Saturday, July 20, 2024

The man on the stage



The man on the stage

Sylvia Shawcross
Here is some unsolicited advice from an old woman living in the wilderness of Canada. I mean well.

There is something going on in the world that you cared about last week. It consumed most of your energy in terms of what you believed in working towards. Then there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump and you’ve forgotten all about last week. And maybe last week you had forgotten about something from the week before that you honestly cared about working towards.

Regress and return until you arrive at a place in the here and now where you don’t know what to care about and don’t care to care. Because the goal always was to get you to this point: exhausted, disillusioned, confused and divided.

Something happened to a man on a stage. You will be told what happened. You will be told who is to blame. You will be divided over both these things. You will be shown pictures and videos which you know now are easily fabricated. You will be introduced to people who have an opinion on what happened. Experts will be paraded.

Emotions will be exaggerated. You will find yourself in arguments about older issues on whether the man on the stage is satan or a saint. You will see visceral hatred and cultish love.

You will think you are discerning the truth for yourself. You would be wrong. You are being given all the information it has been decided you will be given. And the arguments were already anticipated. And while you are eventually exhausted, disillusioned, confused and divided, the machine in the background carries on.

And if the machine wants you to believe something to further its agenda it will. The man on a stage was attacked by Iran, China, Russia, the opposition, a self-serving false flag, a lone crazed gunman on mental health drugs, LGBTQ2S+ activists, globalist elites, a group of terrorists.

You will hear in speeches the oh so noble entreaties for toning down the hate from ones who were the worst propagators of it. Does that confuse you? It should. It is meant to. It is no apology or recognition. It is soulless rhetoric manipulating for power. There is nothing genuine about it.

The only thing you need to know is that this event happened and it is not over.

Positions once forgiving and/or moderate and/or tolerant but no longer so, are being cemented into place for all the people who believe in any or all of the above reasons a man on stage was attacked. And that spells dangerous times ahead. There is no going back to a naive-pretend-lackadaisical world anymore for many. You must now believe what you believe.

Make it for the good and not for evil. That is the choice to be made and if you have a hard time discerning good from evil look to your heart and soul and ask if you are choosing to harm another rather than choosing to harm a position taken by another. That’s about as rudimentary as it can get. Do you want to hurt that person or do you want to hurt what that person stands for?

And most importantly don’t cheer anyone who celebrates the hurting of others. That is the “ugly face” phenomenon of taking pleasure in the pain of others absolutely overtaking the world and it has to stop for the sake of us all. It is one thing to be grimly determined to seek change on an issue. It is quite another to want to cause serious harm to another and/or enjoy watching it. That is nothing to celebrate. It simply contorts what could simply be a stern but determined visage into a contorted ugly face.

It can be assumed that the shocking incidents will be coming fast and furiously for the next while. Remember the issue you firmly believed in and hold on tight and keep on trucking. For the good. Not for evil. For life. Not for death.

Peace. Here. Now.


Sylvia Shawcross is a writer from Canada. Visit her SubStack if you’re so inclined.


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Categories: latest, Sylvia Shawcross

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