Sunday, October 1, 2023

On the European Union lawmaking process.


On the European Union lawmaking process.

The Monster *really* wants its victims to believe the core lie: that all Monster acts and programs are legitimate, benevolent and supported by morally-sound treaties, laws and other legal instruments.

Orientation for new readers.

Related Bailiwick reporting and analysis:

…The EU provisions correspond with the US provisions related to “medical countermeasures” and establishment of home- and business-based concentration camps (prohibition of free human association, commerce and movement within countries and across borders) in case of “natural or man-made disaster”

To recap, the American biomedical police state — controlled by the World Health Organization operating as the military branch of the Bank for International Settlements — came into force through statutes passed by the US Congress; executive orders issued by US Presidents; administrative/Cabinet agency regulations published in the Federal Register; and state and local versions of same. See footnoted executive summary of American Domestic Bioterrorism Program.

The European biomedical police state came into force through analogous regulations passed by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, published in the Official Journal of the European Union…

Last week, a reader at Sage Hana’s Substack…

posted a link to a Vigilant Fox report about Member of European Parliament (MEP) Christine Anderson:

I replied to the comment:

I would like to see Christine Anderson introduce some legislation in the European Parliament to repeal the regulations, decisions, directives and other technical mechanisms through which the European Union is imposing the cross-border health-threat-predicated tyranny on the member-states and on the subjects who live in the member-states, and to introduce a bill to withdraw her country (Germany) from the EU.

Starting with these:

  • 2020.04.14 EU Regulation 521- Council Regulation (EU) 2020/521 of 14 April 2020 activating the emergency support under Regulation (EU) 2016/369, and amending its provisions taking into account the COVID‐19 outbreak

  • 2022.11.23 EU Regulation 2371 - Regulation (EU) 2022/2371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 on serious cross-border threats to health and repealing Decision No 1082/2013/EU

And working back in time from there. The following list includes some but not all of the decisions, directives and regulations that need to be repealed by European Parliament, European Commission and European Council, or nullified at the member-state legislature and court levels…

I’ve been reading more on European Union law and lawmaking procedures in recent weeks, ahead of the Oct. 4, 2023 event in Reykjavik, Iceland.

My basic understanding from that reading, is that Christine Anderson and the other Members of the European Parliament (MEP) have no authority to draft and introduce new laws or bills to repeal existing laws, under the terms of the many treaties that created and amended the legal relationships between the European Commission, European Council, Council of the European Union, European Parliament (four of the seven institutions of the European Union), the National Parliaments of member-states and individual men, women and children who live in EU member-states.

This lines up with what former Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato stated in 2003 as he and other Satanic technocrats were working on a European Constitution:

“The [European] Commission in Brussels, for example, must act as if it were a technical organism, in order to operate like a government...and so on, camouflaging and toning down. The sovereignty lost at a national level does not pass to any new subject. It is entrusted to a faceless entity: NATO, the UN and eventually the EU…”

Readers interested in confirming or dis-confirming my initial understanding of the EU lawmaking systems can start by looking at the Wikipedia entries for

European politicians truly concerned about helping themselves and their constituents dismantle the public health-military kill box constructed by the Satanic technocrats would be wise to

  1. immediately and publicly resign from the European Parliament in a coordinated way, clearly and loudly stating the reason for their moral and physical abandonment of EU institutions is their recent discovery that they have no actual lawmaking authority with which to protect the lives and property of their people against the predation of murderous, plundering Satanic technocrats; and

  2. immediately return to their home countries and work with their national parliaments to a) withdraw from all of the treaties currently governing the operation of the European Union (placing national parliaments and populations under the direct control of Satanic technocrats working primarily through the European Commission and its 32,000 civil servants); b) dismantle the European Union; and c) resume ruling authority at the nation-state, subdivision and subject level.

There is no mechanism by which MEPs can change the EU system from within.

They can only publicly invoke a massive crisis of legitimacy to reveal the Monster’s core lies to more people.

More Bailiwick reporting and analysis:

…It forces readers to skip over the single most important disputable issue: What is the nature of the emergency confronting human beings since January 2020, and therefore also confronting the courts through which we traditionally try to resolve disputes without resorting to overt violence?

Is the emergency the global outbreak of a deadly, novel, unprecedented communicable disease, as thousands of lawyers and judges have stated as indisputable fact, in thousands of pleadings and opinions?

Or is the emergency the global outbreak of a massive, orchestrated fraud, combined with covert violence (bioterrorism and medical murder), designed to bypass the Constitutional crisis set in motion by Congress and US Presidents through hundreds of tyrannical legislative and executive acts committed over the past half-century?

Is it a massive, orchestrated fraud designed to clear away every conceivable legal, social and political obstacle in the path to non-consensual, centralized, public health-predicated global surveillance, control and governance?

With every passing day, the answer becomes more clear.

It’s a massive, orchestrated fraud.

It all goes back, again and again, to the legal mechanisms.

The legal codes, regulations, executive orders, declarations and proclamations are the primary crime scenes, where the criminals rampaged long before the death machine engines engaged in hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and pop-up vaxx clinics.

The visible law-makers and shadowy law-writers are the master criminals, long before the public health experts, doctors, nurses and pharmaceutical manufacturers began to play their parts.

And the pseudo-laws have been written to pre-cover up the crimes, pre-paralyze the courts, suppress the legal principles, and preempt and hide the resulting Constitutional crisis triggered by those laws.

The criminals desperately need to bypass that Constitutional crisis, to take us all quietly to the full totalitarian system that lies beyond it.

It’s a massive, orchestrated fraud.

That’s the knowledge that the would-be global tyrants must keep from the Normals at all costs, and operate every lever of power at their disposal to keep hidden.

Saints Cosmas and Damian. Painting by Gerard Seghers

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