Saturday, July 27, 2024

17.The Platonic Ideal: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from


17.The Platonic Ideal: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from



The Platonic Ideal 


   The official use of common schooling was invented by Plato; after him the idea  languished, its single torchbearer the Church. Educational offerings from the Church  were intended for, though not completely limited to, those young whose parentage  qualified them as a potential Guardian class. You would hardly know this from reading  any standard histories of Western schooling intended for the clientele of teacher colleges. 


      Intense development of the Platonic ideal of comprehensive social control through  schooling suddenly reappeared two-thousand years later in eighteenth-century France at  the hands of a philosophical cultus known to history as philosophes, enthusiastic  promoters of the bizarre idea of mass forced schooling. Most prominent among them, a  self-willed man named Jean Jacques Rousseau. To add piquancy to Rousseau's thought,  you need to know that when they were born, he chose to give away his own five offspring  to strangers at birth. If any man captures the essence of enlightenment transformation, it  is Rousseau.  


     The Enlightenment "project" was conceived as a series of stages, each further leveling  mankind, collectivizing ordinary humanity into a colonial organism like a volvox. The  penetration of this idea, at least on the periphery of our own Founders' consciousness, is  captured in the powerful mystery image of the pyramid on the obverse of our Great Seal.  Of course, this was only one of many colors to emerge with the new nation, and it was     not the most important, an inference that can be drawn from the fact that the pyramid was  kept from public notice until 1935. Then it appeared suddenly on the back of our one  dollar bill, signaling a profound shift in political management.  





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