Sunday, October 30, 2022

3840-3841: World Status Report: October 29th, 2022 from Lincoln County Watch


Sunday, October 30, 2022

3840-3841: World Status Report: October 29th, 2022 from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

I hope everyone understands that there IS no "German Government" just like there is no "United States Government".  

All that exists in 71 countries around the world, are "service" corporations in the business of providing "essential government 

All these "Government Services Corporations" masquerading as legitimate governments are tied together by one double-sided parent corporation.  If we are to believe what they acted out at the Common Wealth Games  (Notice, it's not "Commonwealth", it's "Common  Wealth" Games) there are now 71 nations enfranchised and caught in this snare, and Israel is the most recent victim. 

If you read my articles you will know the following facts: 

1. Abraham Lincoln was acting as the "President" of a British Territorial United States Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, not the President of this country --- The President of The United States of America. 

2. Lincoln was forced to bankrupt his Territorial Corporation in March of 1863. 

3. Five years later,1868,  a Scottish Commercial Corporation was registered doing business as "The United States of America" --- Incorporated. 

4. This British Crown Corporation impersonated our Federation of States in the same way that a credit card hacker impersonates their victim and for the same purpose --- to gain access to our credit. 

5. The same year this Scottish Imposter published a look-alike "Constitution" almost identical to the actual British Territorial Constitution issued in 1789, but with this important difference: the original Territorial Constitution was established under land law, and known as the "Law of the Land".  This second "Constitution" in 1868 was the Charter document of the aforementioned Scottish Corporation and operated under the "Law of the Sea". 

6. The change in jurisdiction from unincorporated to incorporated, resulted in a change of law from land to sea, which allowed the schemers to evade their obligations under the original Constitution and radically redefined the courts and their operations.   

7. This Scottish corporation formed in 1868 was a new British Crown Corporation replacing the one Lincoln bankrupted and which he served as "President". 

8. Three years later, in 1871, the Perpetrators started building a new Municipal CORPORATION doing business as "the" United States. It was finally legislated into existence in 1878 and a "new" version of The Constitution of the United States was released, creating the same kind of disguise and substitution scheme as they put in place for their British Crown Corporation in 1868, thus allowing them to avoid their obligations under the original Municipal Constitution of 1790, too.

9. This left the British Territorial Government with two principal instrumentalities, (1) a British Crown Corporation doing business in our name as "The United States of America, Inc." operating under Admiralty Law  and (2) in 1878, a Municipal Corporation doing business as "the" UNITED STATES doing business under Maritime Law. 

10. This became the double-sided parent corporation I am talking about.  Every "member nation" of their system is set up the same way; there's a British Crown Corporation dba "Deutschland, Inc", and a Municipal CORPORATION doing business as "DEUTSCHLAND, INC." and they are both run by the United States of America, Inc./ UNITED STATES, INC. parent corporations owned and operated by the British Territorial United States Government that was, until recently, headquartered in Puerto Rico. 

11. This is the means the Phonies (short for "Phoenicians")  have employed to keep siphoning the wealth away from this country, from the former Commonwealth countries, and from Western Europe. For the past thirty years the Parasites have been planning to de camp to China when things got too hot in The United States and Europe. That's why all the kissy-face with China in the 1970's and 80's.  They were already infiltrating the Communist Government over there and preparing a nice safe, soft landing for themselves. 

12. These parasites wearing robes (lawyers) and nice suits (bankers) operate out of the Inner City of London and do business "as" the Government of Westminster. 

13. They have been doing the same things and operating the same schemes since the Bronze Age -- they introduce the concept of credit, they gain access to other people's credit, they accumulate debt "in the name of" their victims, eat out the substance of the country they've invaded, kill their creditors, and then move on to a new "host".  

14. In more recent times, they have added the use of illegal Mercenary Conflicts to their bag of tricks, and equally illegal long term "military occupation" of countries they've subdued as a result of these Mercenary Conflicts. Seventeen countries in Western Europe remain occupied by these crooks "for their protection" ever since the end of the Second World War, and we, the Americans, have been soaked to pay 98% of the "defense costs" of these countries and Japan ever since.  (Trump caught hell for even suggesting that they pay another 2% of their own defense costs.) 

