Monday, July 29, 2024

“THE DON CON’: You ain’t seen nothing like it between now and Election Day!


“THE DON CON’: You ain’t seen nothing like it between now and Election Day!

SOTN Editor’s Note: First, for the benefit of the commentariat, this Alt Media platform has no dog in the fight.  Our political posture is completely non-aligned with any organized political party.  And, we clearly state this quite clearly in our mission statement as follows:

“We have no political affiliation. SOTN holds both sides of the U.S. counterfeit coin, also known as the American two-party system, to a high standard of accountability and scrutiny.”

With that crucial mutual understanding, may we say that we are not for Donald Trump … or against him.  Our only interest is to know and disseminate the unvarnished truth about him. Toward that end, we provide the following instructive video about his very stealthy campaign methods.

Is this just another Trump campaign ruse to suck in the rapidly
growing number of anti-Zionist Christians and Conservatives?

If you watched that video closely you saw that Trump was revealing the most radioactive truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict … just like he did during the 2016 campaign season about 9/11, truth, JFK cover-up and “Lock Her Up”.

POINT OF FACT: No other POTUS candidate in American political history has ever spoken so candidly about some of the most dangerous truths of our era.  NO ONE!!!

What’s the critical point?

This is exactly the power that Trump’s well concealed masters have given to him specifically to distinguish him from EVERYBODY else in history.  After all, he has been mind-controlled programmed to be come the “MOSHIACH”.

To be continued —

State of the Nation
July 29, 2024

Trump, Bibi and 9/11 Gold

Bellis Fair, WA
July 28, 2024

by Rich Scheck

I believe Trump was campaigning somewhere in South Dakota in February of 2016 when he volunteered that “we may even find out who did 9/11!”  Sadly, that gratuitous promise
was never fulfilled and we still aren’t sure who brought down the Twin Towers.

For those of us who suspect that it was a classic psyop designed as a pretext for
those wars Wesley Clark mentioned, with the Mossad and CIA likely collaborating,
the latest headline intimating Trump and Bibi are meeting to dispose of the 9/11 Gold
comes as no surprise!

Once again, it all seems carefully scripted with an emerging official narrative about
recent events designed to meet the needs of the (VERY) Deep State while leaving
the “Truth” on the cutting room floor to be swept away by the coverup specialists in
the intel community and MSM. (Yup :”Lawyers clean up all details” — Eagles).

That would constitute another example of secrecy triumphant in contemporary America
while portending a November victory for the Israeli indulgent Bad Man Orange (BMO).

That was yesterday’s news with the Wall Street Journal now reporting Harris just about
even with Trump. The much underrated VP’s Palestinian Lives Matter remarks inflamed
Bibi and BMO, too, suggesting millions of untapped potential voters may get the last word.

Looking back to the 2003 Kucinich primary campaign, it’s fascinating to speculate what
difference it might have made if Danny Sheehan had not prevailed on the then Ohio
Congressman to forego discussing the 9/11 Truth issue by undermining the Mike Ruppert
led gambit for transparency against the stonewalling Bush Administration.

Two decades and many apparently false flags later, it appears that another big piece of
the plan for global domination is being moved into place by the cleverly cynical architects
we witnessed playing kissy-face over the weekend.

With reports of China backing Palestine along with Russia, Pakistan, Iran and probably
Turkey, a BRICS vs. NATO Cold War 2 scenario is rapidly intensifying which might quickly
morph into WW3 that fulfills that (enslaving) biblical prophecy of Mog/Magog Armageddon.

For those in the know, it seems like Rebbe Schneerson is ruling from the grave as his efforts to accelerate the return of the Messiah long ago took hold over the thinking of Bibi, RFK, Jr., the Kushners and Trump himself as well as his loyal followers who periodically flock to his burial site in Queens.

With July rapidly coming to a close, look for many more surprises in the days and weeks ahead especially at the Chicago Convention in mid-August when the fireworks might begin after the already controversial Olympic Games are over.

NEVER a dull moment! 2024 is already an amazing year with 5 months still to go. But please don’t hold your breath waiting for answers to what happened to that 9/11 Gold or any of the other dark secrets of the VERY Deep State about nasty deeds and things that go bump in the night!

Must View Video

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