Thursday, July 18, 2024

Don’t Believe the Lies — Trump’s Assassin Is Not Dead


Don’t Believe the Lies — Trump’s Assassin Is Not Dead




Media reports suggest that Trump’s would-be assassin is dead.

That is simply not true. Trump’s assassin is not dead.

The name of Trump’s assassin is the CIA. If it is not the CIA proper, it is some similarly vile governmental entity that operates in the shadows to undermine the interests of the American dinner table.

Trump’s assassin is not dead. They are very much alive.  Who REALLY Killed Mart... Nelson, Phillip F. Best Price: $17.34 Buy New $15.43 (as of 10:02 UTC - Details)

Their patsy is dead. Nothing more.

Yes, their patsy is dead.

They will put tremendous effort into getting us to pay attention to the patsy rather than the real problem.

Don’t be distracted.

They will put tremendous effort into getting us to pay attention to how he was killed and the heroism of it all.

Don’t be distracted.

They will put tremendous effort into getting us to pay attention to anything rather than the real problem.

A comfortable narrative for many right now is this — harsh Democrat talking points caused this assassination attempt. Illegitimate Joe Biden is to blame some will say, or the Squad, or some media lapdog, or sore loser Hillary, or illegitimate Kamala, or some other person that it is easy to dislike. How dare they speak inhumanely about Donald Trump! They led to this assassination attempt.

Don’t be distracted.

Mean talking points didn’t cause this assassination attempt.

The CIA caused this assassination attempt.

And they bungled it.

The CIA and the US State Department have run dozens of color revolutions all over the world for decades.

We, the American people, did not stop them. We largely looked the other way. In doing so, we enabled them and encouraged them. Sometimes we even cheered them on.

It was only a matter of time before those well-honed skills were turned on us.

In 2020, they ran a color revolution on us.

The public is either so clueless or the CIA is so well practiced that at least 90% of the public has no idea that a color revolution was run on them in 2020 by their own government.

You too may have been fooled. You may have never even considered such a thing until this very moment.

Accept it. From December 1, 2019, until January 20, 2021, a color revolution was run on you by your own government that resulted in a successful coup in which the President that the voters preferred and overwhelmingly voted for was removed from power. For four years you have lived under an illegitimate regime put in power by a CIA coup.

Don’t be distracted.

Accept that reality so you can move on with a clearer view of what is taking place and to do so from that hard-to-accept but realistic and solid foundation. Decades from now it will be well-understood. Today it is not. A color revolution was run on the American people in 2020, and just like any other foreign war that we let our government instigate, all the lobbyists got involved to figure out how their paymasters could help out with the effort and profit from that.

The Defense Department got involved. As did their contractors. The biomedical establishment got involved, to the extent that the previously unknown Fauci is now a household name. As did their contractors — drug companies executives are now paraded through the media as global heroes. Almost every one of the 3,000-plus county government in the United States got involved, as did their legions of contractors. So-called pro-democracy advocates who stepped forward to make sure the American people could not under any circumstances re-elect Donald Trump got involved and made big money. The public health field got involved, leaving behind many of the foundational concepts of their field for the opportunity to grow and to finally be seen as relevant to American society. Union leaders, corporate leaders, heads of industry collaborated in any way they could and made a tremendous amount of money. Small businesses bought into the coup as did large businesses. Home owners, landlords, renters, schools, cities, hospitals, churches, election officials, non-profits and for profits — in red state and blue, people at all levels of life bought into the coup and cooperated with it for a chance to make a few extra dollars and to feel more relevant. Some called it “duty,” but let’s be frank, selling out centuries of established values is not done out of duty. Just as Iraq was big money for all involved, and the Ukraine is big money for all involved, the American color revolution of 2020 was big money for all involved.

Accept that a color revolution took place in 2020. You may not have all the pieces to the puzzle. But that’s exactly what took place, and for a while you likely cooperated in it.

We all make mistakes. The important thing is that you recognize those mistakes as quickly as possible and turn away from that behavior.

Denial prevents you from doing that. It is a powerful form of distraction.

Don’t be distracted.

The Democrats and Republicans and yes also Libertarians are busy foaming at the mouth about Russia and many are also busy foaming at the mouth about China.

It’s the same routine. Someone gives you some great reason to stop paying attention to important things and tells you this:

Look at Ukraine!


Look at Iran!


Look at Russia!


Look at China!


Look at Iraq!


Look at Israel!

And don’t get me wrong. There are some important geopolitical concerns in the world. It is just almost always a distraction when someone gets you to prioritize focussing on any of that over what is happening in the homeland.

And don’t get me wrong, the Israeli government and its fan club represent a horrible leach upon the American body politic that needs badly to be extricated. It is nice to have relations with foreign governments. It is not nice to have entangling alliances. It is not nice to have elected representatives more beholden to Tel Aviv than to their own constituents, which is probably the case for 85% of the US Congress.

So, yes, Israel is a problem. A big problem.

Russia, too, is a cause for concern.

China is a cause for concern.

But those places do not deserve your focus. When someone points to one of those places or a myriad other places and successfully grabs your attention, you are getting distracted.

Look at East Timor. Don’t you know how bad people are suffering?

Look at Syria. Don’t you know how vital it is to intervene because reasons?

