Wednesday, July 24, 2024

4946-4947: International Public Notice: Call Off Castlerock from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

4946-4947: International Public Notice: Call Off Castlerock from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

There isn't going to be any "King" Trump.  The only king we recognize in this country is Nature's God. 

Your actual Employers are telling you to stand down, cease and desist. 

The plans to blow up all these landmarks and especially the plans to blow up dams which will cause cataclysmic flooding and cost millions of lives worldwide has to be abandoned.  

You fellows think all this pointless fire and brimstone drama will create a smokescreen and better allow you to operate your shadow operations in the background, but it won't. 

Just like WWII, we already see where you are coming from and who you are taking your directions from, and it isn't good.  

The so-called "QFS" system is Dead on Arrival, and so is the whole "show" you have planned trying to make this into a "movie" ----a brain-washing effort full of gross lies designed to make yourselves look like heroes and to fool the people into accepting more of your blatant war-mongering, profit-seeking, and self-serving nonsense. 

The U.S. Army has been in charge of this Shitshow since U.S. Grant and Lincoln.  Every nasty thing that has happened in this country is your fault and the fault of the minions you hired to turn profits for you using phony courts and phony elections. 

This isn't Hollywood and we are not sheep.  

Accept amnesty.  Come home.  Leave the dams alone. 

Your corporations and each and every one of you will be held 100% personally and commercially liable otherwise. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.  Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 23rd 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Vaccines That Aren't Vaccines

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that because the experimental mRNA injections didn't stop the spread of disease they are not "vaccines" as traditionally defined. 

The injections peddled during the Hoax didn't meet the definition of a vaccine in other ways as well. 

For one thing, the virus itself was never proven to exist, never defined, and still hasn't been, so how is it possible to create any kind of vaccine to counteract it?  

The whole premise of vaccines is that we introduce inactive already "dead" copies of a pathogen and prompt the immune system to mount a preemptive response that will later recognize and kill live pathogens of the same kind.

With no specific pathogen identified it's not possible to create a vaccine. 

The whole injection and lockdown madness was a dreadful hoax and gross abuse of power from Day One and the corporations responsible need to fry for it.  So do all the institutions that mindlessly supported it. 

We don't mean that these offending corporations should be fined for it and left to go their merry way with a nice profit; we mean that they should be liquidated and their executives should be arrested as criminals. 

Big Pharma and the AMA certainly knew better, but they set aside all logic and decency for the sake of profits.  They brow-beat the public, their employees, and their members in the case of the AMA, for months, knowing that they had no scientific basis for any of it.  

Other revelations include the industry admission (finally) that vaccines are not, after all their protestations otherwise, well-studied for efficacy and long-term side effects; in fact, the only studies they could dredge up that even addressed the subject of long term side effects were studies that followed reactions for a total of five (5) days after injection.  

This, when we know that polluted smallpox vaccines administered in the 1950's and 60's have accelerated onset of multiple kinds of cancers, and that chicken pox vaccines are associated with lifelong cold sores and Adult Shingles attacks. Obviously, there are long-term side effects that are statistically significant and many people throughout the world have paid the price, but no effort has been made to study long term side effects of newer vaccines --- a circumstance that reeks of gross, deliberate negligence on the part of vaccine producers.

This negligence is especially troubling in view of the fact that vaccine nutcases have advocated that over ninety (90) vaccines should be required to attend public schools in America or serve in the U.S. Military ---- an insane and unnecessary overload of the immune system that would certainly result in death and auto-immune dysfunction on an even larger scale.  

While all of this is very irritating, we find that neither the Ninth Circuit nor the General Public is yet grappling with the even larger issues posed by this deplorable imposition on our most sacred possessions -- our bodies and minds. 

That larger issue is the government's supposed authority to impose its will on us and force us to do anything unnatural to our bodies, such as taking drugs or accepting vaccinations or any other substance or technological therapy their corporations wish to sell us. 

We have an example set before us in which they made billions of dollars by ordering vaccines for us, and then, coercing us to accept delivery of their despicable harmful products -- PCR Tests, Remdesivir (which had already been taken off the market), and shots of gunk full of outlandish and harmful ingredients that have no business ever being injected into living flesh: formaldehyde, aluminum, polyethylene glycol, graphene oxide, sheep heartworm eggs, pig blood clotting factor, HIV, and patented mRNA snippets designed to make our cells produce snake venom proteins -- neurotoxins, in other words. 

Just picture Uncle Sam as a literal Snake Oil Salesman, complete with literal snake venom in the Secret Sauce recipe. 

If it were possible to further discredit and defame our respective HRE and British Territorial Federal Subcontractors and their Agencies, this betrayal of decency and common sense, has put the issue over the top --- and brings the total lack of authority for any of this activity squarely into public view. 

Since when does a government subcontractor have the authority to say one word about our "health" much less to prescribe "countermeasures" related to our health?  

There isn't a word about "health" in any Federal Constitution.  

As commercial corporations, there is no basis for these privately owned and operated foreign corporations to mandate anything about health to our General Public, and the limits of their authority even within their own corporations to impose upon their employees begins and ends with an employment contract.  And a paycheck. 

Most of us have been deliberately and self-interestedly misrepresented and mischaracterized as public entities or public employees, or both, for the convenience of these outrageously run-amok Governmental Services Subcontractors, but the truth is that most of us aren't government employees or dependents and don't owe these corporations snot, much less a PCR swab or "freely donated" genetic sample, as it is otherwise called. 

They are the ones that owe us obedience.  They are the ones that owe us their paychecks.  And we didn't hire any Snake Oil Salesmen.  

This hideous Hoax which has cost the world economy trillions of dollars and made these criminals hundreds of billions, is all "out of school", all "extra-curricular" malfeasance and murder for profit.  carried out by these British Crown and HRE corporate criminals. 

Millions of people have died because of this and millions more will die because of it.  Still more millions will worry every time they have the sniffles or a cough and like "dumb driven cattle" will be predisposed to run back to the doctors who betrayed them and the "governmental services corporations" that lied to, bilked, and killed their friends and families for profit. 

The real question isn't whether these injections are vaccines or not.  They are not and never could be.

The real questions are all much more fundamental: 

Who is behind all this mayhem and misery, and who, besides Big Pharma and DARPA, and Fauci, et alia, benefit from it?  

Where is there any granted authority for any privately owned foreign commercial corporation to set public policy for this country or run its government? 

Since when did the "Public Welfare" Clause of any Federal Constitution allow our Subcontractors to promote Public Malfeasance, Illness, Murder, and Financial Loss, instead?  

Our Federal Subcontractors and their State of State franchises are much mistaken if they think these issues will go away or that we will be side-tracked by such piecemeal admissions as the Ninth Circuit Court ruling, welcome as it is.

The mills of God, like the workings of the American People, may be slow, but in the end, we shall get to the bottom of it, and this time, it won't take a hundred years and we won't be listening to any Blue Ribbon Committees, or excuses about "National Security".  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 23rd 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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