Sunday, January 30, 2022

We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter 12


We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter 12


You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher


             Part Twelve:



      The Formal Affidavit






            Affidavit of Probable Cause



We – the Affiants-- a living man known to the public as James Clinton Belcher and a

living woman known to the public as Anna Maria Riezinger free born on the land

jurisdiction of the united States of America known as the Continental United States are

able and competent and of age to present ourselves in the flesh and bring forth this

affidavit in our own behalf and that of all the others similarly abused and affirm it as

truth from without the Federal United States. We have first-hand experience and knowledge of the circumstance herein described and are also enabled via the Last Man Standing Maxim of Law to speak in favor of the Alaska State—one of the Several States on the land owed The Alaska Statehood Compact and the Wisconsin State and the Washington State which are our birthright and we do present our claims without representation of any kind and without any purpose of evasion or deceit and do depose the following:



1. We say that the preceding 101 items catalogued in the Table of Contents of this bound and sealed document present the verifiable history and facts necessary to ascertain reasonable and

probable cause of this action and claim and does justify the establishment of Public Lien

favoring the Alaska State and the people inhabiting Alaska and upon all actual property assets owned, claimed, indebted, securitized, or bonded by the now-defunct United States of America, Incorporated and its State of Alaska franchise; also the UNITED STATES, INC. and its STATE OF ALASKA, INC. franchise and the UNITED NATIONS, INC. and its ALASKA franchise and any other so-called state of state corporations established under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. We likewise affirm that similar Public Lien and interest is owed to all of the actual Fifty States of the land jurisdiction belonging to the States of America and the United Colonies of America such as the Wisconsin State and Washington State and the people inhabiting the land itself.

This is important because without a thorough and fairly detailed grasp of the history and public records and issues of public interest involved it is

impossible to understand the basis and necessity of the Public Lien being established;




2. We say that the lawful government owed to our nation by the Unam Sanctum Global Estate

Trust and out International Trustees—including the Rector of the National Shrine in

Washington DC who is supposed to govern and safeguard our portion of the global Jurisdiction

of the Air and the United States Postmaster who is supposed to govern and safeguard our

national Jurisdiction of the Land and the British Monarch entrusted with governing and

safeguarding Americans and American vessels operating in (the) international Jurisdiction of

the Sea-- has been purposefully usurped by those Trustees and by international banking cartels

operating deceptively named governmental services corporations as if these privately owned

for-profit legal fiction entities were in fact the actual government and as if they were in fact in

receipt of our granted authority and lawfully enabled to act as our Deputies.

This is important

because this mammoth Breach of Trust has given rise to the fraud schemes and other

criminality herein discussed and also to our material claims and requests for permanent

protective injunctions safe-guarding the interests of all those affected;



3. We say that we and our parents and our grandparents and our children and grandchildren and

all our estates and land and businesses and homes together with our bodies and labor and other

natural resources and assets both material and immaterial including our most fundamental

natural rights have been plundered and harmed as a result of the history and facts presented


This is important because as our individual estates have been commandeered and

plundered the welfare of the entire planet has suffered as a whole. It is also important to

establish our own standing as Injured Parties. We have been misrepresented and denied

remedy due and most recently extorted and threatened at gunpoint;



4. We say that we have been misrepresented and mischaracterized and defrauded by people and

by institutions including foreign governments and banks and governmental services

corporations that owe us friendship and support and good faith service. Those who have

assaulted and were successors to contract including solemn trust indentures and international

treaties and commercial service contracts including the Treaty of Paris (1783), the Treaty of

Versailles (1784), the Treaty of Westminster (1794), The Supreme Perfected Declaration of the

United Colonies of America (1787), The Constitution for the united States of America (1789)

and various trade and defense and mutual support agreements since then too numerous to list.

This is important because we have had good cause to trust the offenders and to reply

upon their goodwill, honesty, and intent;



5: We say that we have suffered personage and barratry and unprovoked attack from the

members of the American Bar Association which has acted in the role of an organized crime

syndicate and operated private so-called administrative courts which are corporate tribunals as

if they were public courts and have used semantic deceit as a means to promulgate this fraud

and deception upon the American people. The membership of the American Bar Association

has preyed upon the people of our country in the guise of undeclared foreign agents and inland

pirates seeking the overthrow of the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States and in

defiance of The Constitution of the united States and in breach of the Treaty allowing their

presence on our shores. They have also breached their Bar Association Charter by

mischaracterizing living Americans as mental incompetents and wards of the State and federal

employees and in various other false personas.

This is important because it shows a

widespread pattern of willful and purposeful abuse that cannot be explained away as the

result of individual ignorance or lax procedure, and because the members of the Bar

Associations cannot be presumed to be acting in ignorance of their own Charter and

Treaty much less the basic requirements of The Constitution governing the land

jurisdiction of the Continental United States and the Public Law;



6: We say the Government of France doing business as FRANCE has colluded with the City

State of Westminster and Inner City of London doing business as WESTMINSTER and as

ELIZABETH II and as the CROWN CORPORATION and has harbored and incorporated and

protected other crime syndicate organizations including the United Nations, Incorporated, and

the International Monetary Fund, Incorporated, so as to expedite and aid and abet the crimes of

these corporations against Americans and Australians and Scots and Irish and Canadian and

other peoples of the former Commonwealth nations and most of the other nations of Western

Europe in contravention of international treaties, corporate charters, trustee relationships and

other obligations.

This is important because the cooperation of these governmental services

corporations in establishing private business entities in foreign jurisdictions and then

using them to carry out undisclosed predatory actions in other countries shows a pattern

of deceit and intent to avoid detection of their actual identities and purposes;



7. We say the Government of the United Kingdom and the Lord Mayor of London and the

Temporal Office of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II doing business as ELIZABETH II

and most especially the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted and perpetuated false claims via

fraud and the repugnant and unlawful practices of usury and press-ganging and inland piracy

resulting in the enslavement of landsmen in the foreign Jurisdiction of the Sea. Successive

British Monarchs, Lord Mayors, and Lords of the Admiralty have allowed these attacks upon

peaceful neighbors and former colonies and Allies have and have been instrumental in

promoting the destruction of the peace and economic well-being and private property rights of

at least one-half of the living people worldwide including ourselves.

This is important

because it demonstrates long-term and purposeful and self-interested criminality on the

part of the Government of the United Kingdom, the City-State of Westminster, and the

Crown. These institutions and officials have been in control of and responsible for

administering the International jurisdiction of the Sea for centuries and cannot be

presumed to be ignorant of the duty nor of the Laws of admiralty which have recognized

press-ganging and inland piracy as capital offenses for two hundred years;



8. We say that the United Nations City State which was given land and sanctuary upon our

shores and supported primarily with our labor and resources since its Charter was signed has

shielded the perpetrators of the vast crimes revealed herein and that the United Nations, Inc.

has profited from and given aid and assistance to individuals and organizations known to be

criminals including the Federal Reserve Banks doing business as the FEDERAL RESERVE

which has been given sanctuary and charter under United Nations City State and United

Nations, Incorporated auspices.

This is important because we and many other people

worldwide have trusted the United Nations to function as a bastion against criminality

and violence and it has instead aided and abetted these activities;



9: We say that the Swiss Government is also culpable for harboring, aiding, and abetting

known international crime syndicates including the perpetrators of the 1930 and 1933

bankruptcy debacles including the World Bank and Bank for International Settlements and

Federal Reserve Banks and the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development which

have all taken profit and advantage from the destruction of war and the pillaging of innocent

people's private property.

This is important because the Swiss Government and the Swiss

banking industry have been respected worldwide for centuries for their expertise and

high ethical and professional standards. Their failure to address the perpetrators of

bankruptcy fraud and securities fraud on such a massive scale again demonstrates a

pattern of willful deceit and collusion that cannot be explained away on the basis of

ignorance and inadequate procedure;



10. We say that the UNITED STATES (INC.) operated by the International Monetary Fund,

Incorporated and its incorporated STATE franchises doing business under names like the

STATE OF OHIO have operated a confidence racket and fraud and enslavement scheme of

unimaginable proportions and imposed it by force and extortion upon the innocent and trusting

American People including: (A) Bait and Switch sales of land transformed into lease of real

estate; (B)imposition of land titles held by the UNITED STATE and its STATE franchises

under color of law; © the UNITED STATES had promoted multiple Ponzi Scheme Fiat

monetary systems imposed in Breach of Contract and Trust upon the American State Citizens;

(D) the UNITED STATES has operated Reverse Trust Schemes against the estates of individual

living Americans; (E) the UNITED STATES has abused of the rights of usufruct and has

employed them against the American people and their private and public property assets; (F)

the UNITED STATES has committed unlawful conversion of American assets carried out by

systematic entrapment and probate fraud exercised by semantic deceit and non-disclosure; (G)

the UNITED STATES has forced sales of UNITED STATES corporate services under the false

pretense that receipt of these services or enrollment in these so-called benefit programs was

mandated by the lawful American Government; (H) the UNITED STATES has routinely and

self-interestedly kidnapped individual American into the foreign jurisdictions of international

commerce and maritime law and subjected them without granted authority; (I) the UNITED

STATES has made false claims of contract and capacity to lawfully represent these same

