Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Told my kids about the lies

 Told my kids about the lies

Now that my book ( is in the hands of four of my five daughters (the fifth is only nine, and I'm going to let her have a nice childhood without burdening her with gratuitous stories of evil), informal discussions have begun here and there.They of course lived through the madness, but didn't know the details quite as well as their old man, who of course focused on those details obsessively.Sitting down and explaining from scratch what happened, as I've been doing around the Woods household, is a surreal experience. The crazy things that have to come out of your mouth in order to convey the actual events of those days, months, and years, are truly arresting.Well, remember the phrase "trust the science," three words it is now impossible to hear without bursting into contemptuous laughter?They just became more idiotic, if you can believe it. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is reporting that according to an audit released late last week by Auditor General Paul Martin, the Department of Health "was unable to provide evidence-based documentation to substantiate 33 Public Health decisions made during the COVID-19 pandemic.""The department was unable to provide requested documentation, acknowledging that they 'did not create a compendium or a repository of all of the scientific articles, papers, publications and analyses it consulted during the pandemic and therefore we cannot provide a fulsome and detailed list of all of the evidence consulted and used when recommendations were being formulated.'"Now when you said all this stuff was made up out of thin air (they eventually admitted that even the six-feet rule had no basis in anything) and there was nothing scientific about it, you were called every name in the book.As usual, you were right, and the authorities were lying.I have a friend who woke up to the anti-scientific nature of what was happening when he saw the "experts" acting like this:
Now with Covid more or less behind us as an excuse for wicked behavior and lies, the authorities have moved on. The same people who convinced Americans that they should be excited about $1200 checks with their names on them are blaming rising prices (which more than canceled out whatever benefit Americans got from those $1200 checks) on greedy American companies, who for reasons never explained suddenly got greedy all at once:
Senator Warren has no curiosity at all as to why, if dramatic rises in consumer prices can painlessly give companies higher profits, it took them until just the past couple of years to think of this idea.So, again, in order for my daughters to understand the world around them, I've urged them to adopt this rule of thumb: governments will blame private actors for crimes they themselves commit. Housing crash in 2008? Why, we had nothing to do with it! It was "predatory lenders," you see! Prices going through the roof? Why, we had nothing to do with it! It was greedy companies, you see!This is a tough pill to swallow, so I also tell them not to fall into despair over problems they can't fix. Yes, we all have a part to play in creating a better society, but no one of us can accomplish that directly.Instead, I urge them: direct your energies to things that are within your direct control. Live with a purpose. Take yourself seriously. Have a mission. Don't drift aimlessly. Focus.They know what my goals are for next year in various aspects of my life. They know I have a system for reaching them. And they know that despite reporting on truly grim things day after day, I'm in great spirits and have built the life I want -- despite the SOBs.My readers and I are taking 2024 very seriously, and instead of making frivolous "New Year's resolutions," we're going make next year the best we've ever had.The bad guys want you hopeless and demoralized. Instead, let's systematically improve whatever areas of our lives need work: finances, relationships, health, social life, work, whatever it is. Living well is the best revenge against Klaus Schwab.I'm closing down my 2024 program in two days, so I hope you'll click and get on in here with us: Tom Woods

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