Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Chapter Two: Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley: How the World Really Works Alan B. Jones from Third World Traveler


Chapter Two: Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley: How the World Really Works Alan B. Jones from Third World Traveler





from the book
Tragedy and Hope
by Carroll Quigley

Carroll Quigley

The greatest of [the international banking] dynasties were the descendants of Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) of Frankfort.

Carroll Quigley

[The most important international banking families] include Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Seligman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet, Fould, and above all Rothschild and Morgan.


The concept behind the movement that produced the elitist control structure, the core of which remains hidden today, was elucidated by John Ruskin, who was appointed to the fine arts professorship at Oxford in 1870. He made an immense impact on the undergraduates, all of them members of the privileged, ruling class in England.

"He told them that they were the possessors of a magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency, and self discipline, but that this tradition could not be saved ... unless it could be extended to the lower classes in England itself and to the non-English masses throughout the world. If this precious tradition were not extended to these two great majorities, the minority of upper-class Englishmen would ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the tradition lost."

Listening transfixed in his audience was Cecil Rhodes, later to be the prime exploiter of the diamond (Dc Beers Consolidated Mines) and gold (Consolidated

Gold Fields) resources in South Africa, who, with the help of financing by Lord Rothschild, attained an annual income in the middle 1890's of "at least a million pounds sterling a year (then about five million dollars) which was spent so freely for his mysterious purposes that he was usually overdrawn on his account. These purposes centered on his desire to federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their control. For this purpose Rhodes left part of his great fortune o found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to spread the English ruling class tradition throughout the English-speaking world.

... [Cecil] Rhodes died in 1902, but the secret society retained control of his fortune, which was added to by funds of other supporters, including Alfred Beit and Sir Abe Bailey. Milner became the chief Rhodes trustee, and, during his governorship in South Africa (18971905) he recruited young men from Oxford, etc., to assist him, men whom he later helped "into positions of influence in government and international finance, and [who] became the dominant influence in British imperial and foreign affairs up to 1939." Originally known as Milner's Kindergarten, "In 1909-1913 they organized semisecret groups, known as Round Table Groups, in the chief British dependencies and the United States. These still function in eight countries .... In 1919 they founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) for which the chief financial supporters were Sir Abe Bailey and the Astor family (owners of The Times). Similar Institutes of International Affairs were established in the chief British dominions and in the United States (where it is known as the Council on Foreign Relations) in the period 1919-1927j

... Carroll Quigley identifies Round Table leaders in Canada, South Africa, India, and elsewhere.

The power and influence of [the] Rhodes-[Alfred] Milner group[Round Table] in British Imperial Affairs and in foreign policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be exaggerated. We might mention as an example that this group dominated The Times from 1890 to 1912 and has controlled it completely since 1912 (except for the years 1919-1922).

Carroll Quigley

More than fifty years ago the [JP] Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both.

Carroll Quigley

The original purpose for establishing [The New Republic magazine] was to provide an outlet for the progressive Left and to guide it quietly in an Anglophile direction. This latter task was entrusted to a young man, only four years out of Harvard, but already a member of the mysterious Round Table group, which has played a major role in directing England's foreign policy since its formal establishment in 1909. This new recruit, Walter Lippmann, has been, from 1914 to the present [1966], the authentic spokesman in American journalism for the Establishments on both sides of the Atlantic in international affairs.

The organization of tax-exempt fortunes of international financiers into foundations [was] to be used for educational, scientific, and other public purposes. [Wall Street elites] had to adjust to a good many government actions thoroughly distasteful to the group. The chief of these were in taxation law, above all else, in the inheritance tax. These tax laws drove the great private fortunes dominated by Wall Street into tax-exempt foundations, which became a major link in the Establishment network between Wall Street, the Ivy League, and the federal government.

... The foundations managed to acquire control over the primary Ivy League colleges, including Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton.

Carroll Quigley

The substantive powers of the world were in the hands of investment bankers ... who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks.


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