can see that isn’t true from pictures), so they claim they identified through a DNA match.  A DNA match to what?  Since he wasn’t a previous felon, they had no stored DNA on this kid.  For another good joke, we see Sean Miller at Infowars suggest

Perhaps the quickest and easiest way to get a DNA sample to match against is to go to the address of the suspect and attain DNA from a toothbrush, hairbrush or other various household item that contains genetic information.

Do you see a little logical problem there?  If they haven’t yet identified him, how do they know what address to go to?  If they know what address to go to, they have already identified him.

And for the next joke, we see them really go all-out to test your stupidity.  We are now being told Thomas Crooks bought a ladder the morning of the event and left it leaning against the wall of the building.  What’s so funny about that?  The ladder was five feet long.  That’s only a little longer than his Jay Leno chin:

That is what you call a Habsburg chin, and it just confirms everything else we are seeing here.  He is probably a cousin of fellow actor Corey Comperatore.

But back to that ladder.  Let me see if I have this brilliant story straight: this kid strolled into a Presidential speech carrying an AR15 and a ladder, casually propped this short ladder up against the outside of a building in full view, climbed up his short ladder five feet, then scaled the other five feet like Spiderman, ignoring the overhang, leaving the ladder conspicuously leaning there?  You will say, “No, no, he had the rifle down his pants leg, like any other professional burglar.”  So where did he have the 5-foot ladder hidden?  This story is nearly as stupid—but not quite—as the UT Tower shooter Whitman, who allegedly dollied in an entire footlocker of ammo, cheese sandwiches, shaving cream and toilet paper.  But at least Whitman wasn’t wheeling his locker past Secret Service at a Presidential speech. 

The mainstream has since released that photo, to explain how he did it.  One problem: that isn’t a fivefoot ladder.  It is a ten-foot ladder.  Unless those walls are five feet high and these buildings were made for Munchkins.  Plus, that ten-foot ladder wouldn’t fit in his car, which was a Hyundai Sonata.  I guess he drove it with it strapped to the roof?  Was his AR15 strapped to the hood?

Next we find that photo released by the mainstream.  Now that ladder is a SWAT ladder and Crooks’ ladder has been moved so that he is climbing on the lower porch roof.  But we still have multiple problems, proving this is fake.  One, the two photos don’t match, indicating they are computer generated.  The cypresses that had four tops now have two, and the gap between them and the connecting hall is now shorter than in the first photo.  That connecting hall is also too low in this second pic, with a larger jump to the main roof.   Plus, this second ladder is now too short and looks pasted in.  Note that the rungs of the longer SWAT ladder are shining silver in this light while Crooks’ 3-foot ladder are black or invisible.  Why?  You will say his ladder is in the shade.  But there is no shade, since in this photo there are no shadows.  Curious, right?  The porch overhang is casting no shadow at all.  Neither are the cars or those cypresses.  Proving this is generated by AI that doesn’t understand sunlight.  You will say it was a very overcast day, but in that case both ladders would shine the same.   Busted.

For more strangeness, I just discovered he has been removed overnight from Instantcheckmate. Fortunately, I had already done a search on him yesterday, when his family’s pages were still up.  They have removed his parents Matthew and Mary, but Glenn Howard of Allison Park is still up today.

Other Crooks in the family are Melissa, Marie, Carol, Donald, Jason, James, Hailey, Kelly, Jeffrey,

Kayla and Corey.  Others still in my search list are Daniel, Madeleine, and John Frizzi; Lauryn and Corey Kalka; Jayme Milani; Karl and Jennifer Bayer; Salvatore, John, and Joseph Dino; and Gerald and Stephanie Shoup.  Also through Melissa Marie Crooks we link to Dolores, Francis, Jonathan and Shelby Saban.  Also to Virginia and Anthony Balistrieri.  Also to Edward and Carol Terry. Through Marcia Kalka’s obit, we also link to the Vetters, Dominowskis, and Weidenhefts.  Through the Frizzis we link to Michael Demille and Susan Cuiffi. 