Americans; (J) the UNITED STATES has deprived Americans of access to Common Law

Courts guaranteed to them under commercial contract and international treaty; (K) the

UNITED STATES has mercilessly plundered the national trust assets of our people and nation

and profited itself from war and prison industries and the promotion of drugs and prostitution

and arms sales and sale of alcohol and contraband and vice of every possible description; (L)

the UNITED STATES has appropriated unimaginably large sums of credit from the public

purse for people and purposes such as international relief efforts – resources that have instead

been siphoned off by criminals and political cronies and never reached their purported

destinations; (M) the UNITED STATES has served as a vehicle to spread war for profit

throughout the world and both by act and omission has served to create endless war and

conflict; (N) the UNITED STATES has lied incessantly to the American People and carried out

sophisticated and unprincipled propaganda campaigns designed to make them believe that

slavery is freedom and poverty is wealth and predation upon private assets is the price of being

kept safe from False Flag attacks carried out by the perpetrators against the American people;

(O) the UNITED STATES has knowingly promoted faked and politicized scientific data and

promoted scientific theories known to be false in a prolonged effort to justify taxation to further

enrich itself; (P) the UNITED STATES has recklessly pursued destruction of the American

Dollar's reputation and value by substituting US Dollars and Federal Reserve Notes and Petro

Dollar exchanges for American money and bilking the entire unsuspecting world; (Q) the

UNITED STATES has established oppressive and unlawful monopolies and self-interested

regulatory controls upon basic commodities and services; ® the UNITED STATES has openly

practiced peonage, press-ganging, and enslavement including enforced including enforced

registration for Selective Service (military draft) and has used criminalization of basic natural

rights as the means to implement its control of the bodies and minds of the individual American

State Citizens; (S) the UNITED STATES has pursued additional forced registration of many

private property assets including automobiles and livestock and even activities such as

operating machinery so as to claim false ownership and controlling interests in these assets and

activities as a basis to raise ongoing revenue and hypothecate more debt against the American

People and their private property; (T) the UNITED STATES has never fully disclosed its nature

or current Charter or actual shareholders and other information necessary for it to form valid

contracts of any kind with American State Citizens nor with the Continental States; (U) the

UNITED STATES failed to retool for peacetime trade after World War II and has continued to

export implements and commodities of war as its primary exports products which as led to

promoting war for profit and to unnecessary widespread unemployment and poverty; (V) the

UNITED STATES has suppressed many basic elements of education leaving American students

in free fall and at the mercy of whatever ignorance is profitable for the UNITED STATES: (W)

the UNITED STATES has deregulated banking and encouraged lawlessness in the securities

markets of the nation and the world; (X) the UNITED STATES has failed to honor virtually all

publicly stated remedies that the UNITED STATES has agreed to in the past including payment

of interest on investments and access to the credit owed to individual living people; (Y) the

UNITED STATES had obligated the American People to numerous trade and treaty agreements

which openly victimize them and plunder their assets for little or no equitable consideration in

return; (Z) the UNITED States has acted as a criminal syndicate for decades and has misused

the trust of the American People and their asses ti wage war and genocide against other nations

throughout the world. We say that the UNITED STATES and its parent corporation the IMF

deserve to be liquidated and that their joint assets must be returned to the rightful entitlement

holders and their profits must be distributed to their priority creditors.

This is important

because without a widespread and public recognition of the vil done by these corporations

and an equally public repudiation of their criminality it is impossible to sustain any basis

for trust, trade, or Public Law;



11. We say that the former Federal Reserve System and the current FEDERAL RESERVE and

its respective front organizations doing business as the United States of America (Incorporated)

and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.) are guilty of all the same crimes as the

UNITED STATES cited as (A) to (Z) above – plus they bear the additional onus of being the

original perpetrators of this criminality. These organizations and their bank sponsors are

responsible for redefining criminals as slaves and enshrining the practice of slavery and for the

promotion of prison industries and the misuse of commercial penal bonds as a means of

enriching the member banks supporting the associated front organizations pretending to be

successive national governments representing the American People. We say that the United

States of America (Incorporated) has already been shut down and its assets re-distributed to

other corporate entities with which it acted in collusion to siphon off the assets and profit owed


to the American People and that the credit and interest owed to the American People and

mischaracterized as the National Debt has been handed off to the INTERNAL REVENUE



these organizations have been used to receive the purloined principal and profits owed to the

American People by the Federal Reserve System under false pretense that they represent the

American People as fiduciaries and that in fact they have misappropriated the credit and funds

under distribution to spawn another private fiat monetary system and continue the enslavement

and purposeful mischaracterization of the American people and the Continental United States.

This is important because is demonstrates again a purposeful and long-term and

malicious collusion to deceive and deprive the Priority Creditors of both the Federal

Reserve System and the IMF;



12. We say that these incorporated organizations have been misused to convey stolen assets and

promote misappropriation of credit and assets that have been purloined must be returned to the

American People and the American States on the land as the Priority Creditors and that the

American People are owed all good faith vested in the Global Estate Trust and the other nations

of the world to come to their assistance and help them bring an end to this fraud which has

engulfed the whole world.

This is important because the criminality of these banks and of

the governmental services corporations these banks have employed as fronts has extended

tentacles to the farthest reaches of the Globe. Such vast criminality cannot be defeated by

efforts of one, ten, or twenty nations. The history of the United States exposed by this

affidavit has been replicated as if from a common play book in country after country

throughout the world and it has had the same results – results that must be addressed as a

global community and resolved in favor of the living people;



13. We say that the only valid equity contract existing between

and of the Several continental

States and the Federal United States is the original equity contract known as The Constitution

for the united States of America and that no authorized Deputies of ours have created or

contributed to this criminality. Far from being complicit or authorizing this behavior on the part

of the Federal United States we peaceful inhabitants of the Continental United States have been

outrageously harmed and abused as a result of British mismanagement of the Federal United


This is important because the people of the Continental United States and the

actual States of the land jurisdiction have not benefited from nor have we authorized the

criminal activities of the Federal United States and its corporate and municipal

franchises. We have been victims along with the rest of the world of malfeasance and

fiduciary trust fraud on an unimaginable scale;



14: We say that in addition to all the material damage and harm to the American People and

the American States on the land our reputation among the other nations of the world has been

all but destroyed by the British-controlled Federal United States and their endless war-


This is important because while the American people and the Continental

United States have been at peace for 150 years the rest of the world wrongly blames us as

the source of this criminality and war-mongering.



15: We say that our honorable American Dollar defined as fine silver and issued by the

Continental United States has been deliberately confused via semantic deceit with United

States Dollars and the value thought to be vested in these US Dollars represented by Federal

perpetrators of this gigantic fraud.

This is important because the reckless devaluation of our

currency is the direct result of the criminal usurpation and fiduciary trust fraud on the

part of the Federal United States and international banking cartels;



16: We say that these foreign commercial corporations including the banks and their

government services corporations and all their franchises do not now and have never in the past

functioned as our lawful government and they do not represent us.

This is important because

until other people and other nations around the world clearly grasp the enormity of the

crimes perpetuated upon us all by those under contract to serve us we will continue to

blame each other instead of rooting out the criminals and impostors responsible;



17. We say that these foreign corporations are merely under commercial contract to provide

nineteen stipulated services known as enumerated powers and that their claims to be the

beneficiaries of the Continental United States and the American State Citizens on the land are

criminal usurpations and fraud against their employees.

This is important because the

perpetrators already pulled this once during the 1930's and they are attempting to go

forward and do it again;



18: We say that these foreign corporations - banks and governmental services corporations and

franchises and agencies of these entities - have run amok and that those responsible for their

mis-administration have been given due Notice and Process by American State Citizens and the

Continental United States without appropriate remedy.

This is important because we have

shown good faith and due diligence and have given these corporations and their managers

ample and appropriate Due Process and opportunity to correct their operations and

provide remedy without result;



19; We say that misadministration of the international Jurisdiction of the Sea has been the

means to all these evil ends. Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth II and her Predecessors and the

Lords of the Admiralty and the Lord Mayor of London and their Predecessors have been in

Breach of Trust with respect to the United States Trust, the United Colonies of America and the

Continental United States for 150 years.

This is important because the longevity of the fraud

demonstrates its nature and intent as a conscious long-term state policy pursued with

guile and in breach of trust and in violation of international treaties and commercial

contracts for a century and a half;



20. We say that similar misadministration by the British Monarchs and the Lords of the

Admiralty and the Lord Mayor of London have resulted in similar betrayal and Breach of Trust

against the nations of the former Commonwealth, Japan, and most of the nations of Europe.

This is important because it demonstrates that the purposeful promulgation of this fraud

is not any oddity or peculiarity of the British-American relationship but is rather an

international conspiracy to control and defraud and subject entire nations;



21: We say the insomuch as the Holy See has declared and endeavored to build a Global Estate

Trust per the claims issued as the Unam Sanctum, Romanus Pontifex, Aeterni, Regis, and

Convocation of 1537, and has included all nations within that trust and striven to establish the

Jurisdictions of the Air, Land, and Sea and to establish common governmental services

available to all, the Holy See is obligated to obtain peaceful resolution of our claims and

enforce the return of our private property assets.

