Sunday, November 28, 2021

Fluoride: THE WEST’S Covert Chemical Sterilization: From Killing us Softly by Kevin Mugur Galalae


Fluoride: THE WEST’S Covert Chemical Sterilization: From Killing us Softly by Kevin Mugur Galalae


THE WEST’S Covert Chemical Sterilization


Europe & Russia 19% growth since 1960 TFR 1.6 (45% since 1950); 400 million births prevented Japan 35% growth since 1960; TFR 1.4 (-62% since 1950) ; 100 million births prevented  USA 77% growth since 1960 ; TFR 1.9 (-34% since 1950) ;150 milion births prevented



The low fertility levels found in the

developed world and their falling populations are conveniently attributed to the effects of affluence

to mask their true source, namely the chronic

poisoning of the masses via chemical agents

delivered through the basic elements

of life, water and food.

If affluence were indeed the reason for falling fertility rates than the oil-rich countries of the Gulf would have the lowest number of children

but that is not the case, as women in

wealthy countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates continued to have

unchanged reproductive rates

, at 4 to 6 children per woman, until 1990 when they began introducing fluoride and BPA in their people’s water and food. Since 1960, the 27 member states of the European Union

have grown from 420 to 500 million


a paltry 16 % increase, while countries in the developing world grew 300% and thus tripled their populations during the same time

According to EUROSTAT, the total population in EU27 will continue to increase at a reduced pace until 2025 due solely to migration and then begin a steady decline.





Without migration the EU’s population would

 have started a rapid decline in 2010.


The  birth of approximately 300 million Europeans has been prevented by the Global Depopulation Policy.The entire European continent, including Russia, has entered the last stage of the demographic transition, the shrinking stage.This shows that the covert chemical sterilization methods chosen by western nations, in conjunction with a variety of psychosocial methods have been

extraordinarily effective in halting population growth. In fact they have been so effective that

many EU nations have had to introduce economic incentives to boost births in order to prevent a population decline that is too rapid

and could spell their economic collapse


Russia’s demographic transition is even more

advanced than that of Europe. Its population

reached a historic peak in 1991, at 149 million,

then declined at a rate of 0.5%

until 2009 down to 143 million

, and has been growing modestly

since. The high death rate (due to rampant

alcoholism) and low birth rate (due to covert

chemical sterilization measures and tough

economic conditions) account for the drastic

fall. The Russian government, having been

poisoning its people for the past 60 years in

order to lower their fertility, now has to

encourage more births to prevent a population

collapse.  Russia’s TFR has climbed to 1.7

(from a low of 1.15 reached in 1999) and is now

higher than in any other Eastern

European country.

Russia had a population of 120 million

in 1960 and 102 million in 1950. That means that its population has increased by a paltry

16% since 1960 and by only

23% since 1950 Russia

therefore, records one of the

smallest population increases

in the world since World War II.

This is the result of the clumsy and callous way in which the Soviet and later the Russian government has combated population growth.

Japanis at an even more advanced stage in its demographic transitionthan Europe.  In 1945,

when the Allies started their occupation and began controlling the growth of the Japanese

population through chemical means, Japan had 72 million people. By 1960, when it already

reached replacement level fertility, Japan had grown to 95 million. Its population peaked at 128

million in 2010 and has been decreasing ever since. That means that Japan has grown only 44% since the end of World War II when the Allies imposed population control, and by a paltry 25% since 1960. Its population is expected to decline by nearly one million people per year in the

coming decades and settle at 85 million by 2060, by which time more than 40% of the population,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNFNA7cscDOWc7mstPqI8CQnsPKpCg&ust=1379784032558335




will be over the age of

65. The birth of

approximately 100 million Japanese has been

prevented by the Global Depopulation Policy.

As the first country in the world to be subjected to

chemical sterilization, Japan was also the first to

reach replacement level

fertility, and the first to have

more elderly than young people. Forty years from

now Japan will have an inverted population pyramid

and its numbers will have been greatly reduced, just

as it was intended by the architects of the Global

Depopulation Policy


The United States is a high immigration country which is why its total fertility rate (TFR)

has not declined as quickly as Europe’s, Japan’s

 or Russia’s despite equal efforts.

    The TFR for  white Americans stands at 1.95, for blacks at 1.96, and for Hispanics at 2.4.

