Friday, June 21, 2024

Hundreds of millions have seeds of truth in their heart

Hundreds of millions have seeds of truth in their heart

Dear Friends,

I just need to tell you how thankful I am for the support that so many of you have given, so that we can continue Stop World Control worldwide, in dozens of languages.

You really - honestly - have no idea what you are doing. The impact of what you are doing is tremendous. Together we are truly changing the world, shifting the tide, opening the door to a better world.

It may not look like it yet, but please understand that we are with millions worldwide, sowing divine, precious and life-changing seeds of truth in the soil of humanity. Hundreds of millions of people have these seeds in their hearts and minds, thanks to you. Don’t doubt one second that those seeds will sprout, and incredible fruit will be the result.

We want to see immediate result, but this kind of work takes perseverance. We have done incredible work, and will continue doing so.

A film to wake up humanity as never before

Our next project will be a brilliant film that reveals all the evidence in once place, of how pandemics are criminal operations. The facts are backed up by high level politicians, scientist and lawyersm who warn humanity.

This film will be translated in dozens of languages and will be our most important project ever. I am praying with all my heart for crystal clear wisdom and insight, on how to make it, and when to release it, as the satanic elites are literally pushing the new pandemic with bird flu. I will share more about this soon.

The WHO has also announced that they will take aggressive action against all anti-vaxers. So the heat will go up, and the battle will become ever so fierce.

I am asking all of you to please - PLEASE - be on board with the military worldwide, who are fighting against this great evil. When I say military, I mean the hundreds of millions of freedom fighters, the citizen warriors, who are pushing back and who will not let these demons destroy our lives, our beloved ones and our beautiful world.

Please join us. Please get on board with us. Please support us. Please do your share in spreading truth. Please speak out. Please don’t waste your life and resources. Please be part of the greatest army humanity has ever seen.

We are making tremendous impact, but we all need to get on board.

Come with us, in this unprecedented war, the greatest battle of all time, where the fire of heaven is poured out into the hearts and lives of millions worldwide, to hit the global snake of evil with battle axes of powerful truth, and destroy this evil force once and for all.

Take up your sword, with us, and stand next to the bravest and most precious people in this world: those who do not bow for the pressure, the intimidation, the bribery, the corruption, the wickedness, the perversion and the lies. Those that choose truth over deception and love over fear.

Join us, and let’s be this massive force of truth, that wil tear down the strongholds of the wicked.

We can do it, if we go all out.

At this moment we have a financial challenge that has to do with unprecedented impact we will have on America specifically, and from here to the world. We need about 20k for this. If you stad with us for this, we kow the reward will be thousandfold! Go there to support us.

Together we are making history and that is the truth.

Much love,

David Sorensen

About Us is an international platform for the defense of human rights and the dissapation of critical truths for this purpose. SWC is owned by Hope for Humanity PMA, a non governmental humanitarian ministry. The founder is David Sorensen. Mailing address: P.O. Box 271, Poncha Springs, 81242 CO, USA 

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