Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Shepard Ambellas, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, others, profiteering from world-scale respiratory illness racketeering scheme

Shepard Ambellas, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, others, profiteering from world-scale respiratory illness racketeering scheme

Shepard Ambellas

Topdown firesale approach to globalist master plan reveals impending “natural disaster” or biological release may be on the way

(INTELLIHUB) — New and shocking information obtained by Intellihub reveals that Dr. Anthony Fauci is listed on the Board of Directors of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) and appears to be involved in a mammoth worldwide racketeering network scheme in which a prefabricated and deliberately contrived ‘health crisis’ has been used as a means to lockdown and
suppress human activity worldwide while allowing the perpetrators of the dastardly multi-faceted and multi-pronged agenda to loot the proverbial coffers of the people and government simultaneously paving the way for a New World Order-style dystopian police state.
The GPMB is comprised of experts from non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, national governments, and multilateral agencies including the World Health Organization and World Bank Group respectively.
The Board’s main purpose within itself is to urge political action “multilateral agencies.”
To no surprise, the Board has ties to just about anything and everything that is COVID-19 related including the purported “pandemic” itself which seems to be nothing more than a tool that is being used to further control the populace.
In a nutshell, “the Board works independently of all parties, including its co-conveners, to provide the most frank assessments and recommendations possible,” as the agency’s annual report states. This separation acts as a buffer and provides a degree of legal protection to all those involved.
Clever verbiage within the Board’s latest annual report titled A World at Risk” Annual Report on Global Health Preparedness Emergencies separates the members of the Board from their organizations and even separates them from the Board itself. This is done by design.
“The findings, interpretations, conclusions, and opinions expressed in this report and by Board members represent their views only and not those of their organizations or of the co-conveners.”
— A World at Risk/Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
GPMBThe goals of the Board are to:
  • assess the world’s ability to protect itself from health emergencies
  • identify critical gaps to preparedness across multiple perspectives;
  • advocate for preparedness activities with national and international leaders and decision-makers.
The first annual report serves as a literal five-year roadmap to its “stakeholders” and identifies seven potential threats that the conspirators claim world leaders “must implement to prepare for pressing threats” including “natural disasters.”
“The Board analyzed evidence and commissioned seven review papers that explore the challenges of preparedness through various lenses: governance and coordination; country preparedness capacities; research and development; financing; enhancing community engagement and trust; preparing for and managing the fallout of a high-impact respiratory pathogen pandemics; and, lessons learned and persistent gaps revealed by recent outbreaks of Ebola virus disease in Africa” and “the Board has drawn on these papers and other data to identify areas where preparedness efforts are working and where they are faltering.”
Do you see where this is all headed? World Bank Group and WHO-sponsored white papers mention that COVID-19 preparedness is somehow connected to an impending natural disaster of some type? (i.e. asteroid strikes, space debris, the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano)
Why the stockpile of ventilators? Why are masks available on every street corner in America and worldwide for that matter? Why are masks required even though the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits the general public doesn’t need to wear them for COVID-19? In fact, the masks say right on the box that they ‘will not protect against COVID-19’ so what is really going on here? Will the masks protect against dust?
Moreover, dovetailing with actionable intel obtained in March by Intellihub founder and editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas inbound space-based events (i.e. asteroids or the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano) may also play into the picture and may serve as the actual and logical motive behind the military deployment and firesale-type behavior that has arisen from the declaration of pandemic rules and lockdowns worldwide.
“Future reports will monitor progress on preparedness for other types of health emergencies, such as those caused by natural disasters.”
— A World at Risk/Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
Withal, it can’t be ruled out that a natural disaster may be coming sooner than later but the plan’s architects also touch upon another highly sensitive angle which alludes that the accidental or “deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen” could be on the way.

That Kodak moment

Do you remember that big diabolic-looking smirks on the faces of billionaire eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates when he said that the next outbreak “will get attention?”

Screenshot via YouTubeIs it all starting to make sense now?

Seven urgent actions to prepare the world for health emergencies

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s rather robust dystopian blueprint outlines seven actions for leaders to take which will scoot along the program’s progress by September 2020 which signifies a stringent and closing timeline for action.
The seven urgent action are:
  1. Heads of government must commit and invest
  2. Countries and organizations must lead by example
  3. All countries must build strong systems
  4. Countries, donors, and multilateral institutions must be prepared for the worst
  5. Financial institutions must link preparedness with financial risk planning
  6. Development assistance funders must create incentives and increase funding for preparedness
  7. The United Nations must strengthen coordination mechanisms
The architects of the scheme are using a top-down approach. In fact, the plan demands “G7, G20 and G77 Member States, and regional intergovernmental organizations must follow through on their political and funding commitments for preparedness and agree to routinely monitor progress during their annual meetings.” By doing so, essentially the powers-that-be (i.e. the New World Order) can insert their very own players all throughout society at the highest levels. People like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bell Gates, and others come to mind some of which are listed on the GMPB Board of Directors, including Fauci.
“Heads of government must appoint a national high-level coordinator with authority and political accountability to lead whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, and routinely conduct multisectoral simulation exercises to establish and maintain effective preparedness. They must prioritize community involvement in all preparedness efforts, building trust and engaging multiple stakeholders (e.g. legislators; representatives of the human and animal health, security and foreign affairs sectors; the private sector; local leaders; and women and youth).”
— A World at Risk/Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
Additionally, the plan calls on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to urgently prepare to mitigate financial risk based on pandemic fallout.
“To mitigate the severe economic impacts of a national or regional epidemic and/or a global pandemic, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank must urgently renew their efforts to integrate preparedness into economic risk and institutional assessments, including the IMF’s next cycle of Article IV consultations with countries and the World Bank’s next Systematic Country Diagnostics for International Development Association (IDA) credits and grants,” it reads. “Funding replenishments of the IDA, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria (Global Fund), and Gavi should include explicit commitments regarding preparedness.”
It seems as if the entire one world apparatus including the United Nations has come together over a major perceived threat in which they already know is coming. They are preparing for a “coordinated United Nations system-wide response for health emergencies in different countries and different health and humanitarian emergency contexts.”

Once a crisis strikes? (keyword: strikes)

Another goal of the plan outlines the need to preposition forces that would be ready to act immediately if a crisis were to strike in order to mitigate the impact of that crisis whatever it may be.

A World at Risk/Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
“Every country and community must be prepared for the unexpected.”
And if all of that is just not enough, the names of some of the Board’s members may get your attention.
Key members of the Global Heatlh Preparedness Monitoring Board are:
  • Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA
  • Dr. Chris Elias, President, Global Development Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
  • Dr. George F. Gao, Director-General, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, People’s Republic of China

To no surprise, we see George Fu Gao listed as a participant roleplayer for the Event 201 pandemic simulation. Gao also has connections to Harvard University.
Any questions?
Please stay tuned to and The Shepard Ambellas Show for more breaking news and views on this subject.
Related: Viruses are everywhere, maybe even in space
Related: Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases
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H/T: David Wilson and @AmeriforceJ on Twitter
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Shepard Ambellas is an opinion journalist, analyst, political pundit, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News & Politics ( Shepard is also known for producing Shade: The Motion Picture (2013) and appearing on Travel Channel’s America Declassified (2013). Shepard is a contributor to Alex Jones’ Infowars platform and is also a regular on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory.
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