This is important because without prompt

action by the Holy See to correct and halt this systematic fraud against the living people

of the Global Estate Trust will also stand in Breach of Trust;



22: We say that insomuch as the Holy See and the Vatican have been instrumental in

converting almost all national governments on Earth into national corporations operated in the

international Jurisdiction of the Sea and the Roman Curia has created the law forms giving rise

to incorporated legal fiction entities, it is the unique responsibility of the Holy See and of Pope

Francis doing business as FRANCISCUS to correct the Breach of Trust and the

mismanagement of these corporations.

This is important because the Holy See and the

Roman Curia have created all the various forms of corporations -- trusts, public utilities,

and so on -- and they remain responsible for what they created by Maxim of Law;



23. We say that in accord with the published Law of the Air Jurisdiction of the Global Estate

Trust we individual Affiants have acted within the Law of Love and have respected the Free

Will of other People and kept the peace despite being criminally presumed upon and attacked

by corporate entities that are supposed to be providing us with governmental services under


This is important because it is first-hand confirmation that non-combatant

civilians who are in fact Priority Creditors of the banks and the governmental services

corporations involved – living people who are owed Protected Person standing – have

been deliberately mischaracterized and subjected to attack;



24. We say that our employees and debtors have attempted to kidnap and extort property from

us despite being given fair notice and offered sufficient proof of our identity.

This is important

because employees who do not obey their employers are insubordinate, and debtors who

attack their creditors are clearly criminals subject to arrest and prosecution, yet nothing

was done to correct this circumstance by the local franchise of the UNITED STATES

doing business as the STATE OF ALASKA and no action was taken by the Alaska Court

System nor the British High Court to discipline and properly inform the erring Bar

Association Members;




STATES OF AMERICA (INC.), the UNITED Nations (INC.), and their agents and franchises

have presumed upon us – their employers, clients, and benefactors – and have acted as

criminals in our midst and in violation of their charters.

This is important because it is good

and sufficient reason to fine, discipline or liquidate these corporations and their offending

franchises and to prosecute the offending employees;



26: We say that we and our parents and our grandparents never authorized any change of our

birthright status as American State Citizens born on the land as peaceful co-inhabitants of the

Continental United States and according to no less than three public declarations by President

Andrew Johnson our nation has been at peace for 150 years.

This is important because it

demonstrates the absurdity of claiming that we are combatants in any kind of war, that

we are enemies of the state, or subject to any foreign military law. If our birthright status

has been changed by any nation at war it is proof of violation of the Geneva Convention

Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3 and

prima facie

evidence of a capital crime having

been committed by agents of the IMF and the UNITED STATES and their franchises

under color of martial law;



27. We say that we never authorized anyone to offer us or our credit or any asset of our private

estates as surety for the debts of any governmental services corporation whatsoever and we did

not take any sides or participate in any war and we do not recognize any right of conquest

related to us and our property.

This is important because those responsible for the fraud

described by this affidavit have attempted to claim that they are at war and to use this as

an excuse for their criminality against their employers and Priority Creditors. No

corporation on Earth has authority to declare war and therefore has no legitimate claim

upon the Laws of War nor the Law of Nations. These are merely criminal commercial

syndicates and their attempted recourse to any form of martial law or right of conquest

claim is more

prima facie

evidence of criminal wrong-doing;



28. We say that we never authorized anyone to enter our estates into commerce nor to

incorporate or enfranchise or probate them and that the existence of entities construed as trusts

named in the form: ANNA VON RIEZINGER


transmitting utilities named in the form: ANNA M. RIEZINGER and JAMES C. BELCHER –

are entirely the unauthorized acts of individuals and organizations claiming to be Usufructs

benefiting from the existence of these legal fiction entities by Maxim of Law: they are

responsible for what they create.

This is important because the

modus operandi

of these

criminal banking cartels and their governmental services corporations is to pretend that

the living personas that are merely named after them – when in fact the banks and

governmental services corporations that create these deceptively names trusts and

transmitting utilities are responsible for all debts, fees, expenses, etc. related to these legal

fictions. Charges brought against these legal fictions yet addressed to the living people of

the same name is

prima facie

proof of attempted personage and mail fraud;



29. We say that we did not undergo the process mandated by 2 Statute-at-Large 153 [Chapter

28, Subsection 1, Revised Statute 2561] which is required for American State Citizens to adopt

United States Citizenship and any claim otherwise is false.

This is important because the

Statute-at-Large requires that we cannot be alienated from the land jurisdiction of the

Continental United States by any private contract. The absence of public Due Process and

recording by competent adults is

prima facie

evidence in negative averment that no valid

change of status from American State Citizen to United States Citizen has taken place;



30. We say that we have never considered Federal United States Citizenship to be beneficial in

any way and that as American State Citizens we and our brethren are owed all material interest

vested in the National Trust owed to The United Colonies of America and the Continental

United States including all interest in our land and its resources, all rights and prerogatives

guaranteed to us by birthright, plus all insurance policies, premiums, interest, dividends, stocks,

credits, bank accounts, mortgages, promissory notes, bonds and other securities that we either

paid for directly with our labor or which were created under conditions of non-disclosed

contract, semantic deceit pretense by foreign governments and governmental services


This is important because we are owed lawful claim to all assets naturally

belonging to us and to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States. As the

entitlement holders of the assets we are owed their return free and clear of unauthorized

secondary beneficiary debts and encumbrances;



31: We say that any presumption that we knowingly and willingly donated our life savings,

retirement accounts, bank accounts, homes, business, or any other material assets held in our

NAMES to benefit any incorporated entity is insupportable.

This is important because

plausible motivation to donate our assets is lacking. There is no actual and equitable

benefit to us from any registration or enrollment or application process foisted off on us

under false pretense of it being a “government” mandate.



32: We say that improperly seated and incorporated 39


and 40


United States Congresses

created incorporated states of states merely named after the actual organic States of the Union:

State of Michigan and State of Ohio and State of Florida....were merely named after the

Michigan State, Ohio State, and Florida State.

This is important because this semantic deceit

was used to defraud and confuse people and as a device to force American State Citizens

to operate in the foreign international Jurisdiction of the Sea;



33: We say that the federal corporate franchises operating as States of States under the Uniform

Commercial Code are exactly like franchises of Burger King or Wendy's or Target or J.C.

Penny or I.G. Farben and have no sovereign nation state attributes. They are not and do not

represent the Continental States of America.

This is important because these franchises

operating under names like State of Ohio and STATE OF TEXAS have no governmental

authority and no public fiduciary capacity and no public office related to the Continental

United States. They are merely using deceptively similar names and wielding what

appears to be public office for their private benefit.



34: We say that we and our parents and grandparents and our States on the land of the

Continental United States are


the states and citizenry whose good faith and credit was

pledged as surety benefiting the bankrupt United States of America Incorporated by the so-

called Conference of Governors on 6 March 1933 and that such Governors were never

authorized to represent us nor our assets upon the land.

This is important because we were

mistaken-on-purpose as the-same-as Federal United States corporations operated under

names like the State of Washington and James Clinton Belcher – a

foreign situs


registered by the same State of Washington, Inc. As a result of this false claim and venal

semantic deceit our private property and our assets were improperly subjected to their

corporate bankruptcy as sureties without our knowledge or consent;



35: We say that all the Governors attending the Conference of Governors 6 March 1933 could

pledge was limited to the assets of the federal corporation State franchises established circa

1868 and operating in each organic State of the Continental United States as business

enterprises and service delivery organizations. Their additional given names did not create any

value vested in those franchises nor constitute any valid pledge of our assets.

This is

important because all the credit and assets collected from American State Citizens and

extracted from the States on the land by Creditors and Bankruptcy Trustees acting under

false pretenses from 1934 to today are due and owing to the actual entitlement holders;



36: We say the Federal Reserve banks running the bankrupt United States of American

Incorporated as a bankrupt pass-through purposefully advanced vast sums of credit based on

our assets and those of the Continental United States to the perpetrators of this fraud scheme in

exchange for establishing unseen bonds and maritime salvage liens against us and our private

property assets.

This is important because it establishes intent to defraud us and our actual

States on the land on the part of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve had already

used semantic deceit based on similar names to pass itself off as a government agency and

had bankrupted the United States of America, Inc. together with all its similarly named

State of State franchises. The misuse of

foreign situs

trusts names after us was part and

parcel of the overall fraud designed to entrap our assets and our actual States assets and

access our combined credit for the benefit of the perpetrators.



37:We say that our given names were presents given to us by our parents and all names of use

we have adopted as trade names as artists, brick-layers, musicians, writers, engineers, and

others engaged in lawful and unregulated occupations are all our privately held intellectual

property without exception.

This is important because the fraud practiced against us by the

international banking cartels in the 1920's and 30's is now a very familiar crime: identity

theft. They literally stole our names and created legal fiction personas names after us –

which they then claimed t own and control. As long as they could maintain the resulting

illusion caused by the similar name connecting their make-believe corporate persona to us

and to our actual estates they could plunder at will;



38: We say that these false usufructs – the Members of Congress acting as officers of the

private commercial corporations involved and also acting as members of a foreign government

under commercial contract to provide us with stipulated services—seized upon our property

including our names and stole our identity and our assets and our credit under conditions of

fraud no different than any hacker or credit card snatcher.

