Thursday, June 13, 2024

Restoring the Soil to Make the Deserts Bloom 11% of farmland in regenerative agriculture would absorb all supposed excess carbon


Restoring the Soil to Make the Deserts Bloom

11% of farmland in regenerative agriculture would absorb all supposed excess carbon

Did none of the Masters of the Universe take Marketing 101? I know it’s a quasi-discipline, much déclassé, for the peons in flyover country who sell widgets to live, but it does determine the world. What do you want to buy with your disposable income? What food, what house, what car, what do your children lust after?  Shopping decisions determine the shape of the real world, where real things happen. For some people, it’s their only opportunity for self-determination, and take it they will. This fundamental human characteristic is described perfectly by a graph, a chart. The Marketing Curve has been around for fifty years, and its one assumption is that human desire is the primary driver of the economy.

We are divided into forerunners, innovators, early adopters and late adopters and it holds true for digital products, politics, vacations, and health decisions, across the board. You cannot overturn it, you cannot say, “people must like this and do this because I am willing to spend a few billion to brainwash them." No. Because some renegade soul will say, “I want to move to the country and raise heritage beef rather than swan around New York, London, Paris, Munich going to night clubs and working for a multinational where I destroy the weak and help the strong."

And then all of a sudden there are handfuls of people hiving off the swarm and starting their own thing. And then, presto, like last year, 66 percent of Americans would, if they could, move to the country or a rural subdivision and become more independent of the murderous cabal that forgot the marketing curve. That this is the exact opposite of what the U.N./W.E.F. want –  which is to force people into fifteen minute prison cities with rural areas left to carbon sinks – is just another example of reality flowing like water around fascist-erected obstacles.

The Third World Future they want.

How on God’s green earth, did central planners miss the food revolution of the past twenty years? Did they think only they were foodies? Did they miss the restaurants, the farmers’ markets, the parade of cooking shows, the pallets of new cookbooks shipped every year?  The geometric growth of nutritional experts? The armies of food stars?

I guess they did, because who needs market research when you have the W.E.F/U.N, the CIA, Fifth Generation warfare, obedient Hollywood and the New York publishing industry all turned towards propaganda?

Recently, Netflix released -- just in time for the Season of the Diet -- "You Are What You Eat," a series that via hectoring, pleasure-starved, women, tells us why we should all be vegan.  But that ship has sailed. Vegan may work for pre-modern peasants, or for the ill, but the innovators and forerunners in food have embraced full fat dairy, grass fed beef, pasture raised chicken, free range eggs and local vegetables. They don’t even eat supermarket organic anymore, because it is grown wrong.

Did the WEF drones really think those people were going to eat bugs and fake meat?  Jordan Peterson may have made the all-meat diet breakthrough, but he has shown that the nutrients we most need today, are within meat, within traditional food. The beefcake community, gym rats, performance addicts, the ambitious have all followed suit. Even the Gwyneth people are re-integrating healthy meats, full-fat dairy, preferably raw. Supermarket milk is called dead milk. That means, according to the marketing curve, that within ten years, every middle class person on earth will be eating that way.  And what does that mean for the land?

Instead of the now emptying and desiccating countryside, it means making the deserts bloom. For the past twenty years, a host of new rancher/scientists have been experimenting with soil restoration using cattle. Starting with Allan Savory in Zimbabwe, and migrating swiftly to America, where Savory has two experimental ranches, and flowing out like a hundred tributaries, ranchers and farmers, young and old are restoring the earth. By which I mean, the soil. It took Savory a good decade to discover the process of restoration, how to turn the denuded lands of Africa to proliferating vegetation and health, but he, and others think that our ruined earth, the deserts created by man by over-production, even the great deserts of the Americas, the deserts of the once-fertile crescent, can be brought back to life, to the hanging gardens of Babylon.  Seventy percent of desertification happened before the modern age. Savory et al think they can bloom again.

Wouldn't it be lovely?

One has to pause and pay a little grief tribute to the fiendish and death-dealing turn of the environmental movement. Ireland’s dictate to kill 200,000 cows over the next three years being an excellent example. The functionaries of the movement have ranged through the earth destroying one rural economy after another, turning one forest or range to wildfire and invasive weed. In sharp contrast, soil restoration will not only bring back a healthy bio-system, turn food into its once nutritious self, restore rural life and ground water. Individual farmers and ranchers, not bureaucrats with failed ideas that are fifty years old and require bullying and gun-toting BLM rangers.

This is how broken the earth is: denuded, poisoned, and packed tight by industrial agriculture, rainwater streams off to the sea, and tons of fertilizer must be added every year. Farmers must till deeper and deeper to find live earth to plant. In contrast, restoration means no weeding, no fertilizer, just the hooves of cattle and sheep that break the crust, and over years, with their manure, restore a lost community of arthropods beneath us.

In county after county, young men and women are doing just that. It means more cattle, grazing in a new way, requiring actual cowboys. As an example, what a new rancher will do, is section his rangeland, allow the cows into graze a 50-acre plot, then move them before they eat the roots, into another. The former pasture has been fertilized, the earth broken by hooves, and it starts to live again, without expensive additives. The soil substructure begins to rebuild itself. Productivity soars. The aquifers are restored.

We at The Pipeline don't accept the catastrophic anthropogenic “climate change” narrative, but if only 11 percent of current farmland were turned to restoration, all of the supposed excess carbon emissions of man would be absorbed. And food would be nutritious again. Note to the WEFers: get on board or go extinct.


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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy,

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By elizabeth nickson · Thousands of paid subscribers

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. A political shift similar to the Glorious Revolution is underway and I am here for it.

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