Look at Yemen. Don’t you know how racist their civil war is?

Look at Afghanistan. Don’t you know what is happening to children and to women there?

It’s all the same stuff.

It all says this:

Do not look at Langley, Virginia, and do not look at the New York Federal Reserve, and do not look at Washington DC.

When someone says “It’s vital that you look at this pressing concern! [insert distraction of the week that you cannot have any serious impact upon],” what they are really saying is “Don’t look at Langley, the Fed, or Washington DC.”

You need to understand that.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, that is exactly what they are saying to you. And when you fall for it and look, you are saying that to yourself.

You are distracting yourself.

Don’t be distracted.

There is such a thing as “opportunity cost.” The concept is that if you are doing one thing, you can not be doing another thing at the same time.

If you are focussed on Beijing you are not focussed on Langley. That is the reality.

And Langley, the Fed, and Washington DC are the safe and sound, comfortable, siege-proof homes of some of the greatest enemies of the American people.

Why are those places siege-proof? Because people like you and I are so easily distracted that you will never focus on laying siege upon those places. They are siege-proof because you and I are so easily distracted.

Don’t be distracted.

Beijing is not your greatest enemy. Moscow is not your greatest enemy. That is distraction.

Your enemies are in Langley, Virginia at the CIA headquarters.

Your enemies are in New York City at the de facto Federal Reserve headquarters.

Your enemies are in Washington DC and the counties around. Hardly a single person there who resides in and works in those places is worthy of being placed in a position of trust by the American people.

Some good guys exist, but not a lot. I am grateful to those good guys. But they are few in number.

This is nothing to be particularly dismayed about. Rome went through something similar. Rome was so debased, so worthless, so degenerate, and so corrupt that Constantine had to build a new capital far away from Rome. Other reasons also came into play. It is still called Constantinople by people who understand that history. The light of the Roman Empire lasted an extra 1000-plus years because of Constantine’s decision. A brave American leader may one day do something similar in order to preserve the light that is America. Rather than try to drain the swamp, he may move the capital out of the swamp. Yes, that would be brave and bold. He might just move the capital and start again. It may buy us some time.

Don’t be distracted.

The idea that Moscow and Beijing are where your worst enemies reside is laughable. Your top one million or so worst enemies live in, work in, or are associated with the places I’ve mentioned. After them, your one-millionth-and-first most dangerous enemy might be Vladimir Putin, or your one-millionth-and-second most dangerous enemy might be Xi Jinping.

Anyone who talks to you about Xi Jinping today is saying to you “Don’t pay attention to your one million worst enemies.“

Don’t be distracted.

That person is acting like a patsy for the CIA when they do that. That is part of the load of nonsense we allow ourselves to buy into. And that is the norm among so-called freedom fighters.

Xi Jinping is mentioned by freedom fighters more than the crooks at the New York Fed. And the crooks love that.

Xi Jinping is mentioned more by patriots than the enablers of tyranny and terrorism at Langley. And the terrorists love that.

They love that.

They love when you talk about Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin because then you aren’t talking about them. And if you aren’t even talking about them, then you aren’t able to identify the real problems. And if you can’t identify the real problems, you certainly can’t do anything about the real problems. They love that. They hope you spend all day talking about Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. Have protests about them. Go on social media and talk about it. Have meetings with your friends about them. Advocate for wars and proxy wars against them. They love that.

Don’t be distracted.

When some intentional or unintentional patsy for the CIA tells you to pay attention to Xi Jinping, tell him to quit wasting your time and to come back when he has his head screwed on straight enough to see the crooks and the terrorists that most impact you.

Don’t be distracted.

As easy as it is to vilify men like Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping, they are simply so much more irrelevant than anyone in the places already mentioned — Langley, Washington DC, and the New York Federal Reserve. Of course, the one million people who are more significant threats to you than Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping would like you to notice those two men and others like them, because that means you are not noticing the other one million or so ahead of them.

That is what they want because that leaves you a sitting duck to the likes of those in Langley, in Washington DC, and at the New York Fed.

Don’t be distracted. Total Truth: Liberatin... Phillip E. Johnson Best Price: $2.61 Buy New $15.28 (as of 10:22 UTC - Details)

Trump’s assassin is still at large. He are perhaps sitting down for a cup of coffee as you read this. Thousands like him are doing the same. He is perhaps having his departmental budget increased as you read this, because there is now a heightened threat level. He will perhaps kiss his children good night and fall asleep easily at the appointed time, because he knows there is no chance you will ever lay siege to his organization, or his position, or him. He knows he is siege-proof, because there are so many successful layers of distraction stopping you from doing that.

And you fall for it every time.

You fall for the distraction every time.

It is time to stop.

It is time to stop being a patsy for the CIA. It is time to stop being a patsy for the New York Federal Reserve Bank. It is time to stop being a patsy for Washington DC. It is time to stop being a pasty for the worst crooks and terrorists in your life. It is time to stop being a patsy for those who wish to run through your life killing, stealing, and destroying.

It is time to stop.

Don’t be distracted.

Allan Stevo [send him mail] writes about international politics and culture from a free market perspective at 52 Weeks in Slovakia ( He is the author of How to Win America, The Bitcoin Manifesto, and numerous other books.

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