Saturday, November 27, 2021

Chapter 5. The Constitutionally Repugnant Reconstruction Acts Imposed the 14th Amendment via Martial Law Powers In Time of Peace:


proceeded to ignore their obligations to the Several States and those Americans who chose to work for the Federal Government by claiming that they were all voluntary immigrants and subjected them as Municipal citizens of the United States.]

2 STAT 153 , An act to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject, says “Be it enacted, & etc, “That any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States, or any of them...” [This change by the Municipal Government opened the door to unobstructed voluntary immigration of Americans into “the” Municipal United States jurisdiction — and also opened the door for trafficking Americans into the Municipal and Territorial United States jurisdictions without their knowledge or consent.]

Amendment XIII. §1. says “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for

crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” [This abolished private slave ownership within the Municipal United States and the District of Columbia, and later within Federal Territories and Enclaves, but enshrined slavery as a protected institution and allowed ownership of “criminals” and promoted public slave ownership on a permanent basis. Thus, they appeared to abolish slavery — but didn’t. Another fraud.]

c. After the passage of Amendment XIV the United States [that is, the amendment to the Municipal Constitution — The Constitution of the United States], for citizenship and nationality purposes, was considered to be a singular entity. [That is, the Municipal United States piggy-backing along with the Territorial State-of-State, was henceforth considered to have its own separate Municipal citizenry; US nationality conveyed the citizenship obligations and vice versa. Please note that none of this is Kosher — none of the people doing these things had standing to do them; the actual States never ratified any of it.]

8 USC § 1483 (a) says , “Except as provided in paragraphs (6) and (7) of §1481 (a) of this title, no national of the United States can lose United States nationality under this chapter while within the United States or any of its outlying possessions” [They are talking about “Nationals of the United States” and include Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States as such Nationals; Americans, by contrast, inherit their nationality from their States of the Union.]

The language in the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (14 Stat. 27) set the premise for this aforementioned unified National Citizenship as decreed in Amendment XIV — [of the Territorial Constitution. Please note that there is no Amendment XIV of The Constitution for the united States of America, and that it contains a different Amendment XIII. Also note that our American States are not affected nor defined by any “constitutional Amendment” because we are not created by nor subject to the Constitutions — we only act as Parties to them and retain the ability and right to enforce them.]

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CONGRESS’S POWER TO ENFORCE AMENDMENT XIV RIGHTS: LESSONS FROM FEDERAL REMEDIES THE FRAMERS ENACTED by Robert J. Kaczorowski Copyright © 2005 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Journal on Legislation (JOL) — Volume 42, Number 1, Winter 2005 says that: “Because the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 are central to the meaning and scope of the Amendment XIV, it is necessary to examine the statute’s provisions. In brief, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 conferred U.S. citizenship on all Americans.” [This is not actually true as stated, as the Territorial Congress had no such ability to confer Federal citizenship obligations “on all Americans” — only upon Americans serving as employees of or acting as dependents of the Territorial Government. The essence of the schtick is that they refer to Territorial and Municipal Congresses as “the” Congress within context. They also routinely refer to “Confederate States” — which are actually State-of-State business organizations as “States” and also refer to State Trusts as “States”. Americans acting as Americans do not have and do not need “Civil Rights” — they have Natural and Unalienable Rights instead.]

There is evidence that the several Union states had power to confer their respective state citizenship before & around the time of the Civil Rights Act and the “citizen of the United States” status written in the Civil Rights Act was only a unified Federal citizenship. [This is self-evidently true, because our States define American state citizenship as belonging to anyone “born on our soil” or Naturalized as an immigrant. Our definitions and processes continue to operate whether or not our States are in Session. This is also self-evidently true, because our foreign Employees were (and are) the only ones in need of “Civil Rights” which are in fact privileges, not rights. Americans have their Natural and Unalienable Rights and the full roster of Constitutional Guarantees.]

March 27, 1866 — Johnson’s Veto of the Civil Rights Act — Senate Journal, p.279: says that, “By the first section of the bill; ‘all persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States’. It does not purport to declare or confer any other right of citizenship than federal citizenship. It does not purport to give these classes of persons any status as citizens of States, except that which may result from their status as citizens of the United States. The power to confer the right of State citizenship is just as exclusively with the several States as the power to confer the right of federal citizenship is with Congress.” [This is because Naturalized immigrants who become “US Citizens” can eventually adopt a State as their permanent home and thereby become American State Citizens or American State Nationals and enjoy all the freedoms and guarantees of the Constitutions — if they choose to do so. Otherwise, they just stay Federal US Citizens all their lives and remain subject to all the foreign federal codes, regulations, and statutes. In recent decades, people who have immigrated here and people who were born here, alike, have failed to complete this declaration process to adopt a State of the Union — and thereby deprived have cheated themselves of the freedoms and property rights they are otherwise heir to — by defaulting and not publishing either their birthright political status or their adoption of a State of the

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Union. President Johnson understood that by offering to confer “Federal citizenship” on the freed plantations slaves they were being given a chance at American State Citizenship, but he also understood that until and unless they carried through and adopted a State of the Union, they would remain Federal US citizens, and would be enslaved to carry the war reparations debts and other obligations of the foreign Federal Subcontractors. He was none too anxious to saddle anyone with that, but on the other hand, the Territorial United States Government was deep in debt....]

