Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Listen to Donald Trump himself explain exactly what the ‘assassination attempt’ was all about.


Listen to Donald Trump himself explain exactly what the ‘assassination attempt’ was all about.

‘Heroic’ Trump drops so many nuclear truth bombs
in this vid your smartphone will self-destruct!

Submitted by The Conspiracy Realist
SOTN Exclusive

Do you remember the video that came out within the first couple of months of the COVID-19 Pandemic that perfectly explained what the Plandemic was really all about?  As follows:

The Best Summary of the
Covid Plandemic Ever Produced

Not only was that video presentation of Bill Gates absolutely hilarious, it was also spot on capturing every major aspect of that long-planned global conspiratorial plot to depopulate planet Earth via the COVID-19 bioweapons and weaponized Covid killshots, as well as greatly advance the once top secret Archonic agenda of transhumanisn worldwide.

Well, quite remarkably, the video posted below, this time it’s Donald Trump doing the narration, discloses in graphic detail what the Butler PA assassination plot was really all about. Also see this compendium of hard evidence: STAGED TRUMP ASSASSINATION: It was obviously a total set-up and complete hoax…..

KEY POINTS: Now there are many on the Right who refuse to admit that they are full-fledged members the the American Idiocracy.  They are diehard Donald Trump groupies who obstinately refuse to believe that he is really a part of THE PLAN—that would be the New World Order agenda to foist a One World Government on the world community of nations after the Great Reset is completed. (See: Never Before Seen Glaring Details of the GREAT RESET Revealed)  They even completely disregard his constant braggadoccio regarding his essential role as the “Father of the Vaccine” as well as his beaming pride in overseeing Operation Warp Speed—the military deployment of the most dangerous and deadly bioweapon in world history.  These same card-carrying members of the Idiocracy are totally okay with Trump’s unqualified support for Israel’s horrific Gaza Genocide.  Trump has even stated that he would like to see the Palestinian Holocaust carried out much more quickly.  Hopefully the video posted below will shed some more light on this top-tier crisis actor and world-class drama queen, who is actually as controlled by his handlers and totally ruled by his well concealed masters as Joe Biden is (because it’s the very same Uniparty master).  The ONLY remaining question is whether Trump knows.

State of the Nation
July 17, 2024

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