Wednesday, July 31, 2024




While you're contemplating the meltdown of normal American politics with the candidacies of Orange Man Bad and Madam Kamalarkey, you might want to take note of this story that was shared by V.T.:

If you've been paying attention, the presidential campaign of Orange Man Bad within recent weeks seemed to have experienced an influx of refugees; in this case, the refugees were Nuttyfornia technocrats like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel clearly announcing their support for Mr. Trump. If you've been following that career, you may sum it up as "Exit Big Pharma and Dr. Fuasti, enter Big Technocracy, and Mssrs Thiel and Musk." Meanwhile, the campaign of Madam Kamalarkey, such as it is, appears to be attracting the usual gaggle that the Party of Chaos attracts,  psychedelic misfits, victims, entitled screamers, Marxigoofs, and baby-murderers are already in abundance in her disastrous wake, such that she might actually win the White Out House. Sorry, but I can't help it: I'm still hearing the theme song of Pinky and the Brain in my head as I watch this circus, which I unfortunately have to do from time to time.

If you're as "enthused" about either of these prospects as I am, then you'll need to note this story very carefully, because the technocrats are intent upon getting a Manhattan project sized effort to achieve "Artificial intelligence" before the dreaded Chinese do: to put it country simple, they want lots of money in order to make humanity obsolete:

Former president Donald Trump’s allies are drafting a sweeping AI executive order that would launch a series of “Manhattan Projects” to develop military technology and immediately review “unnecessary and burdensome regulations” — signaling how a potential second Trump administration may pursue AI policies favorable to Silicon Valley investors and companies.

The framework would also create “industry-led” agencies to evaluate AI models and secure systems from foreign adversaries, according to a copy of the document viewed exclusively by The Washington Post. The framework — which includes a section titled “Make America First in AI” — presents a markedly different strategy for the booming sector than that of the Biden administration, which last year issued a sweeping executive order that leverages emergency powers to subject the next generation of AI systems to safety testing.

Employees from the America First Policy Institute, a nonprofit led by Trump’s former chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow and other ex-Trump officials, have been involved in the effort, according to a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private plans.

In preparation for this week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, the GOP adopted a platform that includes repealing the Biden AI executive order, which some tech investors and start-ups have said creates a regulatory burden that stifles innovation. The GOP is taking that tack amid a broader political realignment in Silicon Valley, where some executives and investors who once embraced former president Barack Obama have come out in support of Trump.

We will repeal Joe Biden’s dangerous Executive Order that hinders AI Innovation, and imposes Radical Leftwing ideas on the development of this technology,” the GOP platform says. “In its place, Republicans support AI Development rooted in Free Speech and Human Flourishing.”


wo venture capitalists said Trump related his views on AI at a recent dinner they had with him. They said Trump had a very simple view of the technology, in contrast to the Biden administration.

What he said to us is, ‘AI is very scary, but we absolutely have to win,’” Horowitz recounted. “’Because if we don’t win then China wins, and that’s a very bad world.’”

They voiced support for his plan to revoke the Biden AI executive order, which Andreessen said would “enshrine” OpenAI and a handful of other AI companies as monopolies and “destroy the startup ecosystem underneath that.” (Italicized emphasis added)

Now, if one were to take all this at face value, one might be inclined to give two and a half cheers to the Biden-Harris Administration for severely regulating the development of AI.  But it's that telltale statement from the article that I have italicized that caught my eye, because the clear implication is that both parties want to control the development of AI with a view to influencing its ideological leaning or development.  And that should scare everyone on the political spectrum.

In other words, regardless of who "wins" this current presidential (s)election, the AI Manhattan project agenda with all corresponding previously prepared Executive Orders will be ready to sign; the only difference between which set will be signed is one of emphasis, not substance.  to paraphrase a globalooneyist of the 1950s remaking about global government, "We shall have artificial intelligence, by consent or conquest."

So brace yourself for more billions shoveled into the bottomless hole of the media-intelligence-military-industrial-misery complex.

There is, however, a bit of semi-good news, but that will have to wait for the next blog...

...See you on the flip side...

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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