Ex Parte Knowles 5 Cal. 300 (1855) “A citizen of any one of the States of the union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing. To conceive a citizen of the United States who is not a citizen of some one of the States, is totally foreign to the idea, and inconsistent with the proper construction and common understanding of the expression as used in the Constitution, which must be deduced from its various other provisions. The object then to be obtained, by the exercise of the power of naturalization, was to make citizens of the respective States.” [The purported object of all this was to give Negroes a chance to immigrate into the States like everyone else, by first conferring naturalized “US Citizenship” on them, but as this was never explained to the freed plantation slaves and they were never given instructions or assistance to progress beyond being naturalized US Citizens, they remained in this Half- Way House status and served as human chattel backing the debts of the Municipal United States. This was cozy for the Territorial United States which stood to get paid back its war reparation assessments, and cozy for the Municipal United States, which got to spread the debt burden on new shoulders. The end result is that both Federal Subcontractors kept mum as stumps and made no effort to educate the freed slaves about their option to live as American State Nationals or American State Citizens. Over time, this ignorance (and their sin by omission) would prove so lucrative, that the Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors colluded and conspired against their actual Employers, seeking to redefine us all, black and white alike, as “US Citizens” and “citizens of the United States”. Beginning in the 1930’s our Federal Subcontractors operating through their “federated” State of State organizations in our States of the Union began to actively misrepresent us as US Citizens and to traffick us from our natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country, into Federal jurisdictions where they could prey upon us and claim us and our assets as chattel backing their debts. The Slippery Slope had been slid by 1930 when the King Rat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took control of a brand new shiny Municipal Corporation and “pledged” all the Municipal citizens of the United States as collateral backing it. Don’t believe it? Read the law backing Title 28 US 3002 (15) (a) — and you will see that a US CITIZEN bearing YOUR NAME is owned by Franklin Delano Roosefeldt. He claimed to own, as a slave owner, all the Municipal citizens of the United States at that time, and he used his own actual Family Name, not the “Roosevelt” nom de guerre to do it. He became with one stroke one of the richest men in the world, and then he and his Cronies set forth to wage war for profit on the backs of completely clueless Americans.]

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Sharon v. Hill, (1885) 26 F 337, 343. “Prior to the adoption of this amendment, strictly speaking, there were no citizens of the United States, but only some one of them. Congress had the power ‘to establish a uniform rule of naturalization,” but not the power to make a naturalized alien a citizen of any state. But the states generally provided that such persons might, on sufficient residence therein, become citizens thereof, and then the courts held, ab convenienti, rather than otherwise, that they became ipso facto citizens of the United States”.

Bottom line: all so-called “Amendments” to the Federal Constitutions after 1860 occurred under conditions of fraud and in a vacuum. These referenced Amendments were all unilateral [one-sided] contracts exercised in violation of the existing Constitutions. The Thirteenth Amendment was pursued under the circumstances described herein, and no subsequent “Amendment” was ever ratified by the States of the Union. As such, all Amendments from the Thirteenth on applied to The Constitution of the United States, The Constitution of the United States of America, and “the” Constitution of the United States of America — Incorporated, are null and void for fraud. So also all the “Acts” and Declarations and promulgations and Executive Orders and bank treaties and corporate charters and everything else that has been done “in our names” is tainted with the fraud and self-interest of our Federal Employees and the feckless politicians that they — not we — have elected and promoted as “our” representatives.

It is now time for everyone to wake up from this nightmare and denounce the fraud and the foreign political system for what it is — a criminal enterprise promoting human trafficking, press ganging, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitutions, racketeering, impersonation, identity theft, mischaracterization of nationality, peonage, enslavement, and perhaps two dozen more identifiable felony level crimes.

And it is also time to realize that these same evils have been visited upon most of the people in most of the countries of the world. We are not alone in being defrauded and misrepresented in this manner. Virtually every other country is suffering their own version of this scheme, with the same results.

Finally, it is time for the Armed Services to wake up and realize who their actual Employers are, and to whom their Oaths and Loyalties belong.


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