This is important because the facts

of the matter must be established and related in a way that people understand. This fraud

scheme was complex and long term and hidden by veils of semantic deceit and

constructive fraud carried out over decades. It was carried out on an unbelievable scale,

but it all reduces down to common fraud gambits;



39: We say that the Federal Reserve Banks unlawfully converted the private bank accounts of

millions of Americans into corporate accounts technically belonging to corporate franchises

merely named after living Americans and that the banks and governmental services

corporations have knowingly colluded in this fashion since the 1930's as evidenced by the still-

unheard charges brought by Congressman Louis T. McFadden then-Co-Chairman of the House


of Representatives Banking Subcommittee before the House Judiciary Committee and by the

physical evidence seen on every personal check these banks issue. A close examination of the

signature line on every check reveals that it is not a line but a row of microprint endlessly

repeating –

authorizing signature –

or similar words. These words cannot be seen with the

naked eye and are purposefully obscured to hide the fact that the bank accounts have been

seized and the banks have unlawfully converted private bank accounts into accounts belonging

to federal corporation franchises without disclosure.

This is important because it establishes

criminal intent to defraud and deceive and presents prima facie evidence of it.

Congressman McFadden's unanswered charges show that he recognized the criminality

and tried to expose it. The microprint on checks reveals similar intent to conceal and




40: We say that this circumstance requires the unprejudiced observer to believe that hundreds

of millions of Americans are knowingly and willingly agreeing to operate as franchises of the

UNITED STATE, INC. and to be owned as chattel by the United States Congress per their

repugnant Act of 2 February 1871, 41


Congress, Third Sessions, Chapters 62, 63, 64, 65. It

also requires such an observer to believe that Americans have been knowingly and voluntarily

donating 100% of their earnings and retirement and savings accounts to franchises of a

governmental services corporation operated by international banking cartels and that the same

Americans willingly and knowingly obligated themselves to do this for no credible reason at


This is important because the preposterous premise required to explain the

circumstance exposes the fraud. All private bank accounts in America have been

unlawfully converted to the ownership of IMF franchises merely named after us. This has

been done without our knowledge or consent;



41: We say the peonage and enslavement has been outlawed on a worldwide basis since 1926

and that press-ganging of land assets into the international Jurisdiction of the Sea and inland

piracy have both been recognized as capital crimes for centuries. The banks fronting the

government service corporations responsible for these practices in the modern day are crime

syndicates. The politicians who colluded with them committed fraud and treason and crimes

against humanity. Anyone claiming that these acts were undertaken as a result of war or under

war powers is additionally a proven war criminal, as they have knowingly taken these venal

actions against peaceful non-combatant civilians via mischaracterization forbidden by the

Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949, volume II, Article 3.

This is important because we

must clearly state the harm that has been done to us and the severity of the crimes

committed, whether they are considered as civil crimes, crimes in admiralty or crimes of




42: We say that all titles to land and other private property have been secretively converted to

the ownership of State of State franchises in the same way. The land patents belonging to the

American State Citizenship and Continental States are being held under color of law and used

as chattel backing the debts of successive governmental services corporations: (1) the United

States of America, Inc. and its franchises styled like this: State of Florida; (2) the UNITED

STATES, INC. and its franchises styled like this: STATE OF ALASKA – and now, looming on

the horizon – (3) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and its franchises styled simply

like this: OHIO, FLORIDA, WYOMING...and so on.

This is important because the fraud is

ongoing with no end in sight and nothing but increasing criminality and violence on the

horizon as the perpetrators prepare for another round of fraud against the public.



43: We say this circumstance requires the unbiased observer to believe that millions of

Americans have knowingly and willingly and voluntarily given away the benefit of their true

trust land patents for social benefits which they have then paid for themselves with their own

labor and private enterprises, then also knowingly and voluntarily agreed to lease back their

own land and pay rent on it to foreign banks and their corporate franchises instead of

possessing it in fee simple—all to benefit commercial corporations whose only business is to

provide nineteen enumerated services to us that we could otherwise provide ourselves or which

we could easily contract out to other service providers.

This is important because the absurd

premise exposes the fraud. No one in their right mind would agree to the deal just




44: We say that real estate titles benefiting the State of State franchises of the United States of

America, Inc., or the STATE OF STATE....franchises of the IMF doing business as the


AMERICA or their corporate franchises doing business as OHIO, ALASKA, etc., are all held

under color of law and are null and void for fraud upon the unsuspecting American People

since 1933.

This is important because color of law is being used to enforce fraudulent

maritime salvage liens against actual land assets across America;



45: We say that in addition to these frauds seeking to redefine people as various forms of legal

fiction corporations – a crimes known as personage – and in addition to placing undisclosed

and unjustifiable maritime salvage liens against the land holdings of the Continental united

States and the American State Citizens the perpetrators have sought to destroy the meaning and

sanctity of marriage and family by extorting people to obtain Marriage Licenses under false

pretense of government mandate and the creation of civil marriage contracts which secretively

reduce marriage to a commercial business contract in which the STATE franchise claims a

repugnant and veiled interest-- to wit-- to own the products and proceeds of the partnership

formed: living children, businesses, homes, and estates.

This is important because this vile

deceit results in de facto enslavement and repugnant claims of commercial interest in

living people and their most sacred relationships.



46: We say that the corporate commercial STATE franchises have used this undisclosed

commercial civil marriage contract as the basis of their ability to distribute jointly held private

property in divorce settlements and to decide issues of child custody and it impose vicious and

self-interested fines and fees upon non-custodial parents upon custodial parents.

This is

important because it demonstrates the way in which these undisclosed and deceitfully

imposed commercial contracts are used as means to exercise arbitrary control over

parents and children and family assets that do not belong to any bank or foreign State of




47: We say that the bankrupted United States of America, Incorporated operated by the Federal

Reserve System and the UNITED STATES (INC.) operated by the International Monetary

Fund (IMF) colluded to further pillage and enslave the American People by the imposition of a

federal income tax overtly placed upon corporations as a corporate privilege tax but then

misapplied en masse to individual people and private property via personage and barratry and

false presumption that we willingly and voluntarily agreed to operate as Federal United States

corporate franchises, DC Municipal franchises and now, United Nations Corporation


This is important because IRS claims are the result of these same criminal

fraud schemes perpetuated by private, mostly foreign-owned banks acting in violation of

their charters and the Public Law. Living Americans are not corporations. They don't

accrue income. They are not liable for an income tax nor obligated to perform as

withholding agents for any corporate franchise named after them yet millions of

Americans have been jailed under these false pretenses, harassed, robbed at gunpoint,

and defrauded of their time and their actual private property;



48: We say that hundreds of millions of Americans have been harassed and defrauded and

enslaved and reduced to peonage and kidnapped and press-ganged into foreign jurisdictions

and imprisoned for profit by these monsters in suits who have taxed them for the privilege of

supposedly donating their private property – their time on earth and their labor, their land and

their businesses – to “service” corporations run by banking cartels. Those operating the United

States Congress have appropriated fat salaries and fatter retirement benefits while pretending to

represent the victims and the lawful government established by the American People and the

Continental United States. Proof of their perfidy stands upon the public record as their Oath of

Office: the Members of “Congress” take their oath to the United States – not the united States

of America


This is important because without public office and a property executed

public oath nothing thee charlatans say or do has any valid affect upon the land or the

people of the Continental United States. Everything they have said and done is null and

void with respect to us and applies merely to themselves and their own corporations for

which they are 100% liable.



49: We say that we have fully documented this circumstance for STATE and US DISTRICT

COURTS and for high ranking elected and appointed officials: Governors of STATES and

United States Secretaries of State and United States Secretaries of the Treasury. We have

documented it for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and members of Salt Lake City to Rome and yes –

even the Pope.

This is important to establish our due diligence over a period of years from

1998 to today. We have worked tirelessly to fairly inform those responsible for the

continuing fraud and criminality;



50: We say that the only individual representing the High contracting Powers who to our

certain knowledge honored their office took immediate action to correct the situation are the

Popes—Benedict XVI and Francis.

This is important when confronted with obvious fraud

and criminality hundreds if not thousands of people in positions of trust failed to act,

which has resulted in ever increasing criminality and violence;



51. We say that we fully informed various COURTS acting for the STATE OF ALASKA



STATE OF ALASKA and the Superior Court for the State of Alaska and various COURTS


DISTRICT COURT and the District Court of the United States....all via U.S. Certified mail, all

documented, and none of them honored the Law in spirit or in fact.

This is important because

it demonstrates the incorrigible criminality of the Bar Associations and their Members

and their failure to investigate and address the mis-administration of their courts;



52. We say that absolutely all of these COURTS representing the United States of America, Inc.


their parent corporations – the FEDERAL RESERVE, IMF, and UNITED NATIONS have in

our direct experience avoided and dishonored both the actual Public Law and the published

Public Policies of these various commercial corporations, and have even dishonored the State

franchise statutory law – a codified private law form based on the lawful State Statutes – which

they deceitfully misrepresent as Public Law. They have ignored Uniform Commercial Code,

UNCITRAL, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Universal Right of Self-

Declaration, the Lieber Code and the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949. They have not

even bothered to obey their own rules and have plunged headlong into open criminality, fraud,

force, and plunder.

