Monday, November 1, 2021

3362-3364: Judicial Notice to the U.S. Supreme Court Witnessed by All High Courts from Lincoln County Watch


Sunday, October 31, 2021

3362-3364: Judicial Notice to the U.S. Supreme Court Witnessed by All High Courts from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am told that tomorrow, November first, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court will be taking up the question of who owns the land and soil of America?
It is not for the U.S. Supreme Court to decide. This court is not authorized to consider questions of land or soil ownership in America. Both jurisdictions lie outside the purview of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Justices thereof, and these questions are also outside the jurisdiction of the Municipal Government.
I am further informed that the Justices are so confused that they do not even understand the process by which the American States were formed and are unable to give any accurate account of the process that led to the existence of our States of the Union, our Federation of States, and our country as a whole.
This absurd situation should reasonably suggest to everyone that those so ignorant of the history that they fail to recognize the limits of their own jurisdiction cannot lead the discussion and are incompetent to even properly frame the questions to be answered.
The short answer is that the former Colonies were all organized as estates, and upon declaring their independence, they further organized groups of these estates within their traditional colonial boundaries as "States".
New States were added under the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance until the Civil War.
During the Civil War (West Virginia) and afterward, new States continued to form under the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance and were added as Territorial States, approved for admittance to the Union, yet not fully enrolled because the actual Government was not in Session to enroll them.
This situation was finally recognized slightly over a year ago, when the State Assemblies formed prior to the Civil War voted by Roll Call Vote to enroll all the Territorial States as States of the Union.
All fifty (50) States are present and accounted for and their Governments are in Session, as is their unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. We are the Owners of Record, and despite a lot of self-interested rumors otherwise, we are still here and still in possession of the sovereignty and treaties and contracts owed to this country.
This information and our objections to the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court in this matter are being recorded and distributed to all the High Courts and persons responsible for proper administration.
Chief LaVern Fast Horse is presenting the interests of a Dependent Sovereignty which lost the various Indian Wars, and any revisiting of these issues outside the peaceful settlement of our present co-existence would only cause more bloodshed and the likely extermination of a precious minority.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State, Post Master
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
(907) 250-5087


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The Power of the Post Master

 By Anna Von Reitz

If you have been following along, you have seen the progress and the changes as this work has gone forward. Over the past five years vast gains in knowledge have accrued, and at the same time, the game board has been radically changed, too.
Both Federal Subcontractors organized as foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing essential government services have gone bankrupt. Many of the processes and procedures have changed as a result, but through it all, the Principals are the same: the British Monarch, the Pope, the Lord Mayor of London, and the People ---- the State Citizens of this country.
As Successor organizations come forward and try to "assume" the contracts and obligations of the bankrupted commercial corporations, we have uniformly rebuffed them and settled the matter upon the Principals instead. This leaves the Principals responsible for the debts and obligations of their subcontractors.
Let me briefly reiterate an analogy --- I have a contract to deliver milk every Saturday, but I decide to hire someone else to do this job for me. (The Queen sloughing off her responsibilities to the Lord Mayor.) However, the person I hire to replace me doesn't deliver the milk. (The Lord Mayor fails to honor the Constitutional obligations and evades them by deceit instead.)
In fact, not only does he not deliver the milk, he robs the customer, kidnaps the customer's daughter, and holds her for ransom. (This stands for the administration of the British Crown "Raj" in this country.) So, who is responsible for all this damage to my customer? I am.
I was supposed to deliver the milk. It's totally my responsibility however it got done or didn't get done.
In the same way, these Principals are totally responsible and are held to account.
In the process of witnessing and researching the numerous fraudulent bankruptcy actions that have gone on since 1907, we have observed that the sea-going Postmasters have been largely substituted for our land jurisdiction Post Masters, with the result that the People of this country have had little to no defense against predatory corporations operating on our shores.
There has been nobody "writing up" these corporations for their heinous behavior and impounding them --- that is, arresting them and their officers ---- and penalizing them when they engage in unlawful activity on our shores. This has encouraged ever-increasing predation and lawlessness, as these corporate criminals have faced no public retribution for their private acts.
According to our law, there has to be an Injured Party before our Post Master can issue an Impoundment Order, so we must be able to prove injurious harm before such an Order can be issued --- but once this is established, the cure is certain and sure and cannot be denied within the current system of world government.
We are now in possession of numerous complaints sufficient to end the activities (at least the activities as they are currently being administered) of these vicious foreign corporations on our shores.
And our Post Master has written the first Impoundment Order against the Internal Revenue Service, Inc., doing business as the IRS. INC.
The Post Master holds the ultimate local power in the Municipal Government System.
This means that we now have the methodology and processes in hand to bring all these corporations into compliance with the Public Law, the means to penalize them, the means to arrest their officers, and the means to liquidate any corporation that engages in criminal activity on our shores.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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Beware of Donald Trump's new Social Media Platform