The Frizzis and Balistrieris are Italian noble families, see for instance Fabrizio Frizzi, a very famous

Italian TV presenter from this old family.  Balistrieri=Balestrieri, and they are nobles originally from Venice, later moving to Florence and other big towns.  They are still the counts of Brescia and other locales.  They are closely related to Strozzi and Alberti families.  One of them, Gian Piero Balestrieri, is a billionaire banker living in DC now.  He has been the head of many companies, including GE, where he was director 1996-2000.  Also a managing partner of CFA.  Also see Giorgio Balestrieri, a huge spook, being a Rotary Club bigwig, Comandante of Geopolitics and Counter Narco-Terrorism (whatever that is), P2 Lodge member, Navy and NATO Intelligence Commander, and P3 founder—that last being some sort of shadowy security organization.  The head of RAI, Italy’s state-owned TV, is also a Balestrieri.] 

Yesterday I found that the shooter’s mother Mary Crooks had already been partially scrubbed, with no maiden name and no links to anyone except Crooks.  My guess is that is where the action is here, but they have made my work much more difficult recently by no longer listing AKA’s in these free searches.  That is obviously in response to me and me alone, since who else is doing this?

[Later: a reader sent me to Radaris.com, which still has AKA’s and does list this Mary Crooks, mother of Thomas.  She is 53, and is aka Mary E. Frizzi.  So her maiden name appears to be Frizzi.  And we get some other relatives not listed at Instantcheckmate, including Lauren Kavanaugh, 55, Robert Spray, and Ann Shelleby, 81, and Charles Shelleby, 85.  My reader warns me that these relatives are not always right at Radaris, since they are taken from legal documents and may be attorneys or people like that.  Yes, I have found that occasionally at Instantcheckmate as well.  But we saw Lisa Spray at Instantcheckmate, so I would assume Robert Spray at least is a real relative.  He is 59 now living in Key West.  I found lots of links to Florida and Key West with this family.  We can also search on a surname with no first name at Radaris, which leads us immediately to Cynthia A. Frizzi of Bethel Park, age 64, aka Cavanaugh, Fuzz, and Macko, and she is indeed related to Mary Crooks and the Frizzis. And on her locations list we find Chantilly, VA, which of course throws up a huge red CIA flag.  As does her alias Cindy Fuzz, which sounds like a CIA codename or joke name.

The Shellebys of Pittsburgh link us to the Tschipperts, who link us to the Murrays and Moses.  The Frizzis link us to the Lombardos, yet another Jewish name.

The shooter’s uncle Mark Crooks, who has been interviewed, is 68, but he has an alias of Mark Braun, according to Radaris.  Wonder why he would need an alias?

The shooter’s grandfather John Frizzi has a page at Findagrave, where we find he was an army engineer.  This makes Lt. Col. James Frizzi the shooter’s other uncle.  We also find the shooter’s cousin is Larry Macko, US Army Specialist.

John N. Frizzi, of Scott Twp, 67, died on Thurs., Dec. 2, 2010. A Professional Engineer for the State of Pennsylvania and a 1965 Graduate of the Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Engineering. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Vietnam War veteran and member of the Scott Twp. American Legion Post #290. Husband of Madeleine (Hill); father of John (Cyndee) Frizzi ,Jr. of Cecil; Lt. Colonel James (Kristin) Frizzi, of Evans, GA; Mary (Matthew) Crooks, of Bethel Park and Daniel (Amy) Frizzi, of Greentree; grandfather of Lauryn

(Corey) Kalka, and U.S. Army Specialist, Larry Macko, Nicholas, Charles, Caroline, Jenna, and Erin Frizzi, Katie and Thomas Crooks, Dominic and Carlina Frizzi. Beinhauer-Fryer Funeral Home, Bridgeville. Interment, National Cemetery of the Alleghenies, Bridgeville.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sat., 12/4/2010

James Frizzi is now a colonel and chief of surgery at EAMC, Fort Gordon.  Think about it for a moment and see if you can figure out how he might tie in here.]

According to Findagrave, a Mary Crooks of this family died November 1, 2023 at age 92 in Cecil, PA.

Obviously that isn’t his mother, but it may be his grandmother or great-grandmother on his father’s side. She is definitely a relative since Cecil, PA, is on his family lists and so is Norman Crooks.

