Thursday, March 23, 2023

On the utility, for inducing peaceful compliance with violent globalist control-and-kill programs, of presenting fake threats as real.


On the utility, for inducing peaceful compliance with violent globalist control-and-kill programs, of presenting fake threats as real.

Plus war criminal Xavier Becerra extends the public health emergency, effective March 15, 2023, using slightly-different wording.

New podcast interview:

Important work by Mike Yeadon:

…If I’m correct that there was no novel virus, what a genius move it was to pretend there was! Now they want you only to consider how this ‘killer virus’ got into the human population. Was it a natural emergence (you know, a wild bat bit a pangolin and this ended up being sold at a wet market in Wuhan) or was it hubristically created by a Chinese researcher, enabled along the way by a researcher at the University of North Carolina funded by Fauci, together making an end run around a presidential pause on such work? Then there’s the question as to whether the arrival of the virus in the general public was down to carelessness and a lab leak, or did someone deliberately spread it?…

I have colleagues who do not believe what we’ve been told (i.e. that a virus has been experimentally constructed) is even possible technologically. I don’t have the background to assess that idea. But the rest hangs together for me in a way that no other explanation does.

To this point, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive Sasha Latypova, speaking with Robert F Kennedy Jr on his podcast of last Thursday, March 16, describes the extensive evidence of the contracts and relationships that were in place before the Covid era. Contracts were signed for billions of dollars in February 2020. Not only would the required production never happen (from a standing start, to sign such a large commitment is ridiculous) but it cannot be done. She estimated that approximately one kilogram of DNA was required. There isn’t that much medicinal grade DNA on the planet at any one time. That’s because it’s hard to do, very expensive, wholly bespoke and difficult to store for long periods. Also, the amounts of any specific DNA sequence required and held in store by commercial suppliers would be milligrams or perhaps grams at a stretch. So it was always completely unfeasible, regardless of how much money was thrown at the problem, to have accomplished what they claim to have done in a short time.

Consequently, no other conclusion is supported by the facts than that it’s a huge crime, extensively planned. In itself, that rules out a natural emergence of a pathogen, unless divine providence occurred. Logically we’re left with a leak or, as I argue, a lie plus a PsyOp…

Two comments: One, I'm not interested in debating the existence of viruses as a class of molecular material with anyone. Some readers find that to be an annoying fact about me, but a fact it remains: the general NAV (not-a-virus) issue is not among the topics to which I allocate research, thinking and writing time. I focus on understanding and communicating information about pseudo-legal, statutory and regulatory weapons used to control and kill people, and finding ways to take those statutory and regulatory weapons out of the hands of the killers.

Two, I think Yeadon's position leaves room for Jonathan Couey's hypothesis about the ongoing, intentional dispersal of purified, aerosolized toxic clones of spike protein-type material, which I first encountered last November, and which I think represents the most plausible explanation for the observable outbreak patterns, including but not limited to encounters with Covid-era illness in myself, my family and among my friends and colleagues since late 2019.

Yesterday, someone sent me a March 20, 2023 Federal Register notice on the extension of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) declarations and determinations.

The sender asked me "whether that EUA amendment I sent you made substantive changes, or was this just a regular extension?"

I replied that there are enough redundancies built in throughout the PHE and EUA declaration and determination procedures, and they’re both unreviewable by Congress and courts anyway, that the wording of any particular one isn’t worth spending a lot of time to parse in detail.

[Note: when criminal prosecutions are eventually brought against specific war criminals, these documents will be part of the evidence incriminating the signatories. At that point, parsing the documents in detail will be extremely important, to tie the dates, circumstances and effects of specific acts taken in furtherance of the war crimes, to the people who committed those acts.]

The latest iteration slightly alters the original, false claims.

In the original determination of public health emergency, effective Feb. 4, 2020, a war criminal impersonating the US-HHS Secretary (Alex Azar) claimed that “there is a public health emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad” and that the emergency “involves a novel (new) coronavirus (nCoV) first detected in Wuhan City, China.”

In the latest amendment to the determination of public health emergency, effective March 15, 2023, a war criminal impersonating the US-HHS Secretary (Xavier Becerra) claimed that the nCoV outbreak has already infected and killed millions of people, and that there are now variations circulating, such that “there is a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad.”

The two forms of PHE “determination” are used interchangeably, to provide pseudo-legal pretexts for COVID–19 Emergency Use Authorization/EUA declarations (which are, more accurately, military orders to deploy bioweapons labeled as ‘vaccines’ to injure and kill recipients) and amendments thereto.

For emphasis, Becerra added to the latest notice:

…The four previously-issued section 564 declarations that refer to the February 4, 2020 determination have not been terminated by the Secretary because, among other things, the circumstances described in section 564(b)(1) continue to exist — i.e., COVID–19, a disease attributable to SARS–CoV–2, continues to present a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad…

As with all effective lies, there are kernels of truth within most HHS Secretary notices, declarations and determinations.

The emergency that existed in January 2020, and still exists, is a group of war criminals, coordinating with each other worldwide, as participants in a criminal enterprise that “involves” the novel coronavirus pretext as a pseudo-legal mechanism to suspend lawful government functions; instill fear; suppress critical thinking, public debate, alternative treatments, comparative assessment of threats, biomedical ethics obligations and rights, and self-preservation instincts; and induce peaceful compliance with lethal injection programs labeled as ‘vaccine’ programs.

For the purpose of making it easier for mass murderers to get away with mass murder.

See Yeadon analysis, above.

One other purpose of the new, March 15, 2023 determination, is to de facto void the Jan. 30, 2023 announcement that the public health emergency would end effective May 11, 2023. 

Biden, on behalf of his central banker handlers, made that announcement to:

  1. undercut then-pending Congressional action (H.R. 382, approved by House Jan. 31, 2023, 220 to 210, and H.J. Res. 7, approved by House Feb. 1, 2023, 229 to 197), without actually relinquishing emergency executive powers; and

  2. prevent any further consideration of the termination bills by Congress, because Congressional debate would make the Constitutional crisis triggered by the Covid-19 control-and-kill program through the enabling statutes and regulations, much more visible to the American people.

FDA offers a slide from an April 2015 FDA slide deck outlining changes to EUA law effected by 2013 Congressional passage of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA).

The chart shows how many different ways mass murdering war criminals pretending to be US government officials can declare and maintain "emergency" powers to kill people using bioweapons fake-named as EUA ‘vaccines’ and other countermeasures, including events for which there may not even be fake evidence of a threat, but for which the war criminals claim there is "significant potential" of a future threat.

It’s very similar to the gradual addition of "asymptomatic" and "precommunicable" stages of disease, to the original “symptomatic” stage, authorizing the HHS Secretary to order the military and local law enforcement to arrest and detain civilians indefinitely under 42 USC 264 and related regulations and executive orders.¹

These war criminal assessments, like all the other determination and declaration procedures rendered visible through the Covid-19 global crime, are assessments placed by Congress and US Presidents, solely in Cabinet secretary hands, and — for so long as they remain unchallenged by Congress members and judges, three years and counting — not subject to Congressional or judicial review or termination.

Many paths.

Same herd-culling destination.

The death machine will keep running until some combination — of Congress, courts, state governments, the People and/or some other political force TBD — cuts off the statutory fuel and the funding.


Transitus of St. Benedict. Couldn’t locate info on artist. Will add if I find it.

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