Monday, January 30, 2023

4 Ways Spirulina Algae Helps Prevent Cancer By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers


4 Ways Spirulina Algae Helps Prevent Cancer By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers


4 Ways Spirulina Algae Helps Prevent Cancer

By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers


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I am constantly amazed at all the natural substances the Creator provides that not only help the body in general but also specifically target cancer cell healing. Spirulina, a blue-green algae that grows primarily in tropical and subtropical lakes, is one such substance. It has been used since ancient times as a protein-packed superfood and source of instant nutrition. Researchers have also discovered specific ways that Spirulina algae can help reduce the risk of many kinds of cancer and, in some cases, heal it.

#1 – Spirulina Targets Breast Cancer Stem Cells

Breast cancer affects close to 3 million women in the United States and is second only to lung cancer as the #1 cause of cancer death. The problem, especially when it comes to traditional breast cancer therapies, comes through metastasis. Metastasis happens because drug therapies do not address the presence of cancer stem cells. These stem cells will continue to grow and generate new tumors long after the therapy has been concluded (and even after many doctors announce a cancer as “cured”).
While chemo drugs apply a “carte blanche” approach, certain natural substances have mechanisms within them that specifically target cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Furthermore, some superstar phytonutrients target cancer stem cells in particular, eliminating tumors while healing cancer at the very foundation. One such substance is Spirulina.
Spirulina algae contains phycocyanin, a green-blue pigment that is made up of protein molecules. Phycocyanin is what gives

Spirulina its characteristic color and helps in the conversion of sunlight to energy through chlorophyll in a plant. Phycocyanin is also a highly-effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory while the chlorophyll that it works with to obtain energy has been known to bind to carcinogens.

In 2013, a ground-breaking study conducted by the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center gathered a handful of “phytonutrient superfoods” together into what they hoped would be a “cancer-healing cocktail.” In addition to Phycocyanin-containing Spirulina, other phytonutrients in the mix included curcumin from turmeric, Isoflavone from soybeans, Indo-3-Carbinol from cruciferous plants, Resveratrol from grapes, and Quercetin, found in certain fruits.
The researchers were not disappointed. When combined together, the cocktail suppressed breast cancer cell growth by more than 80%! It also caused cancer cell death, inhibited the spread of the cancer, and eventually led to the death of 100% of the breast cancer cells in the sample. Other samples proved the cocktail’s effectiveness against ovarian cancer cells as well.

#2 – Spirulina Affects Melatonin Production

When it comes to breast cancer prevention and healing in particular, melatonin is vital. Melatonin, which is produced while we sleep, has a direct effect on estrogen levels in several ways. It protects from estrogen overdose and directly suppresses breast cancer cell growth by literally putting the cells to sleep. David E. Blask, PhD, of Tulane University in New Orleans is an expert in cancer biology. He demonstrated that 90% of human breast cancers have specific receptors for nighttime melatonin anticancer signaling.
Dr. Blask found that healthy melatonin levels can slow breast cancer growth by 70%. A 2015 study by the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture found that spirulina supplementation significantly increased melatonin levels in an animal model.

#3 – Spirulina Helps to Detox Heavy Metals

Heavy metal accumulation occurs through environmental exposure, the use of commercial personal products such as antiperspirants, metals in foods and pesticides, and from amalgam dental fillings. Studies have shown that heavy metal accumulation, especially of mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic, can also lead directly to cancer.
Heavy metals also contribute to a host of other bodily and especially neurological effects. Spirulina algae acts as chelator by binding with heavy metals in order to detoxify them from the body.  It contains high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, phycocyanobilin (mentioned earlier), and carontens, all of which help with oxidative stress and heavy metal chelation.