[Later: Norman’s father Wilbur has been scrubbed off Findagrave, perhaps in prep for this event, but we find him at Family Search.  That allows us to link through Wilbur’s wife Alice Mahala Gray, and return to Findagrave, where we find many current cousins in Pennsylvania of our fake shooter Crooks, including Kuhns, Kirsches and Ferraris.  Remember, Kuhn=Cohen.  We also link to the surnames Acre and Moorhead.  Remember, Acre was a famous Phoenician port city that later belonged to Asher, so Acre is a Jewish surname, like the rest of these. We also link to the Balls and Murrays of Bridgeville and Bethel Park, PA.  Since our Crooks are also related to Armstrongs, and these Balls are related to Custers, we can be pretty sure we are looking at the Balls who take us back to George Washington.

With more digging, we find these Crooks are closely related to Hoovers, Eisenhauers, Buchanans, Graffs, Meirs, Fawcetts, Jacksons, and Lambs.  Four more Presidential names there, so we are building a pretty illustrious genealogy for our fake shooter.]     

Most of those Crooks were already scrubbed off Thomas’ immediate family’s pages yesterday and I only found them with some inspired digging.  The first one that yielded anything interesting was Jason Crooks of Allison Park, since he is listed at LinkedIN as the CIO and Founder of Sharp Shield Management.  We know he is from this family since Allison Park came up over and over when I was researching these people, and those other family names are on his list.  He is formerly of Kimes Technologies and Sonneborn LLC. Sharp Shield is listed out of Wilmington, DE, so it is already looking like a CIA front.   Kimes Technologies sells sulfonated metals, so I don’t know what that has to do with a fin-tech investment firm like Sharp Shield.  Same for Sonneborn, which is another chemical company, specializing in alkanes and ink oils.  Jason Crooks allegedly went from being a lab manager at Kimes to founding his own investment firm?  How does that work?   You can see why they removed him from the family short lists.  I only found him through Marie Crooks, who I found through Melissa Crooks, and even Melissa has been scrubbed off the short lists.  I only found them by collating the first names and places names, like Allison Park.      

LinkedIN also delivered on Kayla Crooks, since as it turns out she is now Kayla Crooks Kennedy.  We know it is her because the ages match and the two locations both match as well: Pittsburgh+New York City.  So we can look up a wedding announcement, and we find it: she married Devin Kennedy in 2021.  No, not the floppy-haired 28-year-old musician, but I would assume they are related.  Our Devin Kennedy is a senior IT business analyst at PNC Bank, Pittsburgh.  He even looks like a Kennedy:

Plus, we find he went to Wheeling Jesuit University.  The Jesuits are Catholics, of course, so this also tends to peg him not just as a Kennedy, but as from THE Kennedys.  A clue in the same direction is SIFE, which he was in at Wheeling.  This is Students with an Interrupted Formal Education, which is not just ESL students, it is also these pampered people like Kennedys and Rockefellers and movie stars and musicians, who are too important gallivanting about the world to go to school, so they get left behind academically and have to play catch-up in college.  It looks like he is now about 35, but he didn’t get his masters until 2021, when he was about 32.  That is because there is a five-year gap in his resume between his college diploma in 2013 and beginning his masters in 2018.  And his masters took four years itself, indicating either he isn’t too bright or he is from a rich family and is no hurry to do anything.  But don’t worry about him: PNC had already hired him in 2019, one year into his four-year masters.  It wasn’t all wine and roses for this Devin Kennedy, though: in 2011 he worked as an auto body detailer for all of three months.  And he has it on his resume!  I am just surprised he survived it.

So we are starting to flesh out our fake shooter a bit, aren’t we?  He is not some white-trash wingnut living in a trailer park, and we are seeing some of his connections.  But they didn’t make it easy.  I admit this was the most difficult research I have done to date, and I almost gave it up yesterday, since all the links seemed to be hidden.  But with enough persistence, I broke through.   You can take it from here. 

I will point out one thing, though, on the way out.  Robert Kennedy has also accepted this event at face value, and even tried to sell it by saying it reminded him of the assassinations in his family.  Yeah, it does remind us of those, since they were equally fake.  Or actually much worse.  So it is sort of fitting I was able to pull in a Kennedy here with just a few clicks at LinkedIN.

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