Saturday, August 26, 2023

Do They Really Want Us to Die? With Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet


Do They Really Want Us to Die?

With Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet

Physician Lee Vliet, MD, CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, takes us on an enlightening and frightening journey through the history of “population control,” which often means the theory and practice of killing people. While we add to this discussion, we also learn from it, and so will anyone who listens to this remarkable interview.

This is a hard reality to confront—that, yes, the elite are sure there are too many of us, and, in the past, they have promoted and distributed vaccines that also brought sterility in Africa and India.

Now with COVID-19, they are pushing pseudo-vaccines in the form of genetic interventions that are causing both sterility and death in very large numbers of people.

LISTEN HERE to the broadcast!

Dr. Vliet has been studying “population control” for decades, and her interview with us will contribute to anyone’s knowledge of this all-important approach to us humans by the elite globalists that is now being inflicted on us under the guise of preventing COVID-19.

First Aired on August 18, 2023

Peter R. Breggin MD is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and psychotherapist. As a medical, psychiatric, and scientific expert, he has testified in more than 100 trials and hearings in the U.S. and Canada, often on clinical psychopharmacology, mass murder, and the drug industry. He has 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications and more the 20 medical and popular books. Known for decades as “The Conscience of Psychiatry,” he and his wife and coauthor, Ginger Breggin, are now exposing and documenting COVID-19 as a cover story for the massive totalitarian shift being imposed on Western democracies. Their new best-selling book is COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey provides the deepest analysis of the global forces attacking America and Western Civilization, and how we can overcome them. 

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COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey by the Breggins

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