Friday, December 29, 2023

Robert Kennedy keeps fumbling, mumbling, and steering clear of vital issues


Robert Kennedy keeps fumbling, mumbling, and steering clear of vital issues

I kept saying he should be a one-issue candidate: poisonous killer VACCINES; that’s where he’s effective; that’s where he’s done great work

Recently, Kennedy fumbled and gargled his way through an interview about transgender children. He pleaded ignorance. I still don’t know what the hell his position was on kids taking the drugs and getting the surgery, with or without parental knowledge and consent. His remarks were so weak, it doesn’t matter what he believes.

A tip-off, though. How many articles has his Children’s Health Defense published about the issue? Few, if any. They stay away from it. Obviously. Yet they say they’re defending children. They should be shooting rockets about trans kids every day. About the CRIME AND THE DEVASTATION.

On border security, Kennedy is also a weak sister. He traveled down there a few months back, and his main point was most of the migrants he saw weren’t from Mexico. That’s it? That’s all?

America is at war. The enemy is coming up through the border. Mex cartels, lethal fentanyl, South American gangs, Chinese military age men. Anybody with eyes can see that. Combine this with the fact that many US DAs refuse to prosecute SERIOUS criminals, and you have a war we’re losing every day. Every fucking day.

Then we have climate change. Kennedy has made the distinction between that issue and straight-out nasty corporate pollution. Fine. He’s also said we can’t cut off oil. Not unless we actually come up with a replacement. OK. But that’s just the beginning of this situation, because the whole of climate science is a hoax. Nobody is measuring “the climate of Earth.” They’re using indirect markers to pretend they’re measuring it. They’re using this fake science to kill our energy use.

When Kennedy tries to be a man for all seasons and all issues, he fails. He’s weak. He avoids.

Somebody has decided his Presidential campaign should appeal to people just a few feet to the left and right of normies. Don’t go too far either way. Don’t sound like a flaming radical. Don’t come on with thunder. Instead, go for “statesmanship.”

Too late for that, Bob. You already spent all that capital when you righteously went all in on vaccines. You ARE a flaming radical. Or you were, before you launched your campaign for President.

Are you galvanizing Americans across the country? I see no sign of that. You’re explaining, explaining, explaining, and it’s flaccid. You aren’t creating a bully pulpit. And you’re avoiding MAJOR issues.

You’re spread so thin now, you could vanish...

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