At 317 million, the  US is the third-most populous country in the  world.

Since 1960, its population has grown by

138 million, or 77%, a far cry from the tripling of

the population experienced elsewhere.

    While its  population is still growing due to immigration, the total number of births has been declining  since 2007 when it reached an all-time high of 4,313,233.


The most optimistic

projection shows that the US

population will peak in 2040 at around

360 million inhabitants.

Clearly, the West’s covert chemical sterilization has worked extremely well at halting the

population growth but at what cost?

The evidence shows that poisoning the

people to lower

fertility has terrible consequences.


downgrades the

genetic and intellectual endowment

of humanity


medical and statistical

data shows that long-term low-intensity fluoride


poisoning lowers intelligence and irreversibly damages genes

. The negative effects are

cumulative if the poisoning continues over generations, as has been the case in Europe,

Russia, Japan, the

U.S., Canada, New Zealand,


, Hong Kong and Singapore

; all

of whom have


subjected their



fluoride poisoning since c. 1950




In 2012 there were 3,952,937 live births, that is, 360,295 fewer births than in 2007, a 9% drop.,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNGQ2nb7Rpx5rmYawNwtO5WHtomvLg&ust=1379773880552998





poisoning since 1980



to aluminum poisoning since 1995.

It is estimated that 5

to 10 IQ points are lost by each generation of children subjected to fluoride in the womb

and during the first years of life.

Research also shows that BPA and aluminum, like

fluoride, are endocrine disruptors and therefore damage the human body

universally and

at the molecular level.

The benefits of natural selection acquired over millennia of

evolution are being reversed by

reckless human intervention over a period of decades to

accomplish the goals of the Global Depopulation Policy by covert


toxic means rather

than proceeding as China has done by overt


legislative means.



unnecessary illness and suffering

Since all chemical agents chosen to undermine human fertility work

by damaging the endocrine system, the unintended side




human health

are legion.

By disrupting the endocrine system,

fluoride has an adverse effect on every part and function of the

human body, impairing reproduction and development, the immune

system and the nervous system.

Illnesses associated with Western

living standards

heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer

conveniently attributed

to poor diet and lack of physical



in fact, for the most



the result of the

endocrine disrupting poisons deliberately fed

to people

in the developing world since 1950.

As the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy

have widened the use of these poisons to the developing

world, the same illnesses are beginning to wreak havoc


These so


called illnesses of affluence are in fact

the effects of chronic


and the epidemic is

spreading to the developing world far in advance of the

affluence that supposedly brought this curse upon the

developed world.

In countries like Brazil and Iran,

for instance,


fluoridation and BPA use have been introduced fast and

furious, and not as gradually as in the developed world,

these so


called Western ailments

are more

 deadly there

than in the West. The WHO, which

is central to the

Global Depopulation Policy, predicts even more deaths

in the future due to chronic illnesses

, knowing



what to expect once their poisons of choice are

unleashed upon virgin populations.




A second branch of illnesses caused

or exacerbated

by chemical sterilization agents are

neurological and span the entire spectrum of



 mental disorders


learning disabilities


speech and language impairments, mental retardation, autism,

attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (


ADHD), bipolar disorder, depression,

anxiety disorder, obsessive


compulsive disorder,


Down syndrome,

dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome, dyslexia, epilepsy, motor skill disorders,

Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome, antisocial behavior, schizophrenia

, and

countless other ailments.

More than 25% of the populations exposed to chemical

sterilization agents are affected by mental or

developmental disorders; a ten-fold greater

incidence than in populations that have not been chronically exposed to such toxic


A third group of illnesses concern sex hormone disorders: disorders of

sex development,

acquired sex disorders, disorders of gender, disorders of puberty, and menstrual function

and fertility disorders. Of these by far the most concerning are gender identity issues,

which is why the incidence of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual



is at least

10% higher in

countries that have chemically poisoned their people to lower their

fertility than in countries that have not.

A fourth group of illnesses concern the damage done to the immune system, which is

rendered either

hyperactive or repressed, resulting in either autoimmune diseases and

allergies or, respectively, in viral attacks and cancers.

In one way or another, everyone

who is subjected to the poisons of the Global Depopulation Policy

suffers from


done to

the immune system.

