Saturday, November 26, 2022

Victims of a 38-year old Child Protective Services Wrongful Prosecution Pardoned/How Much Longer Will Thanksgiving Be a National Holiday? November 24, 2022 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article How Much Longer Will Thanksgiving Be a National Holiday? Paul Craig Roberts This is a legitimate question. According to the New York Times’ 1619 Project, according to what is taught in US universities and public schools, and according to what the American left and those influenced by them believe, to celebrate Thanksgiving is to celebrate the racism of white supremacy. As this belief is growing and not shrinking, how much longer before Thanksgiving becomes a day of atonement for racist sins? Erasing national holidays is a way of erasing a culture. As Thanksgiving grows increasingly offensive to people of color, as Easter, once a Christian celebration of the Resurrection, disappears into baskets of candy for children, and as the celebration of Christmas is increasingly confined to the home, the three major holidays in the United States rot away, leaving the culture unsupported by public celebrations.  It is the total failure of the American intellectual class not to see this. The same cultural deracination or dissolution is occurring in Great Britain. A recent poll found that almost half of young British see their country as “structurally racist,” and think their country was founded on racism. 38 percent want Churchill’s statue removed from Parliament Square. Six in ten school graduates say they were taught critical race theory. British youth are also showing growing alienation from free speech, with 29 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds saying that JK Rowling should be dropped by her publishers because of her views toward transgendered people. It was left to an immigrant-invader, Dr Samir Shah, to stand up for British values such as free speech, tolerance, debate, and democracy: What British schools are teaching, she said, “runs against many Enlightenment values,” leading to a “world in which tolerance is being replaced by intolerance and a fear of speaking one’s mind.” Does it strike you as odd that Samir Shah, a member of the British Government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, has more appreciation for a society based in civil liberty than many a white liberal British ethnic don at Oxford and Cambridge? Whereas the argument is powerful that a nation, as distinct from a geographical entity, such as an empire, can be based only in ethnic and cultural homogeneity, I continually encounter immigrant-invaders who have more commitment to the civil liberty guaranteed by the US Constitution than do white American liberals. For many American white liberals, civil liberty means abortion (murder), oppression and censorship of views of which liberals disapprove, prosecution of politicians, such as Trump, of whom liberals disapprove, and misinterpretation and reinterpretation of the US Constitution to support their liberal-left agendas. Many American white liberals and it seems every member of the Woke left have no qualms about stuffing a gage in our mouths. But firebrand immigrant-invaders, such as Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez, don’t want gags in their mouths. Perhaps we do need a replacement–a replacement of all white liberals and all white Woke leftists. Certainly, civil liberty and civility have no future in their hands.


Victims of a 38-year old Child Protective Services Wrongful Prosecution Pardoned 

Victims of a 38-year old Child Protective Services Wrongful Prosecution Pardoned 

Paul Craig Roberts

38 years ago Gerald Amirault, his sister Cheryl, and their mother Violet were framed up by totally corrupt prosecutors and by a totally corrupt media.  It was all driven by the Child Protection Services Act passed by Congress in 1980. 

Emotional “child advocates” claimed that it was routine for parents to abuse their children, sexually and by beatings to discipline them.  Once the act was passed and CPS offices with authority to seize children from parents were set up all over the US, the bureaucracy needed child abusers in order to justify its existence.  As few abusers materialized, the bureaucracy was desperate for cases and turned the most absurd statement from the youngest child and the bruise from childhood play into proof of abuse.

The Amirault’s child care center for working mothers was an early victim. The brother and sister spent most of their life in prison and under a cloud as sex offenders, and their mother died in prison or shortly after her release.

I investigated and covered the case extensively. The real evidence was ignored by prosecutors

determined to benefit their careers by being the first to achieve convictions under the new law.  One example of how the cases were concocted is the use of interrogation techniques designed to produce agreement from children that they had been abused.  Videotapes of interviews with the allegedly abused children showed the children denying any abuse.  Instead of accepting the denial, the prosecutors would manipulate the children into believing they had been abused.

I don’t remember if it was the Amirault case, but I do remember in one case I investigated and reported on, children’s claims that they were taken away in flying saucers and had knives inserted in their vaginas was actually used as evidence.  It was admitted to be an excessive claim, but the prosecutors presented it as evidence that something had happened. “Where there is smoke, there is fire.” Juries were worked up into an emotional state that eschewed reason by media sensationalism.

Just the other day 38 years after their wrongful conviction Republican Governor of Massachusettes Charlie Baker pardoned the brother and sister of their false convictions.

So, in America Justice only took 38 years after the lives of the Amiraults were ruined by corrupt prosecutors, corrupt media, and stupid jurors.

And it wasn’t just the Amiraults.  I investigated, covered, and helped to expose a number of other fake child abuse cases.  Fact, evidence, and common sense played no role in the prosecutions. It was driven entirely by emotion to prove that parents were abusers just like the liberals claimed.

There was one case where my reporting did have success–the Wenatchee, Washington, child abuse witch hunt.  My articles dealt with facts, not liberal emotions.  My articles, together with articles in the Wall Street Journal and in the Readers Digest, a widely read magazine at the time, resulted in the wrongful convictions being overturned. The parents who were imprisoned were released, but they were tricked by the corrupt prosecutors into signing forms that prevented them from getting their children back from “Child Protective Services.” My reporting brought me brickbats from the Wenatchee media which was committed to convicting the innocent parents. The liberals who control journalism prizes didn’t give me one for exposing the hoax.

Not long after the exposure of the Wenatchee witch hunt, the fervor of prosecutors and media to round up innocent parents for incarceration diminished.  CPS still exists and still, I suppose, receives a federal subsidy for every child it seizes from parents, but the frame up of innocent parents in front page stories no longer serves as part of the liberal agenda to break up families and demonize parents.  Now parents are demonized for objecting to their kids being taught in taxpayer funder public schools that they and their parents are racists.

The attack on the parent-child relationship continues.



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