15. Technically, The English Civil War, The Seven Years War (aka, French and Indian War), The American Civil War, The First World War, The Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and 2, Afghanistan, and all the myriad smaller fights have all been illegal Mercenary Conflicts and our would-be honorable soldiers have been used as cheap mercenaries, without their knowledge, to fight in all of them.  (If our guys had known they were fighting as Mercs they would have asked for more money and benefits or would have refused to participate, so the Vermin kept that very quiet.) 

16. So, here they are, right on time, eating out the substance of this country and Europe and the Commonwealth and Japan --- and promoting another illegal undeclared Mercenary Conflict, while they have officially removed the Communist Party as the Government of China and are moving into high gear to get their new nest settled and their own butts out of the way of the debacle they are creating for Russia and the rest of the world. 

17. They intend to be Spectators, safely ensconced behind the proverbial "Great Wall of China", speaking with Chinese Mouth-pieces, talking about the superiority of "their" 5,000 year-old culture--- when it isn't their country and isn't their culture and they are nothing but evil, self-interested, international parasites intent on using China to guarantee their safety while they plot to eat out the substance of China just as they have done to every other country that has ever been seduced by their money. (Please note, it isn't their money that they are using to buy their way into China --- it's our money, but that's another story.)  

18. Please note that the "War in Ukraine" is being conducted in exactly the same way they have conducted all these other illegal Mercenary Conflicts --- they all start as a temporary "incursion" for a specific purpose; in this case, the Russians were prodded into cleaning out the biological warfare facilities that NATO was building in Ukraine. Then, the fraud artists pour money into the conflict --- see the billions of dollars of "support" poured into Ukraine from "the" US, INC., and NATO.  The cost of all of this "support" gets passed on to the American people and Joe Biden hires 87,000 new IRS goons to collect it.  They all profit from selling arms and supplies and even from giving arms and supplies to Ukraine, so of course this "support" against Russia gushes from every pore of the Great Whore, until they stop and think: what if Russia loses?  Then their man in Ukraine, the Winner, has to pay for all the destruction and rebuilding.....which means all the countries "supporting" Zelensky.... and that just came home to them this week and suddenly, all the support for poor Ukraine dried up like last year's acne scar. Even the BBC goes silent. 

19. Sweden saw who attacked the Nordstream I and II Pipelines.  It wasn't Russia. It was Biden.  So now our Allies and the people in still-occupied Europe who are dependent on us for their defense (remember) have been attacked by their purported defenders and deprived of over 40% of their cooking and heating and electrical power generation fuel just in time for Christmas, and on top of that, there will be terrible fertilizer shortages next spring from Gdansk to Marseilles. Russia has been holding its temper so far and showing mercy to the rest of Europe, because they understand that all those countries are still occupied and being used as pawns, and on top of that, it's those same European countries that will suffer from the loss of Russian gas and the much, much higher cost of whatever gas supply there is. No doubt the Vermin responsible are planning to send convoys of Mercy Ships of Liquified Natural Gas and Propane and Fuel Oil to Europe --- all at the expense of the Americans --- but the average European will spend twice as much at the pumps, because while the Vermin charge us on one end, they will make sure that they recoup "for" us on the other.  Read that, they will gouge Europe and America, both, and keep the difference.  

20. It makes no sense to blame the victims, however, in the past 24-hours, continued idiot-incursions on the Black Sea and bombing of the grain export facilities at the one port still open to ship Ukrainian grain to the rest of the world, has caused Russia to stop those vital shipments. These attacks were supposedly done by "Ukrainian Forces" sabotaging their own port facilities and export economy, but they don't have the equipment and training to use the marine air-to-surface drones that were used in the attack.  So now our European and Asian and African and Middle Eastern friends and neighbors will go without bread, thanks to the Usual Suspects. 

