Saturday, October 30, 2021

Senators, Doctors Urge CDC to Recognize Natural Immunity


Senators, Doctors Urge CDC to Recognize Natural Immunity

Senators, Doctors Urge CDC to Recognize Natural Immunity

As millions of Americans have experienced COVID-19 disease and the COVID vaccine mandate issued by the government continues to impact the lives of the majority of  working Americans, Senator Roger Marshall, MD (Kansas),  along with several other congressional Doctors Caucus members, are urging Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Rochelle Walensky, MD to “recognize natural immunity.” Members of the Doctors Caucus sent a letter to the CDC last month asking for a response by mid-October to their “urgent” request to acknowledge that natural infection confers innate immunity and protection from the viral infection.1

In the letter, the authors stated:

Published and submitted journal articles verify immunity from natural infection and innate immunity in measuring an individual’s level of protection to COVID-19,” they wrote. “One study examining this found that patients who recovered from COVID-19 could produce long-term immune response.1

Like lead author Senator Marshall, other members of the Doctor Caucus signing the letter are Republican physicians, including Senator Bill Cassidy (Louisiana), Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky), Rep. Mariannette  Miller-Meeks (Iowa), Rep. Gregory Murphy (North Carolina), and Rep. Ronny Jackson (Texas).

The legislators who signed the letter to the CDC are not alone in expressing concern about the lack of attention paid to the importance of natural immunity as many doctors, researchers, attorneys, journalists and others have been asking why natural immunity to COVID-19 disease is being completely dismissed by vaccine policymakers when the medical literature acknowledges it.2 3

Mandates, Ignoring Natural Immunity a “National Security Crisis”

The Doctors Caucus member letter, spearheaded by Marshall, cited the Department of Defense vaccine mandate that was put into place in August requiring all military members to be vaccinated or face punishments up to and including military discharge. The letter reads:

The U.S. Department of Defense vaccine mandate has the potential to lead to a national security crisis by separating up to 20%of military personnel, many of whom likely have natural immunity.1

Mandates Result in New York Healthcare Worker Shortages

The letter also points out that the mandates will only further exacerbate the healthcare employee shortage. This has already shown to be true in New York where over 70,000 healthcare employees, 16 percent of the health care workforce, quit or were terminated over vaccine mandates.4

One upstate New York hospital was forced to temporarily close their maternity ward after the staff resigned over the mandates.5 The health care shortage may change as a New York judge ruled on Oct. 12, 2021 that the state must allow for religious exemptions for health care employees.6

Marshall’s letter cites published and submitted journal articles verifying immunity that comes from natural infection…

We urge the CDC to acknowledge natural immunity and work with other federal agencies to ensure all future guidance, policies and federally-funded research take this evidence into account and build off it.1

CDC Director Overrules CDC Advisory Committee Recommendations

Dr. Walensky came under fire recently after overruling the CDC advisory panel’s recommendation for booster shots. The panel recommended booster shots for those ages 65 and older, nursing home residents, and people age 50-64 with underlying medical conditions. Dr. Walensky overruled those recommendations and included an additional group–those ages 18-64 at risk of exposure and transmission due to occupational or institutional setting.7

Dr. Walensky’s decision to overrule the panel’s suggestions is not the first instance of disagreement and friction over COVID-19 vaccine protocols within the nation’s health agencies. In August, two FDA officials resigned over the CDC’s involvement in FDA responsibilities, as well as disagreements among FDA committee members surrounding booster shot recommendations.8

Several reports state that both CDC and FDA regulators were frustrated by the White House’s interference with the booster shot recommendation process, citing Joe Biden’s announcement for the vaccines ahead of the FDA reviewing the data.8

Naturally Immune Persons are 27 Times Less Likely to Get Second Infection

More than 15 studies have demonstrated the power of natural immunity being just as good or better than vaccine-induced immunity. A 700,000 person study from Israel found that those who had been previously naturally infected with COVID-19 were 27 times less likely to get a second asymptomatic infection than those who were vaccinated.2

A previous Cleveland Clinic study among its health care workers found that none of the employees who had previously tested positive for COVID had been re-infected. The study concluded that those previously infected were unlikely to benefit from vaccination.2

Proof of Natural Immunity to Other Diseases Accepted

Natural immunity obtained after recovery from a number of viral infectious diseases, such as smallpox and measles, historically has been accepted as evidence of long lasting protection.9 10 Demonstration of natural immunity to measles, mumps and varicella zoster (chickenpox), is accepted at most schools and other institutions in lieu of vaccination.

Regarding measles, individuals born before 1957, when most children got measles and developed robust natural immunity, are not required to get measles vaccine. Individuals born after 1957 are also exempted from measles vaccination by many schools if they can show proof they have recovered from measles infection or serology tests confirm they have high antibody titers to measles.11 12 13 14 

The website of the National Vaccine Information Center at has information on state vaccine laws and requirements for proving immunity to diseases in order to attend school.

Navy SEALs File Lawsuit, Question Why Natural Immunity is Ignored

Several Navy SEALs have filed a lawsuit challenging the military vaccine mandate, largely questioning the military’s refusal to acknowledge natural immunity, according to their attorney R. Davis Younts. Historically, military members are able to receive a medical exemption for several reasons, including if serological tests determine the troops have antibodies. However, a memo issued by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin states that those with previous COVID infection “are not considered fully vaccinated.”

According to Younts, a question the SEALs are asking is why positive serology is being ignored for this vaccine, while for other diseases positive serology is accepted as evidence of immunity.

Younts stated:

Ultimately, one of their main concerns is the sense that they have a conviction to be very careful and thoughtful about what they put into their bodies. These are Navy SEALs right? And they think it’s reasonable to ask the question, ‘Why is this vaccine being treated differently?’15

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