Saturday, June 25, 2022




Satanism versus LOVE FOR HUMANITY

by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot

Benjamin Fulford publishes a well known newsletter and here is a recent issue:


While Russia and China may have reason to want to know about the biolabs the U.S. has established worldwide and what experiments they are conducting, threats of nuclear war is not the solution and will go nowhere.  The fact is that the biolabs (and these are only the surface ones, there are more clandestine versions underground in the DUMBS)… are working on two primary projects:

  1.  Weapons of mass population destruction, targeted by bloodline and dna
  2. Genetically re-engineering the human body/mind complex into a transhuman supersoldier aka robotic superman aka Humanity 3.0.

Consequently the U.S. will not disclose or stop these programs since it involves national security and the forward development of their competitive edge in space and in war.

Of course both China and Russia doubtless have their own such programs and so disclosure would have to go both ways and all parties know this will never happen.  It is naive and misleading for Fulford to turn this reality into a grandstanding challenge by the two powers along with a threat of nuclear war.

What we need is a more in-depth understanding of what is going on and why.  And this is centered on a RACE WAR that involves the various OFF-WORLD RACIAL LINEAGE of the primary bloodlines of those respective countries.  What Fulford fails to disclose is that Russia (because their racial lineage is close to the U.S.  is already working closely with the U.S. on the same projects although there may be some areas where they differ, for all intents and purposes they are on the same side and therefore will not have a war with themselves!  

If we are to move into a so-called world government then these simple facts must be openly acknowledged.  In other words, which alien and underground races are the different countries including the ‘super powers’ working with.  Until we raise the level of the dialogue superficial articles such as the one Fulford has written will go nowhere and continue to mislead the public as to the real issues at hand.

An addendum to the above is the focus on threats to eliminate the Khazarian Mafia which is focused on the former Nazi/Fascist roots of the German race (that go deep into the lineage of the Russian/German/UK upper classes), and what is at the root of this group (the satanist Khazars) who are known for rituals involving blood lust and human sacrifice going back centuries.  There is reason to believe that this branch of humanity is influenced if not run by the off planet race from Aldebaran.  There was, in simple terms, a clear split within this group perhaps most evident with the emergence of Christ or Christ consciousness i.e. ‘love thy neighbor as thyself” philosophy.  One can most easily see this “feud” as going back to this divergence between Christians and Satanists…but one can imagine it existed long before Christ and Christianity made it the focus around the world  Needless to say, Buddhism and the many other “religions” on Earth stem back to this key division. One important note is that the Catholic Church was early on taken over by the Draco-Reptilians and therefore highly satanic.  Sadly many Christians have no idea that their pope is the public face of the Reptilian leadership (as well as the black pope.  

So that when making an argument to do away with the Khazarians one must recognize their lineage goes back to the same root.  In general real Christians and those of other “religious” denominations that do not feature blood lust diverge from those that do (the satanists).  In fact, the world is at war over this very dark history going back possibly to the introduction of the root races to this planet and those off-planet (some now inner Earth) groups who have influenced them.

It comes down to those that practice human sacrifice, slavery and reaches to the depths of the adrenochrome epidemic and rise in human slavery and trafficking on this planet.  The question is can you kill them all and the answer is of course that, that is not possible.  Especially when it is part of the reptilian dna now part of the human genome to differing degrees but most prominent in the so-called royals and upper classes of countries.  That group that back in time was “chosen to rule” by their predecessors aka the Humanoid/Reptilian hybrid races such as the Anunnaki and those from Aldebaran.  

The simple history of humanoid races is that regardless of where they are from in the galaxies they all stem from the same humanoid root of which humans are a sub-category.  We all go back to Lyra and probably beyond eons ago.  For the best history of the genetic re-engineering of humans see the Ashayana Deane VOYAGER BOOKS.  Understanding this key split in the human race and why it ultimately must be resolved is key to deciphering what is really at root here in the satanist war of worlds.

