Saturday, July 27, 2024

4951: International Public Notice: Call to End "Fifth Generational Warfare" from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, July 26, 2024

4951: International Public Notice: Call to End "Fifth Generational Warfare" from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here, very succinctly, from Gregg Braden, is an explanation of what "Fifth Generational Warfare" is: 

Why is it called "Fifth Generational Warfare"? --- It has been five (going on six) generations since the so-called American Civil War. 

This fantasy of an unfinished war has been pursued and ginned up in the minds of deluded military personnel who have been lied to and misdirected just like the rest of us.  

So the news that the American Civil War wasn't a war --- and was, instead, a Mercenary Conflict fought by corporations, changes everything for everyone on a planetary basis. 

The Law of War doesn't apply.  There is no recourse to any Law of Conquest or, for that matter, Law of Occupation.   There is no "unfinished" war to decide; there's only a long-dead and always illegal commercial conflict to mourn.  

What we are witnessing are two transnational corporations, both in the business of providing "essential government services" -- duking it out like a ball of snakes --- while usurping the rights and powers and guarantees owed to the lawful government of this country and numerous other countries, too.   

And all under False Pretenses.  

At their convenience, these governmental service providers have failed to stop or even properly start a multitude of mercenary conflicts that they have deliberately mischaracterized as "wars". 

The American Civil War was never declared by any Congress, much less a competent Congress enabled to declare war for this country, and never ended by any actual peace process, either --- only an Armistice following Lee's Surrender. 

What starts in fraud, ends in fraud. 

The Spanish-American War was never declared by any Congress competent to declare war for this country, either, and never ended by any Peace Treaty on the land jurisdiction; instead, another Armistice merely described as a "Peace Treaty" was  paid off by the Spanish Government.  

Both World War I and World War II were Mercenary Conflicts, too, and again, neither of these "wars" were declared by any Congress competent to declare war for this country; both ended in Armistices labelled "Peace Treaties" --- in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  

There's a reason that the "Peace Treaties" ending World War II were signed on the deck of a ship.  

The Manilla Bay Peace Treaty in the Philippines was the same kind of deception, and the same playbook disguising Mercenary Conflicts as "wars" and armistices as "peace treaties" has been followed throughout.

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara had everyone in the Pentagon stunned for a week after he nonchalantly announced that Vietnam was a "conflict" not a war, but he spoke the truth.  He fell short of telling the world that all the other "wars" back to and including the American Civil War weren't wars, either.  

They were all "conflicts", too.  

If the men running these things that we call corporations, and the foreign Principals responsible for their existence and misdirection,  don't cease and desist this behavior, they are all criminals and are acknowledged to be so.  

Not soldiers, mercenaries.  Not sailors, pirates.  Not political leaders, crime bosses.  Not priests, necromancers. (What else do you call impersonating a living man as a "dead" thing --- a corporation?)

Many people are confused and in shock, not knowing who or what to believe, where to turn, or what to do; they are unaware that, in the minds of some deluded and misinformed soldiers, they were born in the middle of a "battlefield" --- one that can't be justified to exist by any actual fact, historical antecedent, or cause, but which has been imagined to exist nonetheless.  

In the minds of these men, the American Civil War never ended. 

We say it never began --- no actual "war" was declared by any competent Congress in 1861, and all the conflicts engaged in from then onward have been fought by corporations acting in their own self-interest, not the lawful governments of living men. 

The actual American States haven't gone to war since The War of 1812, so it is no wonder and no mistake that we fly the American Peacetime Flag. 

The wonder is that our British Territorial and Municipal Federal Subcontractors are flying the Territorial Title IV War Flag we loaned to them to use when exercising our delegated powers in time of war, when there is no "war" involving our States and hasn't been any actual war involving our States since 1814. 

Instead, there has been an endless, perpetual stream of commercial and Municipal mercenary conflicts -- private, illegal conflicts promoted by corporations, and foreign unauthorized city-states, for nothing more or less than unjust enrichment and coercive power. 

From our perspective, it is self-evident that False Flags, Lies, Black Magic, Brain-Washing and Propaganda have been used for the past 160-plus years to fool people into fighting as unwitting mercenaries in these venal illegal conflicts--- Mercenary Conflicts which have left millions upon millions of people dead and disoriented, millions more defrauded, sick, and homeless, their families and fortunes and ecosystems destroyed. 

Even in the recent attack on Donald Trump, the elements of theater prevailed, and employees of his good friend, Larry Fink, were killed --- and betrayed --- by corporate interests.  Two more young scapegoats. 

Callously, what's that compared to all the millions who have gone before? 

There is a reason that "Q" keeps on prattling about the big "show" they have planned for us and the marathon Hollywood-style movies
they've been working on.  Just remember, if high-tech Hollywood can produce a film like Jurassic Park and make dinosaurs live again, it's no big trick to bring back Princess Diana. 