This is important because it demonstrates the willful criminal intent

and misconduct of the Bar Association Membership in a wide variety of settings running

the full gamut from Federal District Courts to County Courts;



53. We say that we brought this circumstance to the attention of the Federal Bureau of

Investigation, and the Alaska State Troopers and the US Marshals Service and none of these

law enforcement agencies did anything to bring charges or arrest any of the perpetrators of this

fraud and pillaging.

This is important because the complicity and ineffectiveness of these

agencies as anything more than competing commercial mercenary forces;



54. We say we contacted multiple employees of The Office of the U.S. District Attorney and

provided evidence of wrong-doing and fraud on a massive scale. They did not respond to our

letters or our sworn affidavits.

This is important because it demonstrates criminal neglect

and willful refusal to perform in the public interest;



55. We say we contacted the Office of the Inspector general and got multiple form letters

stating that our issues involved matters outside the scope of their duties.

This is important

because is demonstrates criminal administrative negligence and failure of oversight




56: We say that we contacted numerous members of the United States Congress and

documented the entire history of this circumstance and cited examples and evidence of

interstate bank fraud and securities fraud and gross abuses committee by the IRS and the

Internal Revenue Service and foreclosure fraud against living constituents. We fully informed

them of the facts. They took no action to correct or remedy.

This is important because it

demonstrates willful complicity and tacit approval of fraud, violence, racketeering, and




57: We say that beginning in 2011 we objected to mortgage contracts we autographed in good

faith in the 1990's before we were aware of the facts presented here. We acted throughout via

Special Appearance as Third Party Interveners.

This is important because we never granted

the COURT any consent to address us in any other capacity or role;



58: We say that we took action under American Common Law in the land jurisdiction in accord

with Article VII of the actual Constitution.

This is important because refusal to adjudicate

disputes affecting us and our land assets according to the Common Law of the Alaska

State is denial of our guarantees and violation of both Article VII and the Uniform

Commercial Code which preserves these same guarantees at Section 1-308;



59. We say we contacted the local Public Notary to execute the necessary Due Process. She

faithfully mailed and held each step of the Due Process action and the purported Mortgage

Lender Roswell Properties never replied. In June 2012 the Public Notary – an officer of the

court who fully witnessed the proceeding in Common Law and controlled the process so that

nobody could complain that any part of it was tainted or improperly executed – issued

Declaratory judgment in our favor.

This is important because our effort to resolve conflict

was pursued in the proper jurisdiction, witnessed and administered by a disinterested

officer of the public court and resolved by acquiescence. In any honest court this would

have been the end of the matter;




ALASKA of the superior court's findings and the the Due Process Common Law Declaratory

Judgment was ignored. The attorney representing the Plaintiff was allowed to continue her

attacks against various legal fiction personas operated under our given names in the foreign

Jurisdiction of the Sea.

This is important because the attacks continued even after the

claim was settled in the proper jurisdiction and even after we objected to being

mischaracterized and misaddressed as corporate entities;




deliberately continued in the face of rebutted false presumptions, despite admitted lack of



jurisdiction, and despite lack of evidence that we ever signed anything as corporate

officers or consented in any way to their proceedings.

This is important because it

demonstrates willful disregard for the most basic tenets of actual Law and provides



evidence of criminal wrong-doing.



62. We say that the land jurisdiction of The United Colonies of America and the Continental

united States and the Several States thereof guaranteed by The Constitution for the united

States of America was wantonly disrespected and violated.

This is important because the

proceedings were claims against land assets knowingly made in a foreign jurisdiction by

officers of a private corporate tribunal pretending to be a public court and a judge

pretending to have judicial powers while operating as an Executor de Son Tort;



63. We say that we informed THE SUPREME COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA and

requested that it intervene and provide guidance to the lower court without result.

This is


important because it demonstrates collusion in fraud throughout the Alaska Court

System, Inc. and the failure of THE SUPREME COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA

to administratively correct the operations of the lower court is

prima facie

evidence that

our demonstration case is not an isolated mistake or administrative error;



64. We say that as Third Parties acting as Interveners entering Special Appearance as Friends of

the incorporated franchise DEFENDANTS we informed THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT

COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA of the fraud being practiced and as the only sworn

Witnesses having first-hand knowledge of the facts and events resulting in the existence of our

purloined Promissory Note and the fraudulent Mortgage Contract we provided affidavits more

than sufficient to convict the PLAINTIFF, the COURT and its OFFICERS of multiple felony

level crimes and fatal defects of administration.

This is important because the COURT

violated the rules of evidence and ignored the basis of its own deceits. It is also important

because all parties concerned were given explicit instruction and were fully informed;




entertained a parade of corporate “personas” which were separately named and falsely accused

as DEFENDANTS or Defendants during the course of the Case 3AN-12-6858CI: Anna M.

Riezinger – von Reitz and James C. Belcher – which are Federal State level transmitting


federal municipal ESTATE trusts, and ANNA M. RIEZINGER – VON REITZ and JAMES C.

BELCHER – which are municipal transmitting utilities.

This is important because addressing

the same complaint to so many different corporate personas demonstrates

prima facie

evidence of a deliberate contrivance employed with willful intent to defraud;



66. We say that the case

First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota, vs. Jerome Daly

[1968] known as The Credit river Decision established

res judicata and stare decisis

in all

similar cases and did so by jury decision in the superior court of the People which no inferior

court or jurisdiction has authority to overturn or review according to Article VII of The

Constitution for the united States of America.

This is important because a jury decision in

Public Court stands over any decision by corporate administrative tribunals which are

expected to act in conformance with Public Law;



67. We say the Jerome Daly case proved that the Federal Reserve banks and other lending

institutions organized under their System never give anything of equitable value in exchange

for the Promissory Notes and Mortgage Contracts that they obtain.

This is important because

once such a determination is made by a jury it stands as fact;



68. We say that Jerome Daly forced the bank manager to admit under cross-examination that

the bank created the funds it loaned to Jerome Daly out of thin air simply by entering numbers

in a ledger and which represented credit already owed to Jerome Daly by the same banks.


is important because it demonstrates the basic fraud process: the banks create the credit

they loan out of thin air simply by entering numbers in a ledger and that credit is based

on the borrower's own assets – not the bank's. The bank loans nothing of value of its own;



69. We say that the bank manager in the Daly case also admitted that this was the practice

throughout the Federal Reserve System.

This is important because virtually all banks in this

country are members of the Federal Reserve System;



70. We say that there is no excuse whatsoever for any foreclosure action that has been taken in

America since 1968 in favor of the banks and lending institutions operating under the Federal

Reserve System, nor any successor system operating under the same principles.

This is

important because the Daly case proved that no equitable consideration was given by the

banks and no valid contract ever existed as a result;



71. We say that the U.S. Small Business Administration that obtained the Promissory note and

Mortgage Contract in Case 3AN-12-6858CI in THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR

THE STATE OF ALASKA was operating as part of the Federal Reserve System and using the

same exact procedures as the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota in the Daly case.

This is important because the Daly case was already decided and there was no obligation

to prove the same facts again;



72. We say as the only sworn Witnesses having first-hand knowledge of the facts that no actual

cash ever traded hands in the transaction discussed throughout Case 3AN-12-6858CI and that

the U.S. Small Business Administration received our Promissory note without disclosure of its

value and without disclosing its own status as a false storefront for undisclosed baking


This is important because the bank knowingly misrepresented itself as a

government institution offering a Federal Disaster Loan and obscured both its nature and




73. We say that undisclosed to us our Promissory note had Actual Cash Value equal to the

entire amount of the purported loan and was redeemable for cash at any United States Treasury


This is important because it establishes the motive for the bank's deceit. They

were able to obtain funds equal to the entire amount of the loan from us without our

knowledge. This enabled them to deposit our own funds in a bank account and write a

check off those funds back to us, thus creating the illusion that they gave us a loan of their

own assets;



74. We say that other than providing the only actual asset which underwrote the entire

transaction we received nothing but peonage from the banks and the STATE in exchange.


is important because if we had acted as employees of the STATE or the BANK they would

have had to pay us for our services as builders and caretakers of their property. They

would also be responsible for paying any taxes or other fees. This is important because

their failure to pay us and failure to pay the taxes owed provides

prima facie

evidence that

they were never the owners of the property;



75. We say that more than forty years after the Daly case established the fraudulent nature of

mortgage loans this same fraud is occurring every day throughout America. Additional

information and publications obtained from the Federal Reserve banks themselves has

confirmed that the same practices that led to the Credit River Decision are ongoing today.


is important because it proves that ongoing systemic fraud and usury is being practiced

by baking institutions throughout America and far from addressing the crime the Bar

Associations, Law Enforcement Agencies, and Administrative Courts are aiding and

abetting it;



76. We say that as a result of this fraud and racketeering we have suffered extortion under

armed force and the loss of over $228,000.00 USD in private credit and an estimated

$100,000.00 USD in actual private property loss and usage deprivation and have been evicted

from our home by armed commercial mercenaries masquerading as police officers.