#4 – Spirulina Helps Heal the Gut and Boosts the Immune System

You may have heard that up to 80% of our immune system resides in the gut. For the immune system to do its job at fighting dis-eases like  cancer, the digestive system has to be functioning in an optimum way. This  includes the proper balance of beneficial gut flora. Several studies done with animal models have shown that Spirulina has an antimicrobial effect, especially against overgrowths of candida, and that it also promotes the growth of healthy gut flora. Spirulina can also help with strictly-digestive system related issues such as leaky gut.
Here are some other ways that Spirulina supports the Immune System:

  • Spirulina contains 2,300% more iron than spinach
  • Spirulina has 375% more protein than tofu
  • Spirulina has 3,900% more beta carotene than carrots
  • Spirulina provides 300% more calcium than whole milk
  • Spirulina is loaded with healthy fats such as GLA, EPA, DHA and ALA; important Omega-3s
  • Spirulina is a great source of B vitamins
  • Spirulina helps your body assimilate essential minerals such as selenium; and
  • A mere 3 grams of Spirulina provides more anti-inflammatory (and antioxidant) activity than five servings of vegetables!


How Do You Consume Spirulina Algae?

Spirulina can be mixed in water or juice. Sometimes the taste of Spirulina can be off-putting so mixing it in a smoothie can be a great way to mask the taste. Remember also that Spirulina is not only a super-source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, but a very potent detoxifier as well.
Be sure to start with a small amount and slowly increase over time. For cancer prevention and overall health, most health experts recommend 3-5 grams a day (roughly one teaspoon). In addition, a 2016 Chinese study found that a mere 0.5 mg of Spirulina had an effect on monkey kidney cancer cells.
A 2014 study by Charles University in Prague found that a little under 0.20 grams had an effect on human pancreatic cancer cells. If you are considering using Spirulina as part of an overall cancer-healing protocol, be sure to work directly with a qualified health professional.
The most important thing to consider when purchasing Spirulina is purity, as some lesser-quality commercial brands have been found to contain contaminants. Be sure to buy top-notch Spirulina from a reliable source that guarantees the algae comes from pure, non-polluted waters and that no fillers have been used.
Finally, for those who have digestive issues, consider fermented Spirulina, which can be absorbed with more ease.
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Article Summary

  • Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows primarily in tropical and subtropical lakes.
  • Researchers have discovered specific ways that Spirulina algae can help reduce the risk of many kinds of cancer and, in some cases, heal it. Here are 4 of these ways:
    1. Spirulina Targets Breast Cancer Stem Cells
    2. Spirulina Affects Melatonin Production
    3. Spirulina Helps to Detox Heavy Metals
    4. Spirulina Helps Heal the Gut and Boosts the Immune System
  • Here are some ways that Spirulina supports the Immune System:
    • 2,300% more iron than spinach
    • 375% more protein than tofu
    • 3,900% more beta carotene than carrots
    • It provides 300% more calcium than whole milk
    • It contains healthy fats such as GLA, EPA, DHA and ALA
    • It is a great source of B vitamins
    • Spirulina helps your body assimilate essential minerals such as selenium
    • A mere 3 grams of Spirulina provides more anti-inflammatory (and antioxidant) activity than five servings of vegetables!
  • Spirulina powder can be mixed in water (or juice or a smoothie to mask the taste). It is not only a super-source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, but a very potent detoxifier as well.
  • The most important thing to consider when purchasing Spirulina is purity. Be sure to buy top-notch Spirulina from a reliable source that guarantees the algae comes from pure, non-polluted waters and that no fillers have been used.


[+] Sources and References

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About Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, also known as “Dr. V” is a natural health pioneer with over 30 years active practice in Bio-Energetics, Digital Thermography, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Chiropractic. After she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 and healed herself through natural means, she decided to devote her time to sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with others. Her years of experience and extensive research have culminated in the award-winning book "Heal Breast Cancer Naturally" and “The 7 Essentials,™" her coaching program that unravels the mystery of healing the body in 7 easy steps. Her story, wisdom and knowledge has touched the lives of thousands internationally.


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