Friday, June 28, 2024

Answer this question and win a vacation for two to Hawaii…


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Answer this question and win a vacation for two to Hawaii…

How many gangs are operating inside the US?


The correct answer is 33,000.

That’s right.

OK, for a one week stay at a motel outside Cincinnati, how many gang members are living in the US?


The estimated number is 1.4 million.

Finally, for two hot dogs at a gas station convenience store in Death Valley, what US city has the largest number of resident gang members?


It’s Los Angeles. Estimate: between 45,000 and 80,000.

Let’s try a bonus question. For a small bouquet of daises from a local liquor store, how many US street gangs has the US Department of Justice utterly destroyed?


“How did you guess the correct answer?”

“I multiplied the 74984 lies Attorney General Merrick Garland told last year by zero.”

“Good thinking.”

33,000 street gangs in the US, and the DOJ is worried about what? States passing laws against castrating boys who claim they want to be girls? Hate Speech? Pronouns?...

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