21. Do you see what is happening here and what is being used as "weapons"?  Vital commodities and especially transportation of vital commodities (pipelines, ports) are being attacked.  This has the fingerprints of J.D. Rockefeller's progeny -- literal and in spirit --  all over it.  Meanwhile, in America, we have suffered endless weather-warfare "tests" and attacks in violation of the ENMOD Treaties, because we, Americans, are "non-domestic targets" with respect to "the" US, and dozens of major food processing businesses have been attacked by arsonists working for the USDA --- the Municipal Corporation's "DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE", so some of the largest meat packing, poultry packing, egg packing, cheese-making, vegetable harvesting and canning facilities have been destroyed right at harvest season by criminals who are supposed to be working for us.  This follows a season-long rampage by the same Despicables paying farmers large sums of our money not to plant crops this year and if they planted crops, to just let them sit and rot in the fields at harvest time.  There is no doubt that all of this is being implemented to cause acute food shortages throughout much of the world, and exponentially higher food prices. This is being done purposefully by the illegal Agency Subcontractors working for the Municipal CORPORATION, who are being used as "Third Parties" to do the Dirty Work.  Apparently, Joe and Company at the WHITE HOUSE OFFICE, INC. and the central banks who have their fingers filthy on this, actually believe that we will be too stupid to figure out that the USDA is a subcontractor working for them, so they won't get blamed.  Why should the politicians catch it in the can?  They've been using all these "Agencies" at our expense and in this capacity since the 1930's.  Look how they use the "DOJ" and the "FBI" and the "IRS" as attack dogs to do their dirt, and then stand there like the flowers in May, telling you how they are "fighting for you" in Washington, DC?  The only thing they need to fight is their own criminality, cowardice, gluttony, avarice, sloth, self-interest, immorality and rank stupidity. 

22. Meanwhile, England is in a hopeless tail-spin, with the British Pound Sterling below parity with the Federal Reserve Notes for -- I believe -- the first time in recorded history, and the Parliament is taking its oath of allegiance to "King Charles" of Scotland instead of "King Charles, the Third", and despite efforts to get BREXIT off the ground, the British Economy is still hopelessly entangled in the Euro and Continental trade agreements.  Their "standing military" is down to 55,000 men, partially as a result of their long and happy ride on the backs of the Americans providing for their defense, and partially because their government and economy and investments have been controlled by the German House of Wettin and their Scottish relatives since the 1840's. Consider this fact: almost a full generation of British men were wiped out in the First World War, which was nothing but a pissing match of Hanoverian grudges against the Kingdom of Prussia.  It had nothing ---I repeat--- nothing to do with England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, yet the British people were forced to pay this horrendous price for "Royal Pride" and the German people were similarly decimated, betrayed, and defrauded.  The only other thing of note that happened other than the ghastly carnage, was that the Bank of England (Sell Everything By Friday Bailey) seized upon the estimated 10 Billion Metric Tons of gold that Czar Nicholas and Kaiser Wilhelm II deposited with them as "abandoned funds".  The Bank profited nicely, thank you, and had enough leftover to start World War II.  So when you see the BOE rocking the stock market and encouraging a massive worldwide sell off, what do you think?  That they are purposefully trying to take down the stock market and getting ready to buy up the grossly devalued stocks for pennies afterward --- just as they did after Waterloo.  Just as they did in America after Black Friday.  If the Brits haven't got their knickers in a knot after all this bitter experience as nose-wipes for the Invaders in Nice Suits, just wait until they see the new prices posting on kippers and bangers next week. A working man in Britain will be lucky to have chips once a week if this madness is allowed to continue. 