The overall effect of the West’s chemical sterilization program will not be known until

research is allowed to occur and scientists are not punished for publishing anything

related to the pervasive chemical agents we are intentionally

being subjected


for the

sake of population control.

What is certain is that the general health of people in the developed world is inferior to

that of people in the developing world despite the huge gap in the quality of their

healthcare. And that can

 only be adequately explained by the toxic substances that

people in developed nations have been chronically subjected to for the past 60 years.


induces state of bovine obedience Sodium fluoride,which is the fluoridating compound used most often as a byproduct of the aluminum and phosphate industries, is known as the, obedience drug and anyone poisoned with it


Dr. Stepehn Cooter,




Obedience Drug





















experiences fluoride fatigue and

lives in a state of behavioral control.



A fluoridated population is an easily managed, obedient population whose ability to

think and act is greatly impaired by the tranquilizing effect of sodium fluoride. But since

everyone is being poisoned in the womb, no one knows the difference.

The stability of

the political system of the western world has little to do with people’s level of

satisfaction with the status quo and everything to do with the fact that westerners are

involuntarily controlled by fluoride poisoning by their eugenic goverernments.

The same  is true of the former Eastern Bloc countries which is why

the insufferable conditions of

communism were tolerated with little or no dissent and political change had to wait for

the system’s economic collapse. leads to

genetic impoverishment.  A well

guarded and revealing statistic is the percentage of women who remain childless

in developed countries versus developing countries. It is no coincidence that 1 in 4

women in many European countries (such as, Italy and Switzerland), and 1 in 5 women

in Canada and the U.S.

and elsewhere in the West


never have children, whereas only 1

in 20 women in China and a mere

1 in 30 in India remain without child. The West’s

covert chemical sterilization methods, in other words, remove up to a quarter

of the

populace from the procreation cycle and this results in a dangerous genetic

impoverishment if continued for even two or three generations.

The total fertility rates

of developed nations hide the fact that a significant and growing percentage of women


have no children whatsoever because their family tree has been pruned by chemical


Even a conservative estimate


that at least 300 million genetic lines

have been stopped dead

by the Global Depopulation Policy in the western world alone.

This frightening statistic makes the Nazis, who killed at most 20 million people, look

like amateurs compared with the depopulationists that followed suit.


annihilates democracy

The primary duty of democratically-elected governments is to ensure the people’s

security. Poisoning the masses in secret with toxic chemicals to lower their fertility goes

against fundamental moral tenets and violates the premise that the government respects

the will of the people. The people have never given their government or the UN the

consent to turn the basic elements of life into weapons of mass sterility and morbidity.

Authority that is not rooted in the people and considerate of the fundamental rights of

citizens ceases to be legitimate. Since legality is the basis for legitimacy, and poisoning

people is clearly outside the law, western governments since 1950 have been illegitimate

and to this day remain illegitimate.


Dr. Bruce Spittle,

Fluoride Fatigue

, Paua Press, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2008.





subverts the rule of law.

No government that has used or is using covert chemical sterilization agents on their

people can claim to respect the rule of law,

since interfering with people’s fertility is a

violation of the genocide convention,

which states unequivocally:

Article 1


Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace

or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent

and to punish.

Article 2

In the

present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with

intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,

as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to

bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within

the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article 3

The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to com

mit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article 4

Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall

be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or

private individuals.

The West’s

covert chemical sterilization program violates every article of the genocide


except article 2 (e)

and does so with impunity and universally.

To get away  with it, the freely elected governments of western nations have made the Global  Depopulation Policy impervious to legal challenges and this requires the active

subversion of the rule of law across the board. What remains is the illusion of legality

when in fact governments that commit genocide

and crimes against humanity

, and have

done so for more than 60 years, operate

entirely above and outside the law, as no criminal code, constitution or legal covenant, be it national or international, even remotely

attempts to justify the poisoning of people causes irreersble social division.




By necessity, the Global Depopulation Policy is driven by a limited number of people

who are in the know while the rest of the population is utterly ignorant. This splits

society into insiders, who are

an empowered elite, and outsiders, who are

innocent victims. More than this, due to the damage chemical sterilization does to the intellectual and genetic endowment of the race, the insiders, who know how to protect themselves and their offspring, will in just a few generations be genetically and intellectually

superior to the general population, who is subjected to chronic and inescapable

poisoning. The Global Depopulation Policy, therefore, makes eugenic claims of genetic

and intellectual superiority a self


fulfilling prophecy.


demands a

culture of secrecy, deception and cruelty

The architects of the Global Depopulation Policy know that pursuing covert chemical

sterilization is a hard sell and that no one

in their right mind

could be persuaded to

voluntarily subject himself or his children

to chronic poisoning regardless of the greater good.

