Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sen. Rand Paul, FDA Modernization Act 2.0, and animal testing of new drugs.


Sen. Rand Paul, FDA Modernization Act 2.0, and animal testing of new drugs.

Part 10 of series.

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

Reply to a comment at Sasha Latypova’s latest post, about federal and state quarantine authorities.

“…I wrote previously about the lawsuit filed (and lost/not appealed) by the AGs of 15 states v HHS’s definitions of pandemic here. [Texas, Oklahoma v. HHS case documents] In response to that lawsuit, the HHS stated that they already have the authority to declare pandemics whenever they wish to, and do not need the WHO Pandemic Treaty or IHR Amendments to exercise this power.

The judge also ruled that the states did not have sovereignty on this matter.

In their response to the legal complaint by the AGs, the HHS stated that they already exercised this power in early 2020 by detaining people on false pretenses at several military bases, and killing 10 of them and labeling it “covid”.

Of course, they didn’t word it like that, they said something about “asymptomatic,” “pre-symptomatic,” and “reasonable belief” that of course was based on secret PCR-enabled knowledge about an alleged pandemic virus that only CDC had and nobody could independently verify at the time, nor since, really…

The government, federal or state, can throw you into a facility and murder you any time, calling it Disease X, Y, Z, avian flu, etc. That’s exactly how those CDC orders were written and dispensed for the Grand Princess passengers…

People who were not ill, without any symptoms were designated “pre-communicable” and a “threat” based on some handwaving “rules” that CDC uses and nobody can question or review were kept in detention, until CDC would decide if they can be released. They could appeal - to CDC of course, the same people who put them there! 10 people died as the result of this detention.

Ask the brave freedom warriors Governor DeSantis or AG Paxton or the 49 Republican politicians who signed “Stop the WHO” letter to explain this one to you. Maybe they are interested in signing “Stop the CDC!” letter?”…

It is mine and Katherine’s conclusion that under PHE, CDC Director becomes the judge, jury and executioner. There is no due process and nowhere to appeal to but to the same MD, PhD goons who stuck you into the military prison. Dear freedom movement people, please, come back from Geneva, and let’s start drafting those “Stop the CDC” campaigns asap!…”

Bailiwick reporting and analysis about federal and state quarantine authority at footnote.¹

Reader commented at Sasha’s post:

“…If, as we know due to your and Katherine Watt's research that pharma is just a front for DoD EUA countermeasures bioweapon deployment, and if Jerry Hayseed from Upper Buttcrack, Missouri (read: ME!) knows this, HOW IS IT [Rand] Paul isn't addressing this?…”

My reply, expanded:

Yes, if you know about it, Rand Paul, Naomi Wolf, Peter McCullough and everyone else not talking about it, also know about it.

Those who don't talk about it, keep silent about it because they serve on the team assigned the job of misdirecting the public away from the DoD-FDA-Pharma complex and the intentionality of the worldwide sterilization and killing program.

Specific to Rand Paul, he sponsored FDA Modernization Act 2.0, passed in Dec. 2022 as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (PL 117-328).

Animal testing amendments were covered at Sec. 3209, 136 Stat 5821) and codified as revisions to 21 USC 355(i) and 42 U.S.C. 262(k)(2)(A)(i)(I).

For context, Congress and President Clinton passed the first FDA Modernization Act, PL 105-15, in November 1997, alongside the NDAA for FY1998, setting the legal framework for intentionally toxic, regulation-exempt EUA countermeasures to be deceptively presented to the public as regulated medicinal products, and coercively used.

The December 2022 law, FDA Modernization Act 2.0, sponsored by Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Cory Booker, addressing what pharmaceutical companies theoretically must do to demonstrate safety of new drugs, eliminated animal testing requirements.

Press Releases issued by Sen. Rand Paul:

News report on the FDA Modernization Act 2.0:

Jan. 12, 2023 - The FDA no longer requires all drugs to be tested on animals before human trials (Joe Hernandez, KUOW)

"…Signed by President Biden in December as part of a larger spending package, the law doesn't ban the testing of new drugs on animals outright.

Instead it simply lifts the requirement that pharmaceutical companies use animals to test new drugs before human trials. Companies can still test drugs on animals if they choose to...

There are a slew of other methods that drugmakers employ to assess new medications and treatments, such as computer modeling and "organs on a chip," thumb-sized microchips that can mimic how organs' function are affected by pharmaceuticals…

This year's federal budget also includes $5 million for a new FDA program aimed at reducing animal testing by helping to develop and encourage industry to adopt new product testing methods…"

Keep in mind that FDA is not legally obligated to hold pharmaceutical companies to any safety, efficacy or purity standards for biological products.

Regulations, guidance documents, false nonclinical and clinical trial records, product licensing records, and press conferences are put forward only to deceive the public into thinking that there is a manufacturing regulatory system whose goal is to keep toxic products out of human bodies.

The truth is the opposite: the FDA-Pharma-DoD system's goal is to get toxic products into human bodies.

See also:

Bailiwick series on FDA non-regulation of non-medicines, including vaccines, more accurately understood as intentionally immunotoxic poisons.


Some Bailiwick reporting and analysis of federal (HHS-CDC) and state health dept. quarantine/detention authority:

Sacred Heart of Jesus. Painting by Pompeo Batoni.

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156 West Hamilton Avenue, State College PA 16801

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