Thursday, April 27, 2023

“Arcturus Variant”: Russia revives Covid scam, right on cue WHO says “jump”, Russian government asks: “how high?”



“Arcturus Variant”: Russia revives Covid scam, right on cue WHO says “jump”, Russian government asks: “how high?”

Riley Waggaman

Russia is bracing for a wave of highly infectious Arcturus, the newest and trendiest “COVID subvariant”, Rospotrebnadzor chief Anna Popova announced on Thursday.

Fellow BRICS member India is currently experiencing an “intense” outbreak of this computer model, and Russia—which has already registered four confirmed cases!—should expect its own Arcturus surge by the end of May, Popova predicted.

A sharp uptick in hospitalizations is not anticipated, but just in case, Russia’s healthcare system is ready for “additional stress and overload,” she reassured the public.

Do ordinary Russians care at all about the Dreaded Virus? No. But the Russian government is dialing up the Virus Fear anyway—in perfect synchronization with the WHO’s decision to “upgrade” Arcturus to a “variant of interest”.

Bill Gates’ global vaccine cabal “Gavi” has the details (source)

As expected, Russian state media has scrambled its Scam-jets.

Vesti reported that specialists at the Gamaleya Center are already “conducting research to assess the biological risks of the spread of the new subvariant.”

The outlet also created a helpful Arcturus FAQ:

You can reduce the risk of Arcturus by using protective masks in crowded places, washing your hands often and thoroughly, and when this is not possible, treating them with an antiseptic.

RIA Novosti warned its readers that Arcturus has “a completely new symptom that was not previously characteristic of COVID-19—conjunctivitis, or ‘pink eye’, accompanied by itching.”

Parliamentskaya Gazeta, the official newspaper of Russia’s Federal Assembly, interviewed a top virologist about this terrifying development.

According to this esteemed medical professional:

[Arcturus] spreads from person to person 20 percent faster than the previous Kraken strain, which is a significant rate. Therefore, it is obvious that another wave of COVID is coming.

[…]If Arcturus is able to link up with the Wuhan or Delta variant that are still circulating in the population, this could lead to dire consequences.

[…]Even more terrible events will develop if Arcturus is joined by the SARS coronavirus (SARS) of 2002, which has a 15 percent mortality rate, or the MERS virus, which circulated in 2014-2015 with a huge mortality rate of 40 percent … [T]he hybrid of Arcturus and these unpleasant strains is very scary if it suddenly happens.

Good heavens!

Russian state media.

How can Russians protect themselves from the Arcturus-SARS-MERS murder-plague?

Do you even have to ask?

Thanks, RT. (source)

The likelihood of Russia leaving the WHO—or even just politely declining to follow Collective West, Bill Gates-funded “health recommendations”—is rapidly approaching 0%.

Sorry but it’s true.

Note by OffG – before we (inevitably) are accused by some apoplectic entity BTL of being ‘anti-Russian’ for simply pointing out that Russia is as guilty as any Western government of peddling the covid hoax, please do note that we have previously covered the Western promotion of “Arcturus” here

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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