Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Death-Dart/ClotShot mechanism of action: It’s permanent and fatal – right side heart failure within three years


Death-Dart/ClotShot mechanism of action: It’s permanent and fatal – right side heart failure within three years

Death-Dart/ClotShot mechanism of action: It’s permanent and fatal – right side heart failure within three years

Information is coming out claiming that most people who took the COVID-19 Vaccine will be DEAD within three years from right side heart failure. For many of those people, there is no way of reversing the process.

When a person chooses to get the COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) "vaccine" they received an astonishing 40 trillion mRNA spike protein particles per injection, which spread throughout their entire body.

Each particle bonds to interior wall of capillaries causing the interior surface of the entire vascular system to become rough, like sandpaper, instead of the natural smooth blood vessel lining on the

capillary level.

The body reacts by forming clots and blocking the injured vessels and capillaries. In about 40-50% of people this process is permanent and irreversible.

Micro-clotting of capillaries is invisible to scans, only the D-Dimer test shows that clotting is happening in the body on a micro level, but not where it is happening.

This micro-clotting in the lungs causes increased pressure on the right side of the heart which must pump against the blocked capillaries in the lungs.

Right side heart failure generally occurs within three years when this pulmonary micro-clotting occurs

A horrifying 62% of injected people are returning positive D-Dimer tests... which means they already have micro clotting.  A clotted capillary or blood vessel NEVER goes back to normal.  As this process goes on and on from the mRNA particles, 40-50% of people who got the COVID death Dart vaccine will likely be killed by it through right side heart failure within three years of being injected.


Another medical professional, Dr. Badhki, talked about this months ago, and how the spikes sticking out from capillary walls rip open red blood cells and cause our Platelets to attach to the lining of blood vessel walls because they interpret the rough surface of the blood vessel wall as an injury that needs to be clotted.

However, Dr Badhki also tells about certain white blood cells that eat up all the microscopic clots. That is what they do. They are scavengers.

People have several types of white cells. One type is the trash collectors of the body. They eat up infected cells and dead cells and old no longer active red cells. You have trillions of these trash collecting white cells.

Monocytes are the body’s trash collector. Their function is to clean up all dead, dying, damaged cells and make the area acceptable for replacement by renewal cells. They can have vacuoles (open like spaces) which result from having phagocytized (eaten and degraded) foreign material.

Why are 38%-40% negative for D Dimer? Because those people have robust white cells!

What helps you produce white cells? Youth for one. Also zinc, and vitamin C, and plenty of rest and sleep.

Not everybody vaxxed will be dead in 3 years.  As long as your Monocyte white cells function well, you can stay alive.  But very many of the vaxxed WILL die from this, or other vaccine-related damage . . . and the mass-media is simply not reporting this.


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