23. In America the "Housing Bubble" has gone bust, but thanks to complete silence from the Mainstream Media, most Americans still don't know that.  New mortgage applications are down 75%, and not only because more and more Americans are learning that they don't owe mortgages --- the British Territorial Government and its British Crown Corporation and Municipal Corporation "instrumentalities" owe the mortgages and are just bilking their clueless employers and foisting their own debts off onto them, but because demand for housing in general, new or old, is down over 30%.  This could be because of the millions of Americans who have died or been saddled with immense hospital bills thanks to Bill Gates and the criminal conspiracy we have all come to know as the mRNA "Vaccines".  This is not speculation or hearsay or any kind of theory; this is fully borne out by clinical data bases, research scientists, and highly respected Medical Doctors.  See:  Although I was one of the first to do research on the Patents underlying this heinous for-profit crime, others have joined the hunt and this week the Master Patent came to light, the collection file for over ninety related Patents from all over the world, fully revealing exactly what this "vaccine" is and what it is designed to do (kill people, control people, and tag them like cattle) --- and even more astonishing, it provides us with the exact names of the persons (I won't dignify them by calling them people) and corporations and institutions responsible for the ongoing genocide.  We can expect to see a loss of 50% or more of housing values and continued plummeting in the housing market for years to come, which means that the banks dependent on mortgage income, like Bank of America, will be forced to fold or be bailed out by their victims yet again.  The members of the Congress are willing to give our money away to them.  It remains to be seen whether or not the Silent Majority will finally wake up and say something or not. 

24. This week we've been at pains to explain some very basic concepts, such as the fact that the owner of physical assets also owns any credit based on those physical assets and the fact that no country using the debt-credit system of the Federal Reserve can accrue a National Debt without having it instantly balanced by an equal and opposite National Credit.  This means that not only does "the" US and its citizenry have no "National Debt", but nobody owes any interest payments on any National Debt.  It is this second bombshell revelation that is currently sending shockwaves around the world, because Ronald Reagan and the Grace Commission very clearly told the American people that out of all the money they paid in Federal Income Taxes, none of it was going to pay for Government Services or infrastructure.  It was all going to pay off the interest on the (figmentary) National Debt.  If there is no National Debt, or only the "appearance" of a National Debt caused by dishonest bookkeeping, there's no interest to pay on any such debt, either, which gives rise to the question ---- where has every penny of Federal Income Tax paid since the Grace Commission Report really gone?  

25.  We've also dropped the boot on another nasty and very old criminal scandal.  Throughout their long history of dishonor the Federal Corporations have been forced to "legalize" numerous illegal actions by providing remedy for them.  This basically converts otherwise illegal demands and claims on property and performance into "voluntary acts".  If someone demands that you strip naked and pick up dollar bills with your butt cheeks in public this could be considered an illegal act of denigration and perversion, especially if the demand is made at gun-point under threat of arrest.  But if you have the option of politely saying, "No, thank you." and are allowed to go home and steam your broccoli in peace, everything is "legalized".  So keep this principle in mind.  People and organizations involved in illegal acts can legalize them by providing remedy for their actions while continuing to coerce less knowledgeable victims.  In 1921, the Territorial Corporation started "salvaging" American babies, and began a forced program of registering them as British Territorial citizenry and Wards of their State-of-State franchise operations.  They didn't disclose what they were doing to the victims, of course, but they did have to legalize it on paper by adding a one sentence provision in the depths of Federal Title XII, 12 USC 95 (a) which provides that the victims can claim their "Reversionary Trust Interests",  They don't bother to say what the "reversionary trust interest" is or what it pertains to; you, the victim of a fraud that occurred when you were a baby, are supposed to know that this is the remedy for the phony registration process and their false claim that you voluntarily waived your rights and your identity and political standing and property rights as an American.  That is, they provided a remedy for their criminality, but provided no way for you to access the remedy --- which converts their action back into a crime again.  No public explanation or true Notice was given, no instructions published, no offices identified as those responsible for administering these estate redemptions, no government forms produced to expedite this process, no specific officer identified as the one responsible for processing redemption requests ---- nothing.  No practical access or disclosure was ever provided. 

A similar state of affairs surrounds House Joint Resolution 192, Public Law 73-10, and United States Statute-at-Large 48 Stat. 112.   In exchange for illegally confiscating the gold belonging to the General Public and stealing our public gold reserves and rendering all of us actually unable to pay a debt, the Territorial Congress made the extraordinary pledge to pay all our debts, whatsoever debts we might have or generate.  And they also pledged to provide Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions --- allowing us to swap any debts we owed them against debts they owed us.  None of these programs or options were ever made accessible to the Public.  No grand announcements explaining any of this were provided as notice.  Again, as with the baby theft and "infant decedent estate" scam described above, no forms or instructions were provided, no responsible officers or offices were designated, and no practical access to the remedy was implemented by the guilty Congress or by their Agency minions.  

