Friday, August 6, 2021

Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook and the Remington Arms Lawsuit. Help!


Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook and the Remington Arms Lawsuit. Help!

by Mary W. Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B.

[Editor’s note: I have added a few images (with captions) and corrected a few minor mistakes, which are in brackets […] or as Editor’s notes as well as adding links to Mary’s other books and to a book review.]

I am a dual citizen of US and Australia and have been involved in investigating cases in both my countries. For example, in Australia I investigated the 2014 “siege” of the Lindt Cafe in Sydney, a supposed terrorist event. I wrote a book about it, called “Inquest,” based on what I heard at the coronial court. In the US, I have written a book entitled “Boston’s Marathon Bombing: What Can Law Do?”

I pride myself on being a conspiracy theorist who DOES NOT use photos or videos of the event to determine what happened. I mainly study the court documents. Not that I condemn the use of videos; it’s just that it isn’t to my taste. The Sandy Hook massacre took place on December 14, 2012. I did not pay much attention to it. There were no trial transcripts to deal with, as the alleged gunman, Adam Lanza suicided at the scene.

I am aware that Jim Fetzer edited a book called “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,” but I have not seen it. And I’ve heard he is under a court order not to disburse any more copies of it.

Sure, I have seen the video of a Sandy Hook Dad, Robert Parker, appearing to giggle before attending a press conference but I would not consider such a thing to be definitive of anything. I also saw, soon after the event, Dr Wayne Carver (the local autopsy man) giving what Commenters said were outlandish replies to questions at a press conference, but I did not find them outlandish.

Long story short, I do not want to wade into the Sandy Hook event. (I am willing to wade deep into the Dunblane massacre of children in 1996, and have done so in my book “Deliverance” (2018) and my book “Reunion: Judging the Family Court” (2019).

The Remington Arms Lawsuit

However, a new, secondary part of the Sandy Hook story has emerged and no one seems to have covered it. It’s got court documents aplenty. This article is my little contribution to putting some of the data forward. Remington Arms is a gun manufacturer that went out of business. Several of the alleged family members of the Sandy Hook children, led by Donna L. Soto, decided to sue the manufacturer of the Bushmaster gun that had been allegedly used at Sandy Hook.

In our face: Donna Soto, mother of Sandy Hook teacher Victoria Soto, and Susan Bro, mother of Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer, apparently are played by one-and-the-same crisis actor. It’s right in our face.

As far as I know, there is no proof that Adam Lanza did use that gun — no fingerprints were taken. As this was a civil action by Soto, not a prosecution, no one had to demonstrate how the killings took place.

Remington (in receivership) and its insurance carriers have offered to settle with the families for $33 million. As soon as the families sign the offer, and the court rubber-stamps it, the matter will be “history.” Dr. Jim Fetzer, [one of] whose attorney is William Sumner Scott, does not want it to become history. He is trying to alert the insurance companies (most of them are re-insurers, I think) to the fact that Remington should not have meekly accepted blame for the deaths of the children as “there were no deaths.”

Note, the event took place more than ten years ago. Soto sued Remington in 2014. It’s unusual for a shooting victim to succeed in trying to hold a weapon-manufacturer responsible. Remington pointed to a statute protecting the manufacturer, but when the Soto case reached the US Supreme Court in 2015, SCOTUS ruled that that statute did not apply, as the Bushmaster is a military-grade gun. Justice Elena Kagan wrote the opinion.

SCOTUS having spoken, Remington elected to take bankruptcy rather than fight on. But Dr. Fetzer had Attorney Scott write to the insurance companies to suggest to THEM that they should not become party to a fraud. In other words, in paying the money to the plaintiffs, they are agreeing that the children were actually killed. Fetzer says “Hold your horses!”

Note: thirty-three million dollars is not chicken feed. I suppose the payment to Soto et al means that other creditors will lose their claims. Remington already sold off its plant in Alabama and it even sold the goodwill to the gun’s name “Bushmaster” for $65,000.

Most likely Remington’s receiver (aka “Debtor in Possession”) can’t be expected to get into a sweat over Fetzer’s alert. The insurance companies, however, should do a doubletake — at least.

The Phony (?) Death Certificate

There was already one court case at which the matter of the children’s massacre came up. A man named Leonard Pozner, the father of a 5-year-old child Noah Pozner, took offense at the book by Fetzer and sued him. Fetzer had published that the child’s death certificate was faked.

The disputed death certificate has no file number, no state certification and no town certification, where, in CT, not even parents are allows to possess uncertified death certificates.

At a District Court in Wisconsin, in 2018, a judge gave summary judgement in favor of Pozner. As far as I know, Fetzer was not given the opportunity to get discovery, for example to have the Connecticut Office of Vital Statistics determine if the Death Certificate was genuine.

Then, the judge called in a jury, only on the question of how much the Pozner Dad should be paid. The jury arrived at the figure [$450,000[. Naturally, the publication of such a large award is a message to conspiracy theorists that they should just whistle Dixie on similar cases. And it is a message to the public that “Yes, of course the children died.”