That is why they have proceeded in secrecy by deceiving the general public with

lies and dissimulation so as to be able to cruelly poison their fellow men and damage

generations of children in such

fundamental ways as to rob them not only of their health

and future but also of their dignity.

All western nations are as a result sustained by a culture of secrecy and by universal

hypocrisy that if unveiled would cause their sudden and well


deserved collapse.


media, the scientific, the political, the military and even the religious elites

are part and

parcel of the deception and equally complicit

in crimes against humanity.

The only way

they could have

implemented such a

global policy by such murderous

means is by

consenting to cooperate and by agreeing

to preserve the veil of secrecy at all costs



they should all be called to account for their crimes.

Once they have agreed upon this


of action

they knew there would be no way back and no way out, which is why

every international meeting at Davos

, at any of the many Rockefeller foundations,

or at

the executive level of every UN organization involved happens behind closed doors.


brings about the


of man

The multigenerational effort demanded by the demographic objectives of the Global

Depopulation Policy

means that people’s intellectual and genetic endowments will be

subverted and downgraded for several generations. The damage done and

yet to be done

reverses nature’s work and brings about the devolution of man.

The damaged offspring

of damaged parents who themselves are born of damaged parents will have suffered such

degradation that they are unable to cope with the demands of society,

which is why we

see a growing class of dysfunctional

, demoralized

and disabled people in developing

countries that have entered the last phase of their

demographic transition.





endangering the ecosystem

All three methods of chemical sterilization

fluoridation, BPA and aluminum spraying

contribute to environmental degradation

at a time

when the world can least afford it.

Fluoride, a highly toxic element, especially when derived from heavy industry as a

byproduct laced with other lethal poisons, is the last thing we should be adding to our

drinking water.

If it is in our drinking water it will make its way into our aquifers, lakes,

rivers and creeks and will in time make all

water undrinkable.

Our landfills



in non


biodegradable BPA plastics when we could be using clean glass that

can be reused again and again, as was

 done until the 1980s, and that can be




And spraying aerosolized aluminum laced with

ethylene dibromide


barium and cationic polymer fibers from the air

is nothing short of insane considering the

devastating effect these elements have on us and on all plant and animal life.


misusing science and censoring research

The application of science and medicine to

cause intentional damage to the human

reproductive system and unintentional damage to our general health and to our precious

intellectual and genetic inheritance irrevocably undermines our trust in the people and

institutions that are charged with protecting us, but that instead severely harm us.


everyone were to misuse their professional credentials the same way the lawyers,

doctors, scientists and politicians on the payroll of the Global Depopulation Policy are

doing in order

to also contribute



effort to reduce the population, then architects

would design every fourth home to collapse on top of its


, engineers would


bridges and tunnels


deadly traps

, teachers would encourage their students to

bash each other’s heads



automakers would make sure that the wheels

on their cars


of regularly to cause fatalities,

and janitors would apply slippery oils

to their newly

swept floors to make sure that a sufficient number of people break their necks on any

given day.

Knowledge is supposed to be used to make our lives better and safer not

deprive us of our children and to make us ill, stupid, and fat.

The level of control,


and repression necessary to steer scientists

away from doing vital research

and from

telling the truth invalidates

the entire purpose of scientific research and

corrupts entire fields of knowledge thus undermining people’s trust in science and



invites conflict and mistrust within and between nations

If we cannot trust our

doctors and scientists, our generals and politicians, our judges and

archbishops, then who can we trust.

And why should we tolerate being treated like an

infestation and exterminated like vermin?

This is the ultimate betrayal of our trust by

the very people we need to trust most. No society can or should function at such a

morally reprehensible level.

That it has come to this speaks volumes about the

decadence of western society, which is where this diabolical policy has originated, and




about the perversion of westerners, who are the architects of this murderous plan.


people open their eyes and realize what is happening there will be hell to pay, as we will

have to start from the very beginning and replace all our institutions and people who are

now in control of the system. There will be no trust left within or between nations and

no one to trust.


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