For more background on this story watch this documentary by Jim Nichols who passed on recently.  


Aldebaran Mystery – Jim Nichols documentary.   Nazi ties to an off-planet race from Aldebaran

The simple fact that governments on Earth are influenced by if not completely run by off-world and inner Earth civilizations must be revealed in order to even begin to decipher the deep history of animosity between races and cultures here on Earth.

What people fail to realize is that the battle of what are known as the White Hats and Trump team is actually completely focused on this primary division within humanity.  This is why, people of the world are so focused on what happens here in the U.S.  It is a war between the 2 factions of humanity:  one that would feed on itself (blood lust, sacrifice, human trafficking) aka satanism and one that would condemn such behavior as barbaric and anti-human.  Ultimately, it takes little imagination to figure out which side will win in the end.  Because a race or races of being cannot succeed if they are continually feeding on themselves.   

Yet, it is also crucial to understand that the infiltration of the human/humanoid genomes by the Draco Reptilians stretches back many eons and is an ongoing very real issue that must be openly confronted on Earth before progress can be made or any form of ascension/enlightenment can take place.  In other words at least in the short term a kind of truce must be established between these two factions/ways of life in order to begin the process of transformation.

What many people do not know is that MJ12 that was established under Truman had this issue at the core from the beginning as well.  The way it was described by Dan Burisch many years ago was that the Christians and those who abhor blood lust could not bear to be in the same room with the satanists.

And this gets into the heart of the mission of the Q/white hats/Trump team.  We are often told by certain members of that team that they are going into DUMBS worldwide and rescuing the children being used as prey and trafficking both on and off-planet.  However if you consider the bigger pictrue you can see that this mission goes far beyond the borders of the U.S. and to the root of this KEY point of division within humanity.  The real question is how successful are they and how can they resolve this KEY split within these 2 factions?  Other differences based on borders and even bioweapons pale in comparison to this issue.

I have suggested multiple time in broadcasts, videos and articles that “you can’t kill them all” and this is undeniable.  What is clear is that we need a world recognition of this KEY PROBLEM worldwide before any attempt at forward progress is made.  While the U.S. and Trump team are fond of saying we must first “clean our own house” the fact is that even at root of our secret space program and the DUMBS is this brain numbing split that cannot be healed easily if ever.  Therefore any trials and indictments or filling prisons in Guantanamo and elsewhere will never be the solution.  Until this key issue is exposed and talked about in a WORLD COURT OR FORUM any supposed victory by the White Hats/Trump team will end up being superficial at best.  Satanism is heavily embedded in all aspects of our society from Hollywood to Wall Street and doubtless in the underground bases and secret space program as well.  








PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING?  FIRST THE BEINGS FROM ALDEBARAN “gave” the Nazis the key to free energy technology and they built saucers giving them a tactical advantage during WWII which would have allowed them to win the war… Then they told them “don’t use it” to win yet…wait..,So the Nazis pretended to “lose” the war and let Germany fall while they abandoned ship and defected via PROJECT PAPERCLIP to Russia the U.S., and UK and Israel, Argentina and a few other countries… Avoiding being prosecuted as war criminals at Nuremberg.  Then they took over NASA and our space program.  Then they infiltrated all governments of the countries listed above and the U.S. became the 4th REICH.  

Now they have infiltrated the medical establishment using their scientists and taken over WHO and now plan to finalize the WORLD GOVERNMENT… Do you see a pattern here?  They also returned and made a deal with our secret space program to buy Africa to move their people to… in exchange for helping us terraform and colonize other earthlike planets…  (according to 4 top whistleblowers).

Then they released COVID only the first in a series of bioweapons to kill off as many humans as possible and connect those who survive to the BORG AI under full control as part of a transhuman agenda… Again do YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE?  Pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence by the way…

Video excerpt from tv series THE EVENT made in 2010

Did I mention that the beings from Aldebaran appeared as typical uber nazis…blond hair blue eyes, tall….but to infiltrate Africa they changed their skin color to blend in… eyes and hair… turns out they are likely Reptilian-humanoid hybrids… their history on Earth going back to Sumeria just like the Anunnaki who are also humanoid reptilian hybrids…

Even conventional scientists admit there are BILLIONS OF EARTHLIKE PLANETS out there….

