Thursday, April 28, 2022

Joachim Hagopian, Digital Services Act and UN Pandemic Treaty: One World Governance through Medical Digital Tyranny


Joachim Hagopian, Digital Services Act and UN Pandemic Treaty: One World Governance through Medical Digital Tyranny

Joachim Hagopian

Just days prior to treasonous Obama leaving the White House, he signed legislation outlawing what he and his puppet masters call “fake news,” that in their upside-down Luciferian world is essentially what we call the not-so-hidden truth. The CIA born, bred and groomed “Manchurian president” also made sure to nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, in order to render the willful spread of domestic false propaganda within the US fully legal, sanctifying nonstop boldface lies as the only real news while declaring inconvenient, unwanted truth on the internet as so-called “fake news.” Now the aging, white-haired viper is back again, aggressively peddling all-out totalitarian technocratic control over the internet, calling for deployment of an army of Deep State “factcheckers” to withhold all truth from the populace, spoken in classic Orwellian Obama doublespeak dialect:

One of the biggest reasons for the weakening of democracy is the profound change that’s taken place in how we communicate and consume information… This is an opportunity, it’s a chance that we should welcome for governments to take on a big important problem and prove that democracy and innovation can coexist. 

This is outright endorsement of state-owned media limiting its version of “the truth” to a steady stream of false narrative lies. And it’s no accident that partner-in-crime Hillary Clinton crawled out from under her rock to also weigh in on this all-important business of controlling what gets revealed as news via the internet. After all, she’s had multiple allegations maintaining, if not proving, that she is a Satanic High Priestess, and we all know that Satanists have almost as much of an acute aversion and dread for the truth as the Christian cross. Several days ago, she added her two cents, tweeting:

For too long, tech platforms have amplified disinformation and extremism with no accountability. The EU is poised to do something about it. 

Meet Hillary and Obama’s answer to their alarm – the Digital Services Act (DSA) just passed by the EU as the elite’s final blow to free speech and the truth, designed to eradicate us “useless eaters” from ever really knowing what’s going on in this treacherous world, currently teetering one giant step closer to full-blown one world governance. By eliminating public access to the truth, the final nail in the coffin hallmarking every totalitarian regime in history to forbid the truth from dissemination to global masses. Therefore, their public decrees decrying their demand for yet more pervasive censorship from the Tech giant factcheckers to, in effect, secure state power grabbing ownership and control over all news and information outflow. These two slithering slimeball Democrats, along with John Podesta, the DNC, James Comey and John Brennan, are all growing frantic in their desperation to avoid their impending indictments from Special Prosecutor John Durham’s criminal investigation. In fact, it was CIA Director Brennan who uttered the following during an Obama briefing:

Alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.

The taxpayer wasted $32 million boondoggle of the two-year long Mueller Report fiasco, trying to find Trump-Russian collusion in vain to explain Hillary’s 2016 defeat completely failed, and all the Deep State players are overwhelmingly guilty of not only illegally spying on and attempting to take down the GOP candidate turned duly elected president, but also clearly committed high treason and felony crimes against humanity as well.

Yet another reason for this latest rush to further corral the internet’s  “Wild, Wild West” from exercising free speech, despite already being owned and controlled by leftist “factchecking” gatekeepers and digital book-burning aficionados of the cancel culture – Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook and his Instagram, Google and its YouTube, Yahoo, Twitter, are all busily dodging the oncoming Nuremberg 2.0 bullet train evading their criminally complicit role throughout the fake pandemic-(non)vaccine holocaust, killing millions across the globe with known false lies and purposeful misinformation. Consistently on the wrong side of history, a few days ago the 27-nation EU lapdogs gave Obama and Hillary exactly what they’ve been craving, an easy out for their Deep State cabal crimes to continue going unpunished… or so they think. Just as the EU vassals similarly all fell in line, caving into pedo-puppet Biden’s demands as the dirty bidding of the divide and conquer puppet masters intent on destroying humanity far more than destroying Russia for Putin’s clean-up operation in Ukraine, exposing Deep State’s black ops’ playground for the cesspit machine’s organized crime/money laundering that include yet more US DoD-funded bioterror labs, more secret child sex trafficking tunnels, and more DUMBs’ crossbreeding experimentation with tortured human children merged in animal bodies. The West indeed has everything to lose when the scope of its Satanic underworld of unfathomable, ungodly crimes finally get unearthed to a shocked, red-pilled public.

From a widely circulated April 23rd, 2022 alt-news article on

The European Union is working to massively expand online censorship, strictly regulate speech during times of ‘crisis’ and restrict online anonymity through digital passports.