A similar situation also applies less generally to the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve Banks and their demand, for example, that privately owned American cars and trucks must be registered as "Motor Vehicles" even though they are not, by definition, Motor Vehicles. The essence of the harm is that being a Motor Vehicle means that the conveyance is involved in commerce and the registration also provides that the person operating this "Motor Vehicle" is involved in commercial activity and therefore presumed to be a Municipal citizen of the United States subject to prosecution under the Fourteenth [By-Law] Amendment of the defunct Scottish Corporation.  This allowed the Federal Reserve Banks to use the private cars and trucks of Americans as collateral and allowed them to claim an ownership interest in them, which they then used to demand that all "their" cars be insured by insurance companies, all of which paid kick-backs to them.  This is clearly criminal divestment and fraud for profit and purposes of coercion, so it had to be legalized by providing remedy for it.  The Board of Governors then published "Regulation Z" as their remedy, but again, not a whisper was afforded the General Public and no specified means was provided for the victims to access the remedy.  They had to read it on their own and request the remedy from the Department of Transportation, which would then authorize the issuance of "permanent plates" by the Department of Motor Vehicles.  These plates or tags contain the letter Z and serve silent notice to the Highway Patrol that the car carrying them is not really a Motor Vehicle and not subject to the Motor Vehicle Code. 

These and other abundant examples have in common the trait that the remedy is made virtually inaccessible, so that the illegal act the remedy is supposed to cure can go on unabated under the guise of voluntary participation.  The failure of the Congress to provide both Notice and access to remedy and the more general failure of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to provide the same, is evidence of Bad Faith which strips the protections of legalization away. Now that this is fully realized and firmly stated in multiple public venues a serious correction must be made by the Congress and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors without further delay or obfuscation.  Stripping away the facade of legalization left unrealized by not providing adequate access to remedy will involve re-criminalizing the Act or actions back to the date of their inception and the accrual of damages from that day forward under Admiralty Law; any brigandage, press-ganging, illegal confiscation of property, illegal impoundment of property or persons, will carry the maximum penalty allowable --- and obviously, as these activities have been carried out by corporations there are no pleas of "state sovereignty" or protections of public office available.  

26. We note with pleasure the successful prosecution of a Constitutional challenge brought against the New York Governor and New York Department of Health  by members of the New York Legislature and a Citizens coalition, claiming a Separation of Powers violation occasioned by the Governor's attempt to enforce sweeping and coercive detainment measures and selective quarantines leading to internment in "Vaccine Camps"  within the borders of New York, all based on an Administrative Regulation promulgated by the unelected New York Department of Health.  The courts found in favor of the members of the Legislature and the Citizens and shut down the spectre of Internment Camps. This decision underscores a growing awareness of abuse of Executive power and Administrative "laws" including Administrative Codes, regulations, and misapplied statutes; it further supports the findings of the United States Supreme Court in West Virginia v EPA which reiterated the decision of the Tennessee Supreme Court in Norton v Shelby County a century ago:  Congress cannot further delegate its legislative role to agencies or franchises.  Administrative laws may only pertain to the employees and officers of a corporation; they are not competent to speak to non-resident aliens and non-citizens who are owed the services of Article III Courts.  The successful action was brought by veteran New York attorney Bobbi Ann Cox out of concern about rampant violations of Constitutional Guarantees and abuses of power by unelected agencies and politicians usurping the powers vested in the legislatures.  Please visit the Healthy American website for a full interview with Peggy Hall and Bobbi Ann Cox.  This is a positive self-correction by the Territorial citizenry themselves and we are very glad to see it, but caution that this kind of correction is not sufficient to systematically address the harm that such misadministration by the Territorial United States continues to cause the General Public.  The idea that any Governor or other member of an incorporated State-of-State business organization franchise could enforce measures violating our Constitutional Guarantees (and their limitations) by relying on administrative codes and regulations drafted by unelected agencies and departments is on the far side of sanity and it requires not only correction by the courts on a case-by-case basis, but a permanent bar against such overreach.  We send our love and gratitude to Peggy Hall and Bobbi Ann Cox for their fearless and effective  and determined defense of the Separation of Powers and also to the members of the New York Legislature who did indeed stand up for the Constitution and their Constituents, and to the members of the voter's coalition, all of whom made the victory possible and who have added to the growing body of case law discouraging such usurpations by corporate franchise executives. 