It's easy to gin up digital film images of cages full of crouching, dying kids, or tunnels full of flailing long-fanged reptilian monsters. Hollywood would--  and has done--  more than that for "the war effort", because they share in the profits.  

Remember who just happened to be camped out in the perfect line of sight vantage points the night before September 11th 2001 --- Hollywood film crews, poised to capture and broadcast "in Technicolor" the whole disaster.  

One wonders if Q's "show" is going to be similar -- for example, broadcasting live footage of Hoover Dam being blown and the reservoir flooding parts of five States, claiming millions of innocent lives, and causing billions of dollars of property damage. 

These people are crazy and stupid enough to do something like that, just for the drama and chaos and smokescreen it creates, while they are busy manipulating everything and claiming non-existent "emergency powers" for themselves.  

Experience has shown that they are willing to do the most atrocious things, tell the most outrageous lies, if it makes these guilty corporations and their officers and minions look like heroes ---when they've been anything but heroes for over 160 years. 

Our sympathy is with the rank and file military and their (mostly) clueless officers, but the fact remains that the U.S. Army, Inc., has been in charge since 1863, and they've made a dreadful mess of things on a worldwide scale.  

These corporations have operated these mercenary conflicts for profit both coming and going, buying and selling the materials and armaments and supplies to carry on these giant conflicts, even buying and selling the men and women used to pursue the wanton and often completely unprovoked attacks --- and then foisting the cost of all this, and even their own corporate profit taxes, onto the innocent and clueless public.  

It's time we all realized that these corporations are criminal organizations and the men and women who have led them and promoted all this waste and fraud and destruction "in our names" are criminals, too.  

They all owed us the Due Diligence not to promote or permit any foreign mercenary conflicts on our shores, much less carry on such a breach of trust and willful violation of their service contracts for five generations. 

This may be the fifth generation since this criminal rampage began, and there may still be questions to be answered about the nature of slavery and peonage and Law, but this much is certain -- these crimes and deceits have to end. 

Both slavery and peonage have been abolished on the land and soil worldwide since 1926.  It's past time that both slavery and peonage were recognized as crimes in all jurisdictions everywhere.  

So set yourselves free and put an end to it today.  Now.  Don't wait for another sun to rise. 

Britain has promoted slavery and peonage in the jurisdiction of the sea and Rome has promoted both peonage and slavery in the jurisdiction of the air, unabated, for centuries. 

These are the great world headquarters of all this misery and infamy, yet we, Americans,  and the people of the (former) Commonwealth nations, and even those living in the homelands of these sleazy con artists, have been taken in by their serenades and excuses and entertainments, their vulgar love affairs on tape, their sanctimonious elitism, and whatever dramas they can dig up to keep our attention focused where they want it, instead of where it needs to be--- and that is, focused laser-like on what they are pulling off behind the curtain. 

Right now, they are aiming at the destruction of nationalism of all kinds and the destruction of all national governments.  Right now, they are aiming at "homogenizing" the human race, as if we and our diversity was the problem--- instead of them and their pernicious theft and meddling and prejudice.  Right now, they want to destroy all religions, too, so that the people have no dreams, no comfort, no connectedness to anything greater than themselves. 

It's as if they took John Lennon's sappy swan song, "Imagine" to heart, but in reality, it's all about power and control for themselves; they want to replace national pride with corporate competition, racial and cultural diversity with boring sameness tamped down with an iron fist --- and with any concept of "God" out of the picture, that leaves them and their monolithic corporations to play the part. 

Before the next stage of "Fifth Generational Warfare" begins, we are calling for an end to this madness, making it clear to the world that we never contracted to receive any such "services" from them and that those pursuing these criminal and violent means to an end do not represent us.  

The central banks are hereby warned and fully informed; we are not underwriting these criminal corporations and not colluding with the Principals responsible for them, not acquiescing to any service debts that are not explicitly enumerated in their constitutional obligations, not advancing them any credit for war-making, and do not and will not stand as sureties for them when they engage in Fifth Generational Warfare or other destructive war-for-profit schemes against our personal and public interests. 

The Fifth Generational Warfare being promoted by these corporate criminals has to stop. We are calling upon the conscience of every living man and woman, all institutions still faithful to their service obligations, all members of the militaries involved, all thinking people everywhere ---- to grab an oar and shove 

We must, by every means at hand, deprive these monsters of their profits and take away their other motivations--- especially any means of increasing their own coercive power over living people, such as digital central bank currencies.  

Expose these traitors who are acting against the interests of all mankind, and put an end to their continuing efforts to promote Fifth Generational Warfare in America and throughout the world. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 26th 2024


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