And the humanoid form is common throughout the megaverse…

The Pleiadians are humanoid nordic looking some have dark hair etc … they have been battling the DRACO REPTILIANS FOR CENTURIES…we are related to them and it turns out most humanoid species come from the LYRAE constellation in this area of the universe….

the Anunnaki went rogue from Pleiades and were then invaded by the Draco-Reptilians.. and so became Reptilian-Humanoid hybrids

The Draco Reptilians are said to be a marauding species searching to conquer planets and take over the beings there turning them into hybrids, using them as food, sex slaves and traffic them to other star systems…

In essence they are now conquering Earth (which they consider one of their homeworlds)… by using their Humanoid Hybrids.. races like the Anunnaki and Aldebarans

According to a whistleblower the Chinese are invaded and ruled by the draco-reptilian-greys… and also by a relatively recent group known as the Spider beings…

Of course you can, like Clif High ignore the evidence and pretend we are alone in this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy… but that would be a mistake… considering they are taking over your world.

Humans are fond of quoting the Bible, written by the Anunnaki and a host of others…that we are made in “God’s image”.  However what they fail to realize is “God’s image” when the “God” is an Anunnaki is a humanoid.

Humans are a hybrid race … a blend of MANY OTHER off-world races… and the evidence for this is presented clearly in the VOYAGER books I and II by Ashayana Deane downloaded from what are called The Guardian Races… a group of races who contributed their DNA to our genome but also who pledged to safeguard us until we took our rightful place as Guardians of Earth…

In a sense we are directly descended from the Humanoid races of Lyrae and Pleiades.

But we have been invaded and infiltrated through the centuries…. 

The latest effort to re-engineer our genome is via Covid19.

God aka the Creator aka The Force aka “All that is” includes every being, thing and constellation out there…. Good and Evil and “all things”.  The Creator does not punish or reward and cannot be petitioned with prayer.  God or All that IS encompasses ALL.  

As such any so-called visiting group or text claiming to be your “God” and telling you what to do and how to do it, acting vindictively or choosing favorites is a lesser than, race of beings with conquering you in mind…. BEWARE.

This is not to say that there are not spirits, so-called angels and princes and principalities reporting to the CREATOR that do not watch over and assist and care for ‘you’ …your physical body having a material experience in this matrix.  And it is true you can attract or repell both positive and negative energies and influences…

But “you” only exist in this realm via your connection to your physical body which is temporary…however you are eternal and reside in soul connected to the Creator or SOURCE FIELD as some call it…

Death is after all an illusion.


The narrator soon discovers that the Vril-ya are descendants of an antediluvian civilization called the Ana, who live in networks of subterranean caverns linked by tunnels. Originally surface dwellers, they had fled underground thousands of years ago to escape a massive flood and gained greater power by facing and dominating the harsh conditions of the Earth. The place where the narrator descended housed 12,000 families, one of the largest groups. Their society was a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being an “all-permeating fluid” called “Vril”, a latent source of energy that the spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree that depended on their hereditary constitution. This mastery gave them access to an extraordinary force that could be controlled at will. It is this fluid that the Vril-ya employed to communicate with the narrator. The powers of the Vril included the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular were powerful, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to destroy entire cities if necessary.

MY COMMENT:   Vril is the same thing as kundalini/orgone/Chi…it can be used to fly ufos and more…. I have this fully activated as do many yogis in the past and certain hidden teachers…It is real and can be developed even in children and teens… at it’s lowest level it is called magnetism.—Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot


Aldebaran Mystery – Jim Nichols documentary

Nazi ties to an off-planet race from Aldebaran

Who were the Khazars?


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