Speaking of digital passports, the European Union’s onward march toward global governance in lockstep with its recent DSA greenlight, as of February 2022, the EU established new uniform, binding rules for its 27 nation members to accept digital vaccination certificates for nine months after the first and second death jabs, freeing their citizens to copesetic travel throughout the EU. Of course, when attrition sets in and the vaxxed become too ill to travel and die, that’s another little swept under the untidy rug entirely.

With so much criminal exposure being released on a near daily basis, the Deep State cabal is currently closing in on its genocidal kill from every which direction. Speaking Truth to Power activist James Roguski opened his March 25th, 2022 bombshell on the United Nations’ Pandemic Treaty with this raw subheading:

Never before in the history of mankind has an organization openly plotted a coup against the sovereignty and health of every human on earth.

Former World Health Organization employee, the notable international health scientist Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger warns that the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty would supersede every national constitution and national sovereignty in the world, essentially ushering in one world government. Dr. Astrid concludes:

The WHO constitution will be the global constitution of the world.

From May 22 to May 28, 2022, the 194 nation members in the United Nations will vote on a new amendment to the International Health Regulations (IHR) accord of 2005, and a two-thirds majority is reached, no local, state or national government will any longer possess the legal jurisdictional authority to handle any future health crisis or epidemic, and the UN will subversively hand totalitarian reigns over to the WHO, the very same organization that criminally conspired with Big Pharma, Bill Gates and Schwab’s World Economic Forum to bring the world to its knees with their Covid-19 fake pandemic and subsequent genocidal kill shots. If the UN amendment passes the amendment, leading to the preplanned Pandemic Treaty, as of November this year, UN law will go into effect. A UN yes vote would give the Bill Gates bought and paid for criminal lackey, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu full power to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC accurately pronounced “FAKE”) and for the first time, humanity will be officially living under one world governance. With this health noose tightening around our neck, and the world fast going to hell in a hand basket, Klaus Schwab’s promised Great Reset will be complete.

By November and the start of winter 2022, the elite’s diabolically manufactured “perfect [Satanic] storm” of never before observed converging crises will tragically also be in full catastrophic climax. With the West’s madness enflaming the current Deep State Ukraine-Russia crisis risking nuclear holocaust, the ongoing vaccine human dieoff, warnings of yet more deadly outbreaks eminent such as hepatitis in emerging in young children, China allegedly still reeling from increasing viral spread and prolonged inhumane COVID lockdowns, exacerbating the already near total global supply chain shutdown, the slew of suspicious arson fires and explosions destroying food processing facilities worldwide, massive planetwide soaring food and energy shortages, resultant famine and mass starvation, food riots, civil society breakdown, rising instability and record violence, accompanied by runaway hyperinflation rendering the dying US dollar worthless, and entire global economic system in full collapse, the demons in control of this planet have deliberately set the stage for an unprecedented all hell to break loose.

Despite the known evildoers willfully creating this unthinkable diabolical reality that has never been more exposed than right now, smug, brazen Luciferian controllers will pretend to be our saviors, rescuing us from such doom and gloom, dire conditions that they premeditatedly plotted and are executing. After the largest transfer of wealth in recorded history, criminally stealing what little wealth the bottom 99% had along with virtually everything else we own, their twisted agenda is for all remaining traumatized survivors, culled down to a half billion (out of 7.9) per Georgia Guidestones forced to toil and suffer in this grimmest, dystopian vision created by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) cashless, feudalistic, technocratic New World Order, coerced to submit to the cabal’s World Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the co-opted Chinese CCP model of social credit scores, the WEF and China’s smart cities super-surveillance and digital, biometric enslavement within their inescapable prison planet control grid. Ultimately the bloodline rulers’ wet dream will be our living daily nightmare.

If we choose to remain passive and do nothing the rest of this year, we will reach the point of no return. Sitting back eating popcorn, enjoying the show as clickbaiting hopium pushers push us off Pipedreamers Cliff, the same one that the Bolsheviks appeased millions of soon-to-be murdered Russians in Operation Trust, the Juan O’ Savins of the patriot world repeatedly implore us to “trust the plan,” lulling us into patiently waiting for the so-called military white hats and Trump to finally step up and save us, make it all better and go away as helpless little children. Tragically failing to learn from history with the same central casting banksters that brought the Bolsheviks to deadly power, a century later the same usual suspects are at it again, closing in on their one world government tyranny. Unless we decentralize to mobilize massive resistance banding together to fight against our common enemy, humanity is doomed. And the narrowing window of choice is fast closing… tick tock.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for over 8 years, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, and currently As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully documents and exposes the global pedophilia scourge and remains available for free at the late Robert David Steele’s website To compensate Google recently deplatforming Joachim’s empireexposed blogsite after 7 years, attempting to silence another cancel culture victim, Joachim responded by becoming a Revolution Radio host on the weekly show “Cabal Empire Exposed,” heard every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)

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