This is

important because millions of people are suffering in the same way and for the same

reasons: private corporate tribunals acting in conflict of interest and pretending to be

public courts, executive administrators acting as Executors de Son Tort and claiming to

have judicial powers, banks loaning the borrower's own assets to them, armed

commercial mercenaries pretending to be policemen;



77. We say that on 17 November 2014 armed mercenaries wearing uniforms impersonating

actual police officers but instead representing the STATE OF ALASKA corporation trespassed

upon our posted private property and physically evicted us from our land on the basis of

ORDERS from a JUDGE employed to act “FOR” the same corporation and acting under all the

same false pretenses we have described.

This is important because this gives us standing as

injured Parties and Witnesses directly and physically harmed by this fraud and violent




78. We say that the man who trespassed upon our private property to evict us was wearing

STATE OF ALASKA TROOPER uniform and carrying a sidearm. He was fully informed that

he was trespassing and that neither he nor the JUDGE nor the COURT issuing such ORDERS

had any right, jurisdiction, or authority to be present on our land or to address us about any

matter at all and that he was committing grand felony level property crime as well as a capital

crime of inland piracy.

This is important because he was fully informed and warned;



79. We say that he pleaded the Nuremberg Defense and stated that he was just following orders

and didn't know anything but the words on the paper in front of him that was signed by a Judge.

This is important because it is

prima facie

evidence that the people enforcing this fraud

are being misled about the nature and authority of these so-called Judges who are private

corporate employees and not public officials at all;


80. We say that we questioned this man and asked if he knew the difference between a STATE

OF ALASKA TROOPER and an Alaska State Trooper and if he realized that he was

functioning as a commercial mercenary and not as a police officer. He shrugged and appeared


This is important because it is

prima facie

evidence that this man didn't know

and wasn't being informed of his lack of authority by his employers – which resulted in

him unknowingly undertaking criminal acts of trespass, grand felony armed theft, inland

piracy, and assault;



81. We say that we would have been well-within our rights to shoot this man and those who

accompanied him in defense of our own lives and property but we realized that he and his

companions were ignorant and deliberately misinformed and had no idea that they were acting

as criminals and in behalf of criminal syndicates.

This is important because there are a great

many people who might under similar circumstances of criminal assault fire upon armed

trespassers acting as commercial mercenaries and they would be justified in doing so;



82. We say that this circumstance and these conditions are a direct result of criminal usurpation

against our lawful government carried out by incorporated banking institutions and

governmental services corporations that have no right to exist when they are operated as crime


This is important because foreign governments have chartered these

corporations and allowed them to run amok on American soil;



83. We say that it is self-evident upon the Public Records of the past 150 years plus the

documented experience we bring forward that these banks and governmental services

corporations have operated as criminal syndicates. They have done so despite determined and

documented objection.

This is important because it demonstrates continuing willful intent

on the part of these organizations to commit felony level crime against the public;



84: We say that similar fraud and misadministration committed by the internal Revenue Service

and the IRS have resulted in millions upon millions of innocent Americans being harassed,

fined, and even jailed for long periods of time for the crime of


paying taxes that they




owe, and


owed and again it is rooted in the crime of personage—pretending

that living people are corporations.

This is important because it ties in with all the other




85. We say that the COURTS responsible for these and similar actions throughout America are

criminal syndicates knowingly practicing personage and barratry and purposefully

mischaracterizing their victims and misinterpreting and misapplying private statutory law for

corporate profit and individual gain. The are looking innocent Americans in the eye full-well

knowing that these living people are the Priority Creditors of the corporations they work for

and they are sentencing these same innocent Americans to prison terms for not accepting

peonage, press-ganging, fraudulent conveyance, inland piracy, forced evictions, at the hands o

private mercenaries, harassment, personage, barratry, racketeering, and armed extortion.

This is

important because these vile and self-interested acts are being carried out by our

employees acting in ignorance and by people who are here under the conditions of a

treaty and corporate charter they are violating;



86. We say that slavery and peonage and press-ganging have all been overtly outlawed for

nearly two hundred years and that these continued misrepresentations resulting in the

enslavement and press-ganging of living people and their private property assets is repugnant

capital and felony level crime that is not being addressed by those responsible. We have

addressed the Var Associations themselves and the various British and American court officials

without result.

This shows our due diligence via certified correspondences issued over a

period of years and demonstrates that the Bar Association Members and leadership of the

various Court Systems are willfully pursuing felony level crime on our shores;



87. We say that non in-house corporate tribunal merely calling itself a STATE COURT has any

authority beyond interpreting the internal policies of its own corporation and to discipline its

own actual employees and that the purposeful misuse of the word STATE to imply public

functions and authority for such a COURT is an obvious venal deceit.

This is important

because the corporate tribunals being run by professional members of the Bar

Associations must be presumed to be aware of their limitations and to be knowingly

violating them;



88: We say that there is no statute of limitation on the crime of fraud and that this fraud which

began as of 27 March 1861 has tainted all resulting debts and contracts and agreements and

representations made by these commercial corporations pretending to represent the Republic

and the People of the Continental United States.

This is important because longevity of this

crime has no affect upon its timely prosecution once discovered.



89: We say that the Federal United States have never represented the Continental United States

in any matter apart from those responsibilities specifically delegated by the original

Constitution contract.

This is important because it allows us and the rest of the world to

begin sorting out what these miscreant employees and false Usufructs have done in our

names without granted authority;



90: We say that the vast majority of the individuals who currently occupy what appear to be

public offices throughout the Continental United States have taken no valid Oath of Office and

have no public bond or fiduciary capacity related to the Continental United States and the

American State Citizens inhabiting them.

This is important because individuals have been

occupying vacant public offices and abusing them for private gain and appearing to take

actions binding public resources and affecting American State Citizens without any

authority to do so.



91: We say The Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act and other Constitutionally

repugnant Acts undertaken by members of Congress apply only to Citizens of the Federal

United States and to their own corporate employees and cannot be foisted off onto the

Continental United States and American State Citizens.

This is important because the

Federal United States has attempted by force and fraud to press-gang American State

Citizens and to lay claim assets of the States on the Land of the Continental United States

under color of law and false pretenses. They have depended upon the ignorance of their

employees to provide enforcement as already demonstrated;



92. We say that all varieties of Federal “State of State” corporations have no right to continue to

operate on our shores outside defined federal enclaves and are not allowed to use public

facilities belonging to the Alaska State and other States of the Continental United States so as

to confuse people and assume the identities of the States on the Land.

The is important

because these private for-profit franchises of bank-owned governmental services

corporations have occupied public buildings and pretended to be and/or represent the

actual Continental States while in fact operating in a different and foreign jurisdiction.

This is another aspect of the fraud and identity theft that must be addressed and




93. We say that the People and the States operating the land jurisdiction retained for themselves

all powers not directly and explicitly ceded to the Federal United States. That includes the right

to control all federal military and agency personnel operating on our soil. The Joint Chiefs of

Staff have been directed under the civil authority of the Continental United States to re-

commission the Grand Army of the Republic and to prepare to take action to protect the living

inhabitants of the Continental States in the event that the renegade Congress and the President

continue to make improper claims upon us.

This is important as it demonstrates the

seriousness of the situation and the need to take action to protect the public and the peace

from banks deploying commercial armies under the guise of being federal agencies. It also

exposes the same danger to the United States military – that they could be misused in the

same way;



94: We say that Western States which have been organized under Statehood Compacts are

owed immediate recognition of their land jurisdiction and receipt of all original patent to land

resources within their geographic borders and that the living People born in these

geographically defined States at any time since they entered into Statehood Compacts in Good

Faith are American State Citizens known to be peaceful inhabitants of the land of the

Continental United States.

This is important because the public peace and stability of the

region depends on fully honoring the Statehood Compacts;



95: We say that the living people and the geographically defined States must be set free of any

presumption or debt or encumbrance related to the Federal United States and its criminally mis-

administered governmental services corporations.

This is important because these entities

have promulgated fraud against their employers and benefactors as demonstrated by the

entire content of this affidavit;



96. We say that all members of the Federal United States military and law enforcement

agencies are under known and public contract and treaty to protect and defend the people and

the assets of the Continental United States, and that the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been issued

competent General Civil Orders under the Last Man Standing Rule to disarm and and all

Federal Agencies (FBI, CIA, FEMA, BATF, NSA, DHS, BLM, etc.) and to prevent these

agencies from being employed as commercial mercenary forces and to arrest any corporate

officer including Barack H. Obama who initiates any armed action whatsoever against the

people of the Continental United States.

This is important because anyone taking a

paycheck based on the labor and other assets of American State Citizens either allows

their good faith service under contract or they act as criminals subject to arrest and

prosecution. This includes the President of the United States Inc., and members of

“Congress” operating as corporate officers;



97. We say that Federal “State of State” officials are operating as undeclared federal corporate

officers and that they have no valid contract to administer or lease or control any asset of the

land jurisdiction of the Continental United States.

This is important because private

corporation officers are engaged in constructive fraud and are impersonating lawful

public officials and exercising public authority for private gain;



98: We say that just as we were never informed of these nefarious bankruptcies and false

claims hundreds of millions of other Americans were never informed. As we were self-

interestedly presumed upon, so were millions of others.