Can anyone prove this wrong? If you can please put your proof in the comments.

A Reply to California Hotheads and Liars

 By Anna Von Reitz

Especially Ron Kelly, who really should know better.
Our Forefathers won the War of Independence. The Northern States also won the American Civil War. Period. We, as the Progeny, own everything in this country. We, as the Progeny, are owed the profit and benefit of all the assets in this country. We are even owed all the debts associated with this country. And we are also owed the protection of many venerable international treaties and commercial contracts.
Having won and having done so decisively, what possible benefit is there in reopening the question? None.
Yet there are those in California who want to ignore all that our Forefathers won and all that we are guaranteed and owed as a result. They want to throw the doors open to some new vision of California being a separate country.
Believe me, after some of the ugly things that California has imported into the rest of the country, everything from drugs and Valley Girls to Hollywood and pedophile "ranches", there are many who would prefer that the San Andreas Fault just got on with business and created a new sea coast for the rest of us.
Any prudent sane man looking at the situation knows that any "New California" uprising would allow the foreign creditors ---- especially China --- an opportunity to attack California.
All the Sister States would be obliged to come to the rescue, and there we would all be, with a war on American soil, thanks to these Pretend Patriots.
Pretend Patriots, I say, because all real patriots support the lawful government of this country, and that is, after all, exactly what our organizations are about --- restoring the lawful government. Neither I nor anyone else associated with me has ever offered anything different as the agenda for the American States Assemblies.
So why on Earth would anyone come into our Assemblies expecting anything different? And where is their basis to complain?
We've been upfront since Day One. We are here to restore the lawful government to full function. No other agenda or plan. No radical rabble rousing. No anarchy. No communist-socialist-or-fascist agenda. No Republican. No Democrat. No Mexican. No Pink Unicorn Rainbow Agenda.
Yet, these pikers, who have infiltrated The California Assembly under false pretenses want to complain when we remain true to our advertised and plainly stated objectives. They want to gripe because they are not allowed to come in and promote and preach their "other" California under the protection of the legitimate California Assembly.
In a pig's eye. They all deserve a good public spanking. And no, I don't care about their "feelings" or if they are "offended". I am the one offended.
These same perps want to accuse me of being a CIA Operative.
Well, it's damned sure that none of them could pass the entry test.
These same people have stolen money and property from The California Assembly, imposed censorship on the other members of The California Assembly, stacked electoral processes and failed to follow clear instructions regarding organization and notices related to elections, they've organized the entire thing backwards because they thought they knew better than the rest of us, they have held secret meetings in which they have vilified me and the Federation of States, they have delayed actual progress for California long enough.
They can't claim that we lied about our agenda or who we are.
What is instead self-evident is that they came in, knowing our agenda, and have attempted to subvert it. Unsuccessfully.
The only legitimate California Assembly is being organized by its current Coordinators, who, lest this point be lost on everyone ---- are Californians organizing The California Assembly the way it ought to be, and for the purpose of restoring the lawful government to full function. No hidden agenda. No politics. No "New California". No Mexican California. No Other California.
Just our plain old American State is what we are organizing, and anyone who wants to do something other than this, is welcome to go elsewhere and do their own thing at their own expense with no reference to us.
Thank you, and this will be your Final Notice to Vacate.


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