Wednesday, November 30, 2022

More Monster Than Man Fauci’s Last Hurrah? (According to Fauci’s perversion of reality: “The rest of us ‘don’t have the ability’ to determine what’s best for ourselves.”)


More Monster Than Man Fauci’s Last Hurrah? (According to Fauci’s perversion of reality: “The rest of us ‘don’t have the ability’ to determine what’s best for ourselves.”)

There’s no ambiguity about hegemon USA’s angel of death and human misery, its modern-day Josep Mengele.

Since the early 1980s, more monster than man Fauci’s anti-public health history has been pockmarked by crimes against humanity.

He transformed US public health regulation “into an incubator for” Pharma profiteering and his own self-enrichment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explained — at the expense of healthcare as it should be.

Throughout the US/West, sickness is prioritized over wellness because the latter is unprofitable.

In response to his announced December retirement as NIAID head and chief Biden regime medical fraudster, GOP Rep. Steve Scalise said the following:

“Congressional (Dems) refused to hold a single hearing on (all things flu/covid or (the Biden regime) financial involvement in gain-of-function research.”

“That will change when House Republicans take the majority next year.” 

Fauci will be subpoenaed to testify “before Congress under oath (to explain) wrongful mandates (he was involved in) impos(ing) on Americans.”

During his time in government, the US became one of the developed world’s least healthy societies.

Americans have shorter lifespans, more illnesses and injuries — despite around double the per capita amount spent on healthcare compared to other developed countries.

In cahoots with Pharma, large hospital chains, and insurers, US ruling regimes — especially Dem-controlled ones — prioritize profits at the expense of health.

Pre-Thanksgiving weekend, Missouri and Louisiana AGs, Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry respectively, deposed Fauci at length.

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While his testimony is sealed at this time, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and attorney John Burns were present to witness his deposition first hand.

They watched him “squirm, stall and lie for seven hours,” GT reported, adding:

“(T)he sheer volume of things (he) ‘couldn’t recall,’ along with his obvious attempts at providing misleading and deceptive responses damned his testimony.”

His public life has been pockmarked by Big Lies and mass deception about all things public health with intent to harm it over the other way around.

He admitted that China’s January 2020 (health and freedom-destroying) lockdown got him to push the same thing on mind-manipulated Americans.

He admitted privately that masks don’t work but pushed their use anyway.

Earlier he infamously claimed to “represent science.”

During his deposition, he falsely claimed that failure to follow the (fabricated) official narrative on all things flu/covid “encourages people to avoid lifesaving interventions (that) result in the unnecessary death of people whose lives would have been saved” — a bald-faced Big Lie. 

He argued against use of known safe and effective protocols to push health-destroying kill shots.

In response to his deposition, AG Landry — now LA senator-elect — said the following:

“It was amazing to spend 7 hours (with the) man who single-handedly wrecked the US economy (and lives of millions of Americans) based on (what he falsely called) science.”

Then while under oath, he couldn’t “recall practically anything dealing with his (flu/covid) response.”

And this from AG Schmitt:

The only 2020 science was politicized to dump Trump.

According to Fauci’s perversion of reality: 

“The rest of us ‘don’t have the ability’ to determine what’s best for ourselves.”

“This is the…guy who locked our country down and ruined countless lives and livelihoods.”

Schmitt called him a “tinpot tyrant,” a medical fraudster.

And as NIAIA head, he’s the highest paid US official — $480,654 his most recent salary, his pension to be $375,211.

And he’s profited hugely from books, payments for public appearances and other compensation, including from Pharma for services rendered.

A doctor who never treated a patient — who for nearly 40 years operated in cahoots with genocidist Bill Gates, US dark forces and Pharma profiteers — benefitted hugely at the expense of public health.

RFK, Jr. earlier called him “a mix between (con man) Bernie Madoff, (defender of powerful interests at the expense of ordinary people) J. Edgar Hoover,” and a mafia crime boss — instead of defender of public health.

Time and again on national television, he willfully lied to viewers in pursuit of his diabolical health-destroying aims.

On multiple Sunday propaganda TV shows, he once again showed up to lie and mass deceive about all things flu/covid — perhaps for the last time as NIAID head.

Since flu/covid mass-jabbing began, never once did he explain that no emergency existed earlier or now.

Nothing justifies emergency use authorization for rushed-to-market, inadequately tested, hazardous-to-health kill shots.

Based on science — the real thing — nothing justifies everything mandated or recommended on all things flu/covid.

No pandemic exists, not earlier or now, just an invented one to push what’s destroying public health, not protecting and preserving it.

On Sunday, Fauci once again recited his customary litany of bald-faced Big Lies.

Throughout his public life, he’s lied and mass deceived repeatedly, once again to Sunday viewers of propaganda TV.

He lied claiming that “we certainly are still in” a pandemic when nothing of the sort exists.

He lied saying that daily flu/covid deaths are “between 300 and 400.”

The vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the viral illness were willfully misdiagnosed — a fear-mongering scheme to mind-manipulate maximum numbers of people to unwittingly self-inflict harm from kill shots.

Fauci has been in the vanguard of what’s all about mass-extermination of unwanted millions and billions of people, along with eliminating what little remains of greatly eroded freedoms.

Claiming what he recommended has been “based on good public health principles” is worlds apart from his health-destroying agenda.

Why has he escaped accountability for the mother of all health-destroying scams?

Why hasn’t he been prosecuted, convicted, sentenced and confined behind bars where he belongs?

Separately, London-based Oncology Professor, Dr. Angus George Dalgleish, said the following by open letter to the British Medical Journal’s editor-in-chief on flu/covid mass-jabbing:

“The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy.”

Calling for a halt to mass-jabbing, he stressed the following:

“As a practicizing oncologist, I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.”

“I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters.”

“This must be aired and debated immediately.”

Results of a study by researchers at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital found “that the incidence of early onset cancers — including breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, liver, and pancreas — dramatically increased around the world” after mass-jabbing began.

There’s no ambiguity about the link between flu/covid jabs and dramatic increase in numbers of individuals becoming ill from cancer, heart disease and other major health-destroying illnesses.

The CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID and Fauci personally lied about all things flu/covid related, especially about kill shots.

An explosion of serious illnesses followed their introduction.

Everyone jabbed was irreparably harmed, their life span shortened — the more jabs gotten, the greater the harm to health.

Unjabbed individuals are profoundly safer than their jabbed counterparts.

As long as the mother of all state-sponsored scams goes on, millions more people will suffer, become disabled and die prematurely from kill shots designed to destroy public health.

Instead of exposing and denouncing what’s going on, MSM and hospitals were bribed with big bucks to support the most diabolical state-sponsored scheme of all time — with no end of it in prospect.

“And we call ourselves the human race” — with attribution to JFK’s denunciation of dark forces around him for nuking Soviet Russia into submission during his tenure while the US had a military advantage.

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