This is important because we have

only now become fully aware of the enormous crimes of the banking cartels and

governmental services corporations and Bar Associations and able to rebut the false

claims being made as a result of this con game;



99. We say that we are owed a full and accurate accounting of all assets of the land that have

been conscripted, manged, or otherwise controlled by any federal agency or corporation

including the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and that each American is

owed the proceeds from all bonds issued in their names and the interest from all investments

generally plus the mortgage payments they have made in error on all homes and private

businesses, plus the credit balances collected as “abandoned funds”, “capital credit accounts”

and “insurance and indemnity” accounts created and operated under their given names and that

we are likewise owed a similar accounting of all public assets conscripted by the Federal

United States and rightfully belonging to the Continental United States.

This is important to

set the records and accounts straight so that the country as a whole can make a clean




100. We say that the problem that now faces us and our world has been largely caused by the

failure of those responsible for the Jurisdiction of the Sea to honor their solemn obligations

owed to all nations everywhere. Control of our individual estates on the land and restoration of

our purloined credit and peaceful unopposed restoration of our lawful government on the land

is not subject to negotiation.

This is important because corporations are legal fictions that

exist only by agreement and for beneficial and lawful purposes;



101. We say that we contributed our faithful labor to improve the land we are heir to and build

sound homes upon it and to drill good water wells and to establish plantings of trees and

flowers and vegetables and useful herbs. Insomuch as we are able we have preserved the land

from disaster, damage, or pollution and have promoted its physical beauty and biological

health. We say that we are entitled by birthright to the enjoyment of the land we have improved

in this manner without claim or interference from any other individuals or any incorporated

entity on Earth and that preservation of such peaceful enjoyment of these and other natural

rights are the only reason that any government has a reason to exist.

This is important because

it establishes the basis of our claim in Natural Law and attaches it to The Declaration of




102. We say that as we demonstrated by allowing ourselves to be evicted under armed threat

rather than harm other innocent people and yet have continued our strong non-violent objection

and determined action to end this fraud and criminality and to reclaim our rightful property

assets, we encourage everyone to keep calm and go forward from here. There are only 515

people who are directly responsible for the operations of the Federal United States and only the

members of “Congress” are accountable for the Washington, D.C. Municipality and its


This is important because it demonstrates our will to keep the peace and treat

these matters as crimes and treaty violations;



103. We say that instead of looking at our differences which only serves the criminals who

skillfully use differences of religion and culture and skin color to divide and conquer us we

must re-train ourselves and our children to seek out our similarities so that we are never duped

into war for profit again, never mischaracterized again, never defrauded in this manner again.

This is important because it demonstrates the necessity of openly addressing systemic

criminality. It is only because we failed to do so in the past that these problems have

festered and left us still dealing with issues of peace, jurisdiction and slavery arising from

the Civil War;



104. We say that our only true duty is to nurture our planet and the animals and the rest of

mankind. As it was when Genesis was written it remains to this day.

This is important

because it attaches our claim and our will to the most ancient source of all Law of the

Land, the Torah, and clearly shows the intrinsic criminality of all those who destroy our

peace and our planet;



105. We say that poverty is caused by robbery for wherever we find poverty we find that people

have been robbed – robbed of their time or their resources or their credit or their good names or

their hope. People worldwide have been robbed by those they trusted and had reason to trust:

their own teachers, doctors, preachers, lawyers, judges, bankers, kings, presidents, Indian

Chiefs, and elected officials who have grossly abused their positions of trust.

This is important

because those who assume positions of trust owe an ethical and fiduciary responsibility to

all the rest of us and that obligation must be enforced;



106. We say that the actual problems we face are not caused by any of the scapegoats offered

up by the corporate propaganda machine. We must fix our attention instead on thousands of

ignorant local officials, on sheriffs and military officers who don't know their duty, on

dishonest lawyers and judges, on bankers who steal us blind, on doctors who show no true

concern for health, immoral religious leaders and criminals in political offices are the real

enemies we have to worry about from Boston to Bangkok.

This is important because we

can't fix a problem or seek justice until we define what it is and what it is not. We are now

finally in a position to do so. The problem doesn't lie with any of the innocent average

people trying to live their lives in peace and take care of their small bit of the planet. It

lies with criminally-minded megalomaniacs using corporate structures to defraud the

whole world;



107. We say that we are setting the history of this massive fraud scheme all verified as true

upon the public records and placing this Affidavit of Truth and Probate Cause before the

Members of the United States Congress who are directly and uniquely responsible for these

deplorable lies and repugnant claims made against the American People they claim to

represent, the President of the United States, Inc., the Joint Chiefs of Staff who are hired to

protect us, and all those law enforcement officers who are drawing their pay throughout the

world while allowing all this fraud, usury, violence, peonage, enslavement, and piracy to go on

and on and on.

This is important because although we have given them all fair notice of

this criminality before, they are now receiving Notice from the American Public served up

in front of the whole world;



108. We say that we are likewise placing this Affidavit before Pope Francis, Her Royal Majesty

Queen Elizabeth II, all Heads of State, all Senior members of All World Governments, all

Members of the United Nations and the Secretary General thereof.

This is important because

everyone on Earth deserves to know that the Popes messed up but are now trying to

correct, that the British Monarch continues to be uniquely responsible for this mess and

that all the Presidents and Chancellors and Heads of State are fiduciaries being called to

account for the condition of our world whether they took the proper Oath or not;



109. We say that we are placing this Affidavit before the Officers of the World Court, the

International War Crimes Tribunal, the Roman Curia, the Vatican Chancery Court, the British

High Court Chancery Division, and the United States Supreme court via this extremely Public

Affidavit claiming violation of our Natural Rights, violation and plunder of The National Trust

of the United Colonies of America, the United States trusts (1787) and (1789), violation of The

Supreme Perfected Republican Declaration of the United Colonies of America, and criminal

violation of individual State Trusts, The Treaty of Paris (1783), The Treaty of Versailles (1784),

The Treaty of Ghent (1814), the Treaty of Westminster (1794), all British Admiralty Treaties

owed to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States, commercial and administrative

default upon The Constitution for the united States of America giving rise to the existence of

the Federal United States, of The Alaska Statehood Compact and insomuch as the perpetrators

and their organizations are members of the United Nations and obligated to its charter and

declarations, violation of individual Human Rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights including the Universal Right of Self-Declaration, violation of UNCITRAL, and

violation of the Geneva Protocols of 1949, including volume II, Article 3.

This is important

because those responsible for this state of affairs died long ago and those presently

administering the train wreck cannot answer for it short of being gibbeted – which

attaches our Will and claim to the Law of Love and the Mercy Seat of Justice, such that

all those who now realize their errors and who turn away from them and assist in making

due correction are to be held harmless ant not held subject by this Affidavit of Truth and

Probable Cause to any law but the Law of Love;

We are requesting Permanent Protective Injunctions against the Federal United States,

the IMF, UNITED STATES, INC., the fifty STATE OF STATE franchises, the Washington

DC Municipality, the UNITED NATIONS, INC., the FEDERAL RESERVE and the fifty

state of state corporations recently set up by the new FEDERAL RESERVE and doing

business as OHIO, NEBRASKA, IDAHO...and all their franchises. We act in the Public

Interest and in behalf of ourselves and the Alaska State and all those living people

naturally inhabiting and belonging to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United


We claim all assets of the Continental United States, all trusts, utilities, copyrights,

patents, subdivisions, municipalities, land and assets of the land held in trust, insurances,

inheritances, stocks, bonds, securities, mortgages, titles, and profit derived from the assets

of the Continental United States and from our own assets including our labor, and we Will

a just and proportionate like-interest to all those who have been born on the land of the

Continental United States and who are owed both their private and public property

interests returned and set free and clear of fraudulent debt, claims, and conveyances,

including all deeds and titles to land and land assets held under color of law by corporate

franchises operating deceptively as States of States and under the given names of living

people, release of all mortgages and other dubious maritime contracts and salvage liens

tainted by fraud, return of all Promissory Notes obtained under conditions of non-

disclosure and semantic deceit, and settlement of all debts held against us, our fifty (50)

geographically defined States, and the land jurisdiction and assets of the Continental

United States in favor of (1) the living inhabitants and our own private estates and all

similar estates of living people inhabiting the land jurisdiction of the Several States on the

land; (2) the Alaska State and similar States geographically described and having actual

substance; and (3) the Continental United States as a whole;

We solemnly affirm that this Affidavit is true and confirmed by abundant public records

and corroborating testimony beyond reasonable doubt and we present it for the Good of

Mankind and in the Public Interest and for the recoupment of property and controlling

interests rightfully owed to us and our countrymen by the Federal United States and the

colluding international baking cartels and the governmental services corporations and

municipal corporate franchises that have violated our trust and their contracts – and for

no other reason or purpose.