Anyone who thinks that we aren't doing our job and keeping our ears to the ground has more than another think coming. 

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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Public and International Notice of Crimes of State -- Notice to Congress; Demand for Action

 By Anna Von Reitz

Let all those to whom these presentments come be fully informed and take appropriate action to fulfill their obligations under Public and International Law. 

Originally, and in "Original Jurisdiction", there were three Federal Constitutions by which the People (State Citizens) of this country agreed to receive and pay for services from three different Subcontractors.  After the Civil War, only two of the Federal Subcontractors survived and were in operation.  Instead of fully informing their Employers, that is, the American States and People, these remaining Subcontractors declared "a National Emergency" and used that as an excuse to leave the Original Jurisdiction -- and our actual Constitutions --- behind. 

Instead of operating as unincorporated and self-responsible businesses, these Subcontractors decided to organize as foreign corporations.   This moved the jurisdiction in which they operate off the land and into the international jurisdiction of the sea --- and this in turn changed the form of law they were operating under.  

When you thoroughly understand that our Constitutions are the "Law of the Land" and that these Subcontractors left the land and started operating under the "Law of the Sea" you can begin to fathom the profound and disastrous changes that have occurred as a result.  Still later, one of these Subcontractors decided to "remove" even further from the Original Jurisdiction and began operations as a Municipal Corporation in the Maritime Jurisdiction known as Commerce.  

To repeat: leaving Original Jurisdiction and redefining themselves as incorporated entities owing allegiance to foreign interests meant that what appeared to be our government started operating under the foreign Law of the Sea, not the Law of the Land.  Thus, they sought to evade their obligations owed under the original Constitutions (Law of the Land) by redefining themselves as incorporated entities operating under the Law of the Sea --- Admiralty (Martial Law) and Maritime (Commercial Law). 

Everything that is wrong with this country and much that has gone astray in this world can be traced back to these treasonous acts of deceit and non-disclosure by Federal Subcontractors acting in Bad Faith. 

After the Civil War, in 1868, the British Territorial Subcontractors began operating "as" The United States of America" --- Incorporated. This Scottish Commercial Corporation was registered in Scotland in 1868.  They "adopted" the name of our unincorporated Federation of States as the name for their foreign corporation, and by so doing and by claiming to "represent" us, they stole our identity and our credit just as credit card hackers still do -- and they published a "new" Constitution for their use in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.  

This "new" Constitution looks virtually identical to the original Constitution and lacking full disclosure of what these criminals were doing, most Americans were simply confused. This "Constitution" published in 1868 is not a contract for services, but is instead the charter document of the deceitfully similarly-named Scottish Commercial Corporation.  

As a Charter this phony "Constitution" can be amended simply by a vote of the Board of Directors.  No ratification by the States of the Union is required.  Thus you will find that all the published [By-Law] Amendments to this document were never ratified by the American States -- and that includes their 14th, 15th, 16th and so on of the so-called Amendments. 

In 1906 this original Scottish Imposter filed for bankruptcy protection and by 1913, it was defunct.  

This means that their "Constitution" --- their Charter, together with all of its [By-Law] Amendments was also defunct.

The same Perpetrators responsible for this despicable fraud reorganized as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, and attempted to repeat the same scam, but it was caught and this new iteration was forced into liquidation in 1933. 

