Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wireless Safety: We're Winning


EMR Legal Win



We are thrilled to share some exciting updates from our EMR & Wireless program with you! Thanks to your unwavering support, Children's Health Defense has achieved TWO BIG WINS in our ongoing fight against Big Telecom. We are also launching new initiatives and making strides toward safer wireless to protect the health of our children, the environment and our right to privacy.

WIN #1: Historic Win for Environmental Protection in LA County Lawsuit

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ruled that federal law does not supersede state environmental law, requiring LA County officials to conduct environmental impact reviews before telecom companies apply for permits to build wireless projects on scenic highways and historical sites. The win empowers communities to take local action to protect citizens and the environment from harmful radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by 5G cell towers and small cells.

WIN #2: Major Victory for Privacy and Autonomy Rights in “Smart City” Lawsuit

A California judge ordered the City of Los Angeles to hand over thousands of withheld records to CHD regarding the city’s planned “smart city” rollout of advanced video camera technologies that use artificial intelligence with sophisticated surveillance capabilities. The court order also recognized “residents’ right to navigate the City without digital ID” along with a host of key privacy rights, such as the city’s promise that “The apps, websites, and portals that we provide to the public will never be instruments for unauthorized spying or surveillance activities.”

NEWS #1: We Are Launching a New Line of Cases to Protect People from Harmful Smart Meters

In another effort to protect people from the harmful wireless radiation, we are launching a new line of strategic cases that pushes back against smart electric utility meter mandates and protects those severely injured by smart meters.

NEWS #2: We Are Advocating for the Health and Safety of those Disabled by Cell Tower Radiation

Earlier this year, we launched a series of strategic cases that use federal disability laws, specifically the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to petition the courts for reasonable accommodations for clients who have been disabled by RF radiation emitted by a cell tower near their homes.

We are also still litigating in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where the local Board of Health issued a cease and desist order to Verizon for operating a cell tower in a residential neighborhood after the Board determined the tower made many residents sick. After a lengthy legal battle, CHD’s Scott McCollough will argue in state court on June 17, seeking to secure a ruling declaring that state Boards of Health are allowed to protect local residents from the harmful effects of RF radiation — contrary to the big telecom narrative that any such action is preempted by the Federal Telecommunications Act.

These legal battles are part of an important effort to advocate for the health and safety of those harmed by wireless radiation exposure from nearby cell towers.

NEWS #3: Protecting Precious Wildlife from 5G Cell Towers Along the Jersey Shore

CHD is actively involved in a lawsuit brought by Verizon against Monmouth County, New Jersey after the county denied applications to build nine 5G cell towers along the Jersey Shore. CHD aims to challenge Verizon's argument that federal law preempts local regulation of environmental effects of RF radiation, particularly when it comes to protecting endangered species. This is an important step to give local communities more power to push back against the onslaught of wireless infrastructure pushed by big telecom.

YOU are the reason these fights are possible!

Your continued support helps to protect our communities and ensure accountability from those in power. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

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Together, we will win!

In Truth,

The CHD EMR & Wireless Team

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