Wednesday, July 3, 2024




Honestly, sometimes I think I've gone to sleep, died, and woke up in a bad dream being run by Looney Tunes cartoon characters, like I'm the guest star in some new version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? where cartoons and real people mix and mingle in one world, with the corresponding chaos that ensues (like falling ACME safes, elevators in tall buildings that break the sound barrier on the way up or down, with corresponding G forces, and so on). In this case, the insanity was spotted and shared by one of our regular article spotters-and-sharers, V.T., who saw the following priceless example of Everything That Is Wrong And Just Frankly Completely Nuts About The West And Its Criminally Insane "Leadership".:

Beyond NATO's carefully disguised swastika logo(yes, it's there, you just have to think about it), the insanity here is a snapshot of Everything That is Wrong And Just Frankly Completely Nuts &c &c... the opening sentence in this article says it all:

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg proposed sanctioning China over its support for Russia amid the Russia-Ukraine war. Unlike the West, China has not directly provided countless aid packages to Russia, but China has kept trade open and exchanged technology with Moscow. Stoltenberg believes China must face “consequences” for not aligning with NATO.

The West is theoretically not at war with Russia or China. NATO is on the offensive, completely stepping over boundaries and harassing foreign nations to instigate World War III. Then they tell the public and mainstream media to announce that they are merely protecting their own people from our enemies who have done absolutely nothing to earn such a title.

Precisely what, I ask myself, is the business of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization in how Russia and China conduct their trade? I've no love lost for the current Chinese government, but on the other hand, how and with whom it chooses to conduct its trade is its business, not NATO's. And as for Russia, we've been listening to an endless stream of Putinophobia for decades now, and how he is some sort of New Stalin Intent Upon Conquering All Of Europe, and yet, in spite of all of this, and to anyone really paying close attention, he's been exercising remarkable restraint vis a vis his "conquest" of the Ukraine. The bottom line here is that NATO is establishing a very dangerous precedent if, on the pretext of any war it chooses to launch - like the Ukraine - it chooses to sanction any nation based on the fact that that nation refuses to agree with NATO's narrative on the war it has chosen to start.

The insanity is deeper than it looks: presumably, in order to sanction a country - like China - one has to produce things that the sanctionee wants to buy, and you also want to deny it the currency it needs to do so. About the only thing I can thing of that NATO exports to China is automobiles, and the last time I looked, the Chinese seem to like principally German cars - Audis, Mercedes, BMWs - but you don't see very many Saabs, Volvos, Peugots, Citroens, Fiats, Lamborginis, Ferraris, Rolls-Royces, Jaguars, or Minis running around. Other than that, what are you going to sanction them with? Airplanes? Nope. The Chinese make their own. Trains? Nope. The Chinese make their own. Money? Nope. The Chinese make their own. And given their bad habit of copying everything, automobiles are probably not far  behind. The bad news is, if China ever wakes up and throws the corruption that is the CCP out of power, and starts dealing with its own corruption problems effectively, watch out. After all, they've successfully landed a lunar probe on the far side of the Moon, while the USSA's Boeing has successfully stranded two astronauts on the space station. China, you'd better be afraid, very afraid. (Frankly, if we could weaponize and bottle this incompetence, and export it to China, then, yes, the Chinese would have reason to be afraid.)

Currency? Well, the Chinese seem to be abandoning dollars as fast as they can, and the recent message of the USA to Saudi Arabia disclosing that country's intelligence participation in the 9/11 attacks does not seem to be producing the needed response in Riyadh, as the Saudis are still not back on the petrodollar. Time will tell what the escalation from that will be.

The article raises the following telling point:

Should NATO also punish India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and others for continuing to trade with Russia? NATO has absolutely no authority to demand that other nations shun Russia from the global economy. They know that these proposed sanctions would not deter China from conducting business with Russia. Instead, these “consequences” will cause China and all other non-NATO nations to back away from trading with the West entirely. Will they do the same to nations who continue to trade with China once they redirect their focus to Taiwan? Will they force “consequences” upon nations who do not support Israel

Precisely. What other nations do or not do vis-a-vis Russia or China is their business, and it's presumption of the highest order that assumes NATO can or should dictate the foreign and/or trading policies of a Brazil or India vis-a-vis Russia or China or the Ukraine. This brings me to today's main point. In the wake of the crack-up of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, there were those wondering why NATO had to be maintained. You can count me in that column. What possible use could it have?  We've seen what its use is to the Globalooneyists and the American Neocons: it's their catspaw, their front, their excuse, to meddle. It's a system of alliances that has outworn its original purpose, thrashing about to find another purpose to justify its continued existence... but that impending neo-Stalinist Invasion of Europe from Russia has failed to materialize.  Its worthlessness to Europe and to sane financial policy is evident to all from the insanity of Mr. Stoltenberg's proposals. It is now nothing but an engine for the West's ultimate destruction, as the Armstrong Economics article puts it, and with which I wholeheartedly concur:

NATO has zero reason to back Ukraine on paper as it is not a member. They do not plan to offer Ukraine membership at the upcoming Washington summit, but Stoltenberg said they will place the framework to “build a bridge” to future membership. Stoltenberg congratulated NATO members for contributing more to the alliance this year than ever before. This global force is a danger to civilization itself as it aims to propel us into a global conflict from which there will be no turning back. (emphasis added)

Precisely. This is Mr. Globalooney's economic and geopolitical mess to clean up. Europe has no vested interest in it, and let's hope the recent European Parliament elections are an indicator that Europe is waking up and coming to its senses, because ask yourself: What interest does France, or Germany, or Italy, or the United Kingdom, have in a trade war with China, or a hot war with Russia? Answer: none.

See you on the flip side...

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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