Aside from the fact that these usurpers have been mindlessly trying to subject members of the American General Public to their foreign law since the start of this criminal fiasco, and more recently have committed crimes of state against their faithful Employers by registering the names of Americans as "franchise corporations" belonging to their own foreign British Crown and Municipal Corporations---all without disclosure, of course--- they don't have a shred of authority for any of the actions they have taken, and they certainly have no grounds for enforcing a "Fourteenth Amendment" or a "Sixteenth Amendment" to the Charter of a Scottish Commercial Corporation that has been defunct for over a hundred years. 

Their only defense has been that the Americans haven't objected to all this, so it must be okay.  "They volunteered to enfranchise themselves with us!  They volunteered to pay Federal Income Taxes on their private earnings!"  -- though no credible reason for our purported actions could be advanced.  

Why would a free man of ample means agree to act as an indentured servant or a slave? Give up his gold, his land, and his hard-won freedoms?  For what?  The possibility of being paid welfare benefits?  

Of course, these false claims of acquiescence were only possible because for their own "national security" they adopted a "cloak of secrecy" and never disclosed any of their actions nor the meaning of their paperwork.. We were left completely in the dark and unable to respond appropriately to their false presumptions and false claims. 

For example, they sent their minions into our Mother's hospital room soon after our birth in the guise of hospital employees doing routine recordkeeping paperwork --- and they had our Mother's sign us and our estates away as Wards of their State-of-State franchise corporations. This practice created millions of "infant decedent estates" which these vampires pillaged and administered however they pleased.  

Our Mothers were given no disclosure and we were only a few days old when this false registration occurred, so they thought we'd never find out and never be able to expose them. 

These crimes have occurred with the flick of a pen and neither our Mothers nor Ourselves can be held accountable for any resulting private contract, as we lacked full disclosure: our Mothers were not told the true nature or effect of the paperwork they were signing, and we were, as babies, mentally and physically incompetent to know what was being done. We cannot be held accountable for this fraud against us for other reasons, too. 

The nature of this fraud requires a knowledge of international law at a level that no average American could be presumed to possess, so we were additionally left to the mercy of hired Jurists who were forced to work as licensed officers of the "corporate tribunal" courts belonging to the same corporations that have been pillaging, impersonating, and charging us.  If these Bar Attorneys and Judges conscripted to work as Uniformed Officers were to promote their own careers they could not assist us very much or very often, or they would be "disbarred". 

Additionally, the Perpetrators restricted our access to and understanding of the only court they left open to hear our claims and rigorously hid the means by which we could secure the hearing of an Article III Court guaranteed to us by our Constitutions.  As things stand, the only court of theirs competent to hear our suits under the Saving to Suitors Clause of the so-called "Special Admiralty" provisions tacked on to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, is the district court of the District of Columbia.  

Expecting an American garageman or farmer to be aware of all these carefully hidden deceits and entrapments and expecting these members of the General Public to discern these layers of false identities and fraud accomplished in international jurisdictions of the law, much less expect them to find their way to the correct court and be able to access the purported remedies ---without being able to hire a competent attorney devoted to their cause--- reeks of either a gross overestimation of our time on Earth and our intellectual interests and capacities --- or else a deliberate, concerted Entrapment Scheme designed to deny access to any remedies offered on paper. 

We see more evidence of this concerted effort to deny access to remedy in the way such remedies have been hidden from the General Public and the overall misadministration of these remedies which must be provided each and every time an otherwise illegal action proposes to be "legalized".  

The illegal registration of babies converting them and their American estates into chattel properties belonging to private foreign investors for no equitable consideration is a crime of state; in order to legalize this, the Perpetrators established an opportunity for the victims to come forward and claim their Reversionary Trust Interest to their own Infant Decedent Estate.  This "offer" of remedy is reduced to basically one small line in the immensity of Federal Code Title XII, and found at 12 USC 95 (a). Even if an American chanced to be reading this foreign tome, there is no indication identifying the trust being referenced and no office or officer or administrative process is identified as the person responsible, or the office responsible, or any means suggested by which their Reversionary Trust Interest may be exercised. 

