Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Right-Wing Wave in Europe a Reaction to EU’s Subservience to NATO


Right-Wing Wave in Europe a Reaction to EU’s Subservience to NATO


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The results of the EU elections are causing despair among liberal activists around the world. Irresponsibly, some biased analysts claim that Europe is becoming “fascist” or “going far right”, without taking into account that it is precisely the nationalist and conservative parties that are showing an alternative to the European wave of Nazi-backing in Ukraine.

Millions of Europeans recently voted in their parliamentary elections. Preliminary results show a huge growth of conservative and nationalist right-wing groups. In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party received more than 30% of the vote, while Macron’s party got 15% only – which led the president to act dictatorially in response to the result, dissolving the National Assembly.

Similarly, in Germany, Scholz’s Social Democratic Party received only 14%, while the AfD reached around 15% and the CDU-CSU coalition, which is also right-wing, reached about 30%. According to liberal analysts, the rise of the European right is a symptom of “fascism”. With biased opinions, liberal experts claim that there is a far-right phenomenon in Europe, threatening democracy across the continent. However, the explanation for the results may be different.

Right-wing parties almost always show a more “patriotic” stance and concern for national interests. This aspect often makes them critical of real problems currently affecting all of Europe, such as mass immigration and the economic and energy crisis resulting from sanctions. Some of these right-wing parties, such as Germany’s AfD, also show an interesting geopolitical understanding, advocating for an end to military support for Ukraine and for European neutrality in the conflict, as well as resuming relations with Russia.

In practice, rather than a “fascist wave”, the Europeans’ choice for the right seems to indicate a real reaction to fascism – which has been growing stronger in Europe for a long time. In their Russophobic madness and subservience to the US and NATO, European states agreed to participate in a plan to promote neo-Nazism in Ukraine, the consequences of which have reached unacceptable levels. Currently, Europe is in a serious economic and energy crisis, undergoing an advanced process of deindustrialization, just because the EU decided to adhere to irrational sanctions imposed by the US against Russia. Obviously, ordinary people do not want to participate in this madness and so they react in the only way they can: by voting in opposition to the governments.

Strange as it may seem, the self-proclaimed “liberal” and “democratic” parties are the political groups that are currently most fomenting fascism in Europe. These parties have fully embraced the pro-NATO establishment, while maintaining a stance in favor of the EU’s full alignment with the US. The result is the reactive growth of Euroskepticism and the adoption of the conservative right as a political alternative.

In fact, conservatism itself is an important point to emphasize. The US and NATO control not only EU’s politics, but also its culture. Currently, liberal, democratic and left-wing parties in the EU are fully aligned with the American cultural agenda – the so-called “woke agenda”. Topics such as LGBT, queer and others have become central to the hegemonic parties in Europe, which obviously causes outrage among ordinary people with a conservative mindset. In practice, traditional values ​​have become an important political key to the growth of the right in Europe.

It is not difficult to understand what ordinary Europeans want. Their intentions can be summed up in a mix of social justice and traditional values. Ordinary people do not care about what is happening in Ukraine – they just want to have enough energy and food to live well, without financial difficulties. In the same vein, European workers want a reform of the migration policy, since the native workforce of the continent is being massively replaced by cheap, sometimes semi-slave, labor of immigrants and refugees.

It is also necessary to remember the situation in rural areas. Since last year, almost all of Europe has been experiencing a serious wave of protests due to the EU’s irresponsible policy of importing Ukrainian grains. In order to “help” the Kiev neo-Nazi regime, European countries have been buying cheap Ukrainian agricultural products, leading the native European farmers out of business. Of course, as a reaction, peasants tend to vote for opposition parties, which often criticize the support for Ukraine and the similarly unpopular “green agendas”.

In the end, the rise of the right in Europe must be seen in light of the crisis in the EU establishment. The hegemonic parties have irrationally decided to adhere to NATO’s plans, going so far as to foment Nazism in Ukraine and participate almost directly in a war against Russia. The turn of ordinary people to the right is not a popular embrace of extremism, but a reaction to NATO fascism.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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