We act as living beings naturally belonging to the land jurisdiction of the Continental

United States and acting thereon without any privilege of incorporation and desirous of

none, under penalty of perjury should we be found to have knowingly erred or

purposefully obfuscated any fact herein presented. Here are our autographs and our seals

presented by the flesh and in the flesh and in our own right without the Federal united

States, without any corporate office, without representation of any kind, being Witnessed

by these other living souls who are also present in the flesh and standing upon the land

jurisdiction of the Continental United States and whose autographs and seals similarly

appear as Witnesses before the courts of the world addressed and summoned and before

seven-billion-people-worldwide—all of whom have been harmed in some respect by those

who have committed these crimes and perpetuated these acts of fraud:






             Appendix – A



The United Colonies of America today

The Continental

United States

The Federal

United States

Municipal United


Regional United


Land Jurisdiction

Sea Jurisdiction

Sea Jurisdiction

Sea Jurisdiction





Civil Authority

Martial Authority



50 Nation States

57 Inchoate States




Millions of Public






Oligarchy run by


Oligarchy run by


The Constitution

for the united

States of America

the Constitution

of the United

States of America

the Constitution

of the United






American State


United States


U.S. Citizens or





Natural Rights

Civil Rights

Civil Rights

Human Rights


British Control

Charter and


Charter and


American Control

British Control



UN Corporation


“John Quincy

Adams” - a

Natural Person

“John Quincy

Adams” - a

foreign situs trust


ADAMS” Cestui

Que Vie Estate


ADAMS” - a









Silver Dollar

US Dollar

Federal Reserve


U.S. Treasury

(IMF) Notes



             Appendix – B



Dunn and Bradstreet Numbers of the US corporate Government and Most of Its Major




United States Government–052714196

US Department of Defense (DOD)–030421397

US Department of the Treasury-026661067

US Department of Justice (DOJ)-011669674

US Department of State-026276622

US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)-Office of the Secretary-112463521

US Department of Education-944419592

US Department of Energy-932010320

US Department of Homeland Security-932394187

US Department of the Interior-020949010

US Department of Labor-029536183

US Department of Housing & Urban Dev. (HUD)-Office of the Sec-030945779

US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-931691211

US Transportation security Administration (TSA)-050297655

US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-056622429

Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP)-796730922

Federal Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)-130221646

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-057944910

National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)-003259074

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-079933920

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-364281923

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-037751583

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-020309969

US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)-003475175

US Public Health Service (USPHS)-039294216

National Institutes of Health (NIH)-061232000

US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)-927645465

US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-138182175

US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-040539587

Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed)-001959410

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)-878865674

National Security Agency (NSA)-617395215

US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-167247027

Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms & Tobacco (BAFT)-1322823310

Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-926038563

Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)-926038407

DUNS Numbers of Each US Corporate State and Its Largest City

State of Alabama-004027553

City of Birmingham-074239450

State of Alaska-078198983

City of Fairbanks-079261830

State of Arizona-068300170

City of Phoenix-030002236

State of Arkansas-619312569

City of Little Rock-065303794

State of California-071549000

City of Los Angeles-159166271

State of Colorado-076438621

City of Denver-066985480

State of Connecticut-016167285

City of Bridgeport-156280596

State of Delaware-037802962

City of Wilmington-067393900

District of Columbia-949056860

City of Washington-073010550

State of Florida-004078374

City of Miami-965299576

State of Georgia-069230183

City of Atlanta-065372500

State of Hawaii-077676997

City of Honolulu-828979612

State of Idaho-071875734

City of Boise-070017017

State of Illinois-065232498

City of Chicago-556057206

State of Indiana-071789435

City of Indianapolis-964647155

State of Iowa-828089701

City of Davenport-963855494

State of Kansas-827975009

City of Wichita-069862755

State of Kentucky-828008883

City of Louisville-943445093

State of Louisiana-0612389911

City of New Orleans-033692404

State of Maine-061207536

City of Portland, Maine-071747802

State of Maryland-847612442

City of Baltimore-052340973

State of Massachussetts-138090548

City of Boston-007277284

State of Michigan-054698428

City of Detroit-021733631

State of Minnesota-050375465

City of Minneapolis-009901959

State of Mississippi-008210692

City of Jackson-020864955

State of Missouri-616963596

City of Kansas (City)-832496868

State of Montana-9457822027

City of Billings-068925759

State of Nebraska-041472307

City of Omaha-926604690

State of Nevada-123259447

City of Las Vegas-019342317

State of New Hampshire-066760232

City of Manchester-045009073

State of New Jersey-067373258

City of Newark-019092531

State of New Mexico-007111818

City of Albuquerque-129962346

State of New York-041002973

City of New York-021741036

State of North Carolina-830979667

City of Charlotte-809275006

State of North Dakota-098564300

City of Bismarck-080245640

State of Ohio-034309166

City of Columbus-010611869

State of Oklahoma-050411726

City of Oklahoma (City)-073131542

State of Oregon-932534998

City of Portland (Oregon)-054971197

State of Pennsylvania-933882784

City of Philadelphia-929068737

State of Rhode Island-008421763

City of Providence-069853752

State of South Carolina-067006072

City of Columbia-878281562

State of Tennessee-04143882

City of Memphis-051386258

State of Texas-002537595

City of Houston-967421590

State of Utah-009094301

City of Salt Lake City-017096780

State of Vermont-066760240

City of Burlington-037442977

State of Virginia-047850373

City of Virginia Beach-074736299

State of Washington-079248936

City of Seattle-009483561

State of West Virginia-828092515

City of Charleston-197931681

State of Wisconsin-001778349

City of Milwaukee-004779133

State of Wyoming-832826015

City of Cheyenne-021917273

DUNS Numbers for the United Nations Corporation and Some Agencies

United Nations (UN)-824777304

UN Development Program (UNDP)-793511262

UN Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-053317819

UN World Food Program (UNWFP)-054023952

UN International Children's Education Fund (UNICEF)-017698452

UN World Health Organization (WHO)-618736326ro



          Appendix – C



    The Basic Fraud Process



1. Members of the Federal United States Congress acting as Board Members of a governmental

services corporation owned by international banks pledge your assets and the future assets of

your children and your children's children as collateral backing the debts of their corporation.

You and your progeny are indebted far into the future as a result. You are born in debt, live in

debt, and die in debt as a result of their actions.


2. The same Members of the Federal United States Congress take the credit they have created

by indebting you and yours, and give it to the banks they work for. The banks thereby become

indebted to you.



3. The banks then loan your own assets back to you, your children, and others and charge you

anywhere from double (2X) up to eight hundred times (800X) the total amount of the “loan” in

exchange for this “service”.



4. All this activity generates a small profit back to the original “lenders” – you and your

children get a whooping one or two percent “profit” off this whole transaction.



5. This profit is presented like money from an investment – the current example is the TARP

Bailout. The Congress committed you up to $@ trillion dollars of debt, and now claims that a

profit of $166 billion has been realized as a result of this investment. (It sounds like a big

number, but $166 billion is nothing compared to $2 trillion.)



6. The same Members of Congress responsible for this criminality then “accept” the profit in

your behalf, which seals the contract and makes you liable to pay back the whole $2 trillion. If

it is your profit, after all, then the underlying debt that is generating that profit has to be yours,

too. – The real profit, of course, is being made by the bankers.



7. If not this final step, it would be easy to rebut the charges and deny any fiscal accountability,

but accepting any profit makes you appear to be (1) party to the fraud and (2) liable for

payment of the entire TARP Bailout – for example.



8. Of course, absolutely all of this is taking place without your knowledge, without your

consent, without your granted authority, and is being promoted by people merely claiming to

represent you. They haven't ever occupied the public offices competent to represent you.



9. The Members of Congress acting in this way and in such a capacity have no ability to indebt

you, your children, nor your grandchildren – but they will continue to work this fraud scheme

until you object. Loudly.




Federal State-Level Natural Resource and Public Property Fraud



1. Just as the Members of the Federal United States Congress make deals on your behalf

without ever actually occupying a public office of the continental United States, the Federal

State Governors and Legislatures pretend to fill public offices that rightfully belong to your

State on the Land and control natural resources and public property that belongs to you, too.



2. These Federal State of State franchise corporations, like State of Alaska and the STATE OF

ALASKA and most recently, “ALASKA” --- serve a variety of purposes, none of which are

beneficial to you. They act as a means to manipulate natural resource availability and act in

support of commodity market manipulations beneficial to the banks that own and control their

parent companies.



3. For example, Alaska has vast undeveloped oil and mineral wealth, and is therefore a threat to

banks and industrial interests that have other deposits of these same resources and fear

competition, or who want to cramp the market long term to create unnaturally high commodity

prices. So the “State of Alaska” Legislature does everything but actually build infrastructure –

gas pipelines, railroad interities, roads, ports, and other infrastructure-- that would bring

Alaska's resources to the world.



4. Instead, they create mini-statewide monopolies, by investing in critical public infrastructure

through third party intermediaries. For example, they have outside investment management

firms bu the only gas utility company in the state, and then selectively develop gas pipelines

projects that will guarantee the “State of Alaska” Corporation top dollar guaranteed returns on

the construction contracts and on the long term supply contracts by grouping the consumers

and making sure that energy remains very expensive in a State that has some of the most

abundant energy reserves on Earth.



5. In these and other ways, these private enterprises pretending to be public institutions choke

growth and development for selfish gains that have nothing to do with serving the people of

Alaska or Public Good.



6. The Alaska Permanent Fund is another example of the same fraud duplicity at work. Each year Alaskans – who are the actual resource owners – have to “apply” for a “Permanent fund

Dividend” if they want a small return on their resources and investments. This ploy is similar to

the “profit” from the TARP Bail Out debt. When the victims accept this “dividend” they

unknowingly serve their claims to the much greater proceeds that would otherwise be theirs.

This very brief and simplified discussion of typical Federal and Federal State misuse of people and property belonging to the Continental United States can be extrapolated throughout the





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