Friday, April 28, 2023

On Tucker. . .


On Tucker. . .

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Everyone knows about Tucker Carlson having been summarily fired – let’s use honest language – from his gig over at Fox News, where he had the most successful show of its kind on network TV.

That a hugely successful show was cancelled – which will cost Fox ratings, viewership and money – speaks volumes about what drives corporate policy in these latter days. It is of a piece with Stellantis – the corporation that owns the Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep and Ram truck brands – cancelling the hugely successful Hemi V8 that was the chief reason people bought Dodges, Chryslers, Jeeps and Ram trucks. To be replaced by battery-powered devices few people want.

Being political – and politically correct – mattering more in these latter days than being profitable.

But there is a silver lining to this dark cloud – at least as far as Tucker is concerned. It is of a piece with Ben Kenobi’s warning to Darth Vader in the original (1977) Star Wars. “If you strike me down,” he told the sith lord “I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

Of a piece with what Joe Rogan – the podcaster who has a bigger audience than anything on CNN (or even CNN, itself) – became.

By “striking down” Tucker, Fix has become CNN Lite – and will become less powerful than sith lord Ruprecht Murdoch can possibly imagine.

People know. More of them, each day. Many of them, thanks to Tucker.

Tucker was fired for telling the truth – which isn’t what people on TeeeVeee are paid to do. They are paid to tell you what they are paid to tell you – as by the pharmaceutical cartels that pay for the ads that keep these shows on TeeeeVeeee. Which is their “truth.”

Tucker dared to mention this – along with a litany of other unmentionables, all of them true.

We all know it.

The truth – or even just honest questioning – is no longer allowed. Those who questioned the Face Diapering of the nation, the “lockdowns” (loathsome term, formerly applicable only to convicted prisoners inside a prison) and the “safety” as well as efficacy of the drugs that weren’t vaccines were also cast out, notwithstanding that they were right.

But when those who are wrong refuse to admit it – don’t want to be obliged to concede it – they use the only tool left to them, in lieu of the counterarguments they can no longer piece together:

They use force.

They threaten people with “de-platforming” and “de-monetizing.” With loss of their licenses to practice – in the case of doctors who told the truth about Face Diapers and the drugs that aren’t vaccines. They attempted to do to truth tellers – to those who refused to bow to lies – what was done to people in Germany all those years ago, which so many have forgotten about. Including some who – apparently – forget that what was done to one people is just as wrong to do to any people.

As violent as all of this is, however, it is still fundamentally weak. It is the tool of the bully – who cannot persuade. Who is hated, even if he is obeyed.

But his victim does hate him.

The bully is only secure so long as he does not turn his back. His ability to get his way depends solely on the fear he can maintain.

That fear is waning – as realization waxes that we are dealing with bullies. With malignant rather than misguided people. People who aren’t merely wrong but determined to suppress everything that is right.

And that is why Tucker was fired.

But his firing only serves to further make clear what so many already understand. The “institutions” are fundamentally corrupt. Evil. The latter given free rein by the one institution that used to stand athwart it, that of journalism. A dead art now, insofar as the TeeeeeVeeeee and what is often hilariously styled “mainstream” news is concerned. Hilarious because it is in fact a waning niche amen chorus that increasingly sings to itself. Its TelePrompter performers make the mistake of believing that because those they cocktail party with caught their show others are watching their show.

Tucker will be back – more powerful than they could possibly understand.

The danger, of course, lies in their finally understanding it. When they do, expect them to make it a crime to tell the truth – to question anything they say – anywhere. It is the inevitable last-ditch attempt of a dying ruling class to cling onto the power it finds slipping through its fingers.

When this happens – and it will, because it must – it will be time to do more than what Tucker did, by telling the truth.

We will be obliged to defend it.

. . .

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