Saturday, October 31, 2020

Leftists Organize to Drive Trump from the White House


Leftists Organize to Drive Trump from the White House

Leftists Organize to Drive Trump from the White House

The problem for Trump is that the military/security complex wants him out of office 

“This move by ‘the Resistance’ is no conspiracy theory, as you can see from their explicit website: 

“The videos released by Millie Weaver make it indisputable, except for Democratic true believers, bought ‘fact-checkers’ and other assets:

“The question is: Will Trump take a dive, pro-wrestling-style, or seriously play Allende on 9/11/73—or Viktor Yanukovych after Maidan, and ‘flee to Russia’ ?”

Mark Crispin Miller 


Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win

by Joy Pullmann

Shut Down DC’s ‘Strategic framework for action following the 2020 election’ sketches out their plans for rioting and attacking American institutions and life unless and until Joe Biden is installed as president.

Riot and protest instigators plan to “make sure Trump leaves the White House” by any means necessary after the Nov. 3 election, according to website posts from the group Shut Down DC and their allies. “[W]e’re making plans to be in the streets before the polls even close, ready to adapt and respond to whatever comes our way,” the group says on its website currently.

“Trump has shown that he will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power. Trump will not leave office without mass mobilization and direct action,” an Oct. 13 version of the same web page reads, according to Internet Archive records.

The group linked to protests at the homes of Trump administration officials tells its DC-area supporters to “Come to Black Lives Matter Plaza” on election night “to create serious disruption if Trump really tries to steal the election!” Black Lives Matter Plaza is the site of repeated anti-Trump summer rioting and defacement of the historic Saint John’s Church one block away from the White House.

On the page, Shut Down DC sketches out its plans for election night and immediately following. On Nov. 4-7, the group says it plans to “do whatever it takes”:

In the days following the election we’ll continue to come out into the streets every day to respond to rapidly changing events. We may be waiting for votes to be counted or we may be responding to major attacks on democracy. Over the next few weeks we’ll use our Spokes Council process to plan actions that are flexible and can scale to respond to a lot of different scenarios.

Then, on Nov. 8-11, the group’s plan is to meet members of Congress returning to Washington DC for the lame-duck session. “If Trump is trying to launch a coup, that’s no time for business as usual. We’ll meet them at the train station or the airports or if they drive into town we can meet them at their homes,” the website says.

A slide deck posted on the group’s website from an “organizing call” claims this group is working in concert with leftist groups around the nation to prepare for President Trump to “steal the election” and attempt a “coup.” The slides pinpoint now as the time these groups are “gathering gear” to respond.

Click on the link for the rest: 

Left Plans A Coup In Washington and other interesting revelations 

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