Access to remedy denied is remedy denied. 

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors was eventually forced to legalize their demand that private cars and trucks be registered as Motor Vehicles (and as chattel "voluntarily" surrendered to the offending corporation's State of State franchises) and established Regulation Z as remedy for this misrepresentation and de facto seizure of private property under force. Regulation Z has been added as an afterthought to all manner of legislation that also makes improper demands of registration and ownership interest in private property including the Federal Highways Safety Act of 1956 and the Trading With the Enemy Act  and the Truth in Lending Act and many other Acts designed to seize upon privately owned American property assets for the benefit of these banks and the offending corporations.  The existence of Regulation Z -- the remedy for all this --- is always buried in annotated versions of the legislation and in appendixes to the legislation or otherwise hidden away or obfuscated and there is never a whisper concerning how the victim is supposed to exercise this relief.  . 

Again, access to remedy must be provided or there is no remedy. 

Another instance of this same phenomenon is seen with the infamous House Joint Resolution 192 which establishes the remedy and Public Policy of the corporation being submitted to reorganization in 1933, and in the resulting Public Laws 73-10 and 48 Stat 112.  These are offered as a legalizing remedy for the seizure of privately-held gold belonging to  members of the American General Public and the removal of our country from the gold standard: essentially, the Territorial Congress agreed to pay all of our bills, without recourse.  

And then, neither they nor their Trustees provided any pathway or instruction for the victims to secure this remedy or otherwise extract their gold and other property from this illegal confiscation.  Again, no office or officer was identified as being responsible and no administrative process was designated to implement the remedy.  No means was provided for the people to bring forward their bills for recoupment and redemption.  No debt redemption centers were established.  The remedy was published, but not implemented, making it impossible for the victims to act upon the purported remedy.  Even such a simple remedy as the Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchange process provided in Title XII was not implemented on any scale or with any public guidance or stipulated process.  Today there are only two offices within the Internal Revenue Service that process requests for remedy and they do so sporadically, without any proper paperwork, no forms, no instructions available to the General Public. 

The Corporation to which these obligations were attached was finally liquidated and a Successor Corporation entered the vacated position; since then, that Successor Corporation has entered into bankruptcy also, apparently to avoid these debts and obligations. 

As the respective Congresses have never seen fit to make any actual remedy available to the General Public of this country, and as their actions are otherwise widely recognized as crimes of state and crimes of pirates, we demand that the Trustees recognize that in the absence of immediate and mutually agreeable satisfaction, these Acts of Congress have never been legalized and no corporate veil or veil of acquiescence applies to this circumstance.  We stand as the Naked Owners and Preferential Creditors and Original Entitlement Holders of all assets naturally belonging to us and all money, credit, and profit derived from our assets both public and private. 

We must assume and assert in view of the lack of any other designated officer or office being made responsible for providing access to our remedies, that the individual Members of Congress are responsible for the fulfillment of the Public Law and for providing our remedies, that the Territorial Congress is responsible for the fulfillment of its Corporation's published Public Policies, that the Successor Corporation must inherit both the assets and the liabilities, that the British Crown is responsible for the operations of its franchises, that the Government of Westminster is responsible for its Treaty Obligations,  that the Trustees are responsible for recognizing the Reversionary Trust Interest belonging to the American States and People and those private interests which are also owed to us as people of proper provenance standing on the land and soil of this country, properly declared and recorded as such, and any Trustees charged with overseeing the Corporate bankruptcies must honor our ownership interest and the fact that we are owed all protections and guarantees of our Original Constitutions and the return of our estates and all property and persons unharmed, regardless of any other subsequent contracts the other Principals have entertained. 

We are all standing on the brink and need to work together to correct these circumstances for the benefit of our country and the entire world. It is not our desire nor our intent to hold the men and women of the present generation unduly responsible for the sins and errors and omissions of early generations, but we must insist on the full restoration of our ownership interests and control of our assets and recognition of our jurisdiction and our prior-existing contracts. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America -- Unincorporated

28th of October 2022


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