Friday, April 29, 2022

Are Israeli schools teaching a World Economic Forum curriculum?


Are Israeli schools teaching a World Economic Forum curriculum?

Posted by Yudi Sherman

Apr 29, 2022

'A great natural disaster will happen'

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A page from an Israeli school textbook shows a narrative similar to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) highly controversial globalist agenda, which the organization has named “The Great Reset”. 

The Great Reset is the project of the WEF and global leaders to reshape the global economy and culture.  

In an ad published by the WEF in 2020, the organization promised that by 2030, “you will own nothing and you’ll be happy,” because everything and everyone will be digitized.    

The WEF, which is best known for outlining the COVID-19 pandemic before it happened, lays out other “predictions”, including:  

  • Whatever you want you’ll rent and it’ll be delivered by drone, 
  • The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower, rather a handful of countries will dominate, 
  • We won’t transplant organs, we’ll print new ones instead, 
  • You’ll eat much less meat – an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of our environment, 
  • Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide, 
  • There will be a global price on carbon. 

While the WEF has always pushed an environmental agenda, its Global Risks 2022 report, published in January, lists the top three global risks as climate action failure, extreme weather and biodiversity loss.  

Climate change even topped COVID-19 and societal issues as the most menacing threat.  

An Israeli textbook designed to teach English to Israeli students seems to echo the WEF’s globalist agenda. In one exercise, the student is asked to write the future perfect tense in the blanks in the following composition: 

“The world ___________________ (be) quite different in the year 2100. In 2050, a great natural disaster ___________________ (happen). Parts of continents ___________________ (disappear) and many people ___________________ (die). The weather ___________________ (change) dramatically. It ___________________ (be) much hotter in the summer and much colder in the winter than it is now. The cities ___________________ (be) different too. Each city will be covered by a dome. That way the weather inside the city ___________________ (stay) pleasant all year round. People ___________________ (not need) air conditioners or heaters.” 

“There ___________________ (not be) any offices,” the exercise continues. “People ___________________ (work) from their homes. Children ___________________ (not go) to school. They ___________________ (study) at home with the help of computers. They _______________ (not study) languages because everybody ___________________ (speak) the same language – English! People ________________ (not cook) anymore. They __________________ just _______________ (take pills) instead of eating!” 

Israel, a country founded on socialism, was also the world’s pioneer in forced COVID-19 injections, which is supported by the WEF.

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