Last year, in Wisconsin’s appeal court, Fetzer filed a post-hearing motion to request reconsideration of the damages award, but it was denied, again without his being able to present evidence. [Editor’s note: For documents in the Pozner v. Fetzer lawsuit, visit Ron Avery’s brilliant site.] Conceivably Fetzer can still get that state’s supreme court to look at it, but it is not obliged to do so. and

Needless to say, judges are not champing at the bit to get involved in ANY alleged conspiracy case. I am an amicus curiae in the Boston Marathon case [Editor’s note: Amicus Curiae Brief and Appendix], which will be argued before the US Supreme Court on October 13, 2021. I fear that the Justices will look only at the narrow issue of the death sentence and not at the merits of the case (in which a Public Defender boastfully declined to defend her “guilty” client — amazing.)

Is There a Case for Sandy Hook?

What can a citizen offer, to try to knock down the official allegation that 20 children (and Lanza’s mother and five staff members) died at Sandy Hook? The subtitle of Jim Fetzer’s book is “It Was a FEMA Drill [to Promote Gun Control].” He has tried FOIA requests to get FEMA to cough up some information but got nowhere. Ahem, does FEMA have something to hide? On his website, Fetzer [Editor’s note: a commentator] shows pictures of four of the deceased boys now grown up to be 16-year-olds.

The letter that Fetzer had Wm Scott send to the insurance companies warns that of the reported 489 kids who were in school (or at the FEMA drill) that day [Editor’s note: that should be 489 less 20 = 469], many are now grown up and some percentage of them will be wanting to spill the beans. (Some have reportedly done so on Twitter but got deleted instantly — I can’t verify that.) The letter to the insurers also points out that if residents of the area, who know that the children didn’t die, now see a few families getting $33 million, there will be plenty of resentment.

Investigator Wolfgang Halbig

There is another dissident, Wolfgang Halbig, who has tried for years to demonstrate the falseness of the shooting. I recall seeing him on YouTube, seated next to a lady lawyer who was wearing a red dress, barking questions at officials in a hearing called to answer his FOIA requests. The men did not give straight answers. The YouTube video has disappeared. (Why?)

I am not sure if Halbig was at that time pursuing the theory that the real Sandy Hook school had been closed for over a year before December 2012. But anyway, he has since pursued that, obliquely. He has found that milk deliveries to that school did not occur in the months September to December 2012.

Halbig is a former law enforcement officer, and was not pleased when police recently came to his house (in Florida) and manhandled him. I say that’s a vote in favor of their being foul play in the Sandy Hook story — why not let a busybody get on with the job of checking on milk deliveries? Could it hurt?

Perhaps there are other citizens out there working on the Sandy Hook case. Many of us with a background in conspiracy got sidetracked into looking at the Covid matter during 2020 and 2021. If you have something to contribute, you should contact Fetzer [], Scott [], or Halbig [].

Bye-bye Truth?

Generally speaking, I think journalism students — and police — have been taught to accept the notion that some untrue stories will be broadcast officially and that “There’s a good reason for it, which we won’t spell out at the moment.”

I will link, below, an article I wrote in 2015, in which I guessed that the report of the 27 Sandy Hook deaths was, to use the Australian expression, dinki di. But having seen, now, that courts are flub-dubbing due process, I must reconsider. Maybe all the kids are alive (which is surely a good thing!). We need a breakthrough, as everyone is sinking deeper and deeper into unreality.

Here is a minor point, which I found in the 2013 book “Monumental Myths” by Ty Bollinger — whom I know to be a reasonable human being. That book breezes you through myriad conspiracy theories. At the bottom of page 357 we find the following, concerning the alleged shooter’s mother:

“Let’s look at a couple of anomalies regarding Nancy Lanza for a moment, shall we? The official stow is that she was a kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook. According to a report on Channel 9 News in Sandy Hook, which was aired live on the day of the shooting, a female reporter spoke about the Sandy Hook school nurse. When the nurse was asked about Nancy Lanza, she told the reporter: ‘Nancy was beloved teacher… an absolutely loving person and a very caring experienced kindergarten teacher.’

“The only problem with this testimony is that Nancy was never a teacher at Sandy Hook, nor even in the entire state of Connecticut. She never had a teacher’s certificate. Other than the mysterious school nurse, nobody at school knew who Nancy was. ‘No one has heard of her,’ said Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011. ‘Teachers don’t know her.’ Research shows that Nancy was actually an employee of JP Morgan Chase. Oddly, in her obituary, there was no mention of Adam.”

Please, somebody, please deal with this.

Here is the link to my 2015 article in which you can see the lady lawyer in the red dress. To her right is her client, Wolfgang Halbig. Somewhat to my surprise, Mary there declares her belief that 20 children and 6 adults died at Sandy Hook. For my most recent presentation of evidence to the contrary, see “What happened at Sandy Hook? How we know it was staged”, Great Awakenings with Scott Bennett, (4 August 2021).

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