Monday, March 30, 2020

Confirmed: High-Dose Vitamin C Has Successfully Treated 50 Moderate to Severe COVID-19 Patients

Confirmed: High-Dose Vitamin C Has Successfully Treated 50 Moderate to Severe COVID-19 Patients

In Brief

  • The Facts:Medicine in Drug Discovery, of Elsevier, a major scientific publishing house, published an article of early and high-dose IVC in the treatment and prevention of Covid-19. Intravenous vitamin C has helped moderate to severe covid-19 patients recover.
  • Reflect On:Why is something that's true been ridiculed within the mainstream, who claims there is no basis at all for vitamin C treatment for coronavirus?
An article published by LiveScience, a mainstream science website, states that “Vitamin C is
extremely unlikely to help people fight off the new coronavirus.” This is the narrative that’s been portrayed by multiple mainstream media outlets since the beginning of the new coronavirus outbreak. In fact, they’ve gone as far as labelling the suggestion that vitamin c could help, as ‘”fake news” in some cases. This is one of multiple examples of ‘fact checkers,’ who have been given tremendous amounts of power with the ability to severely limit the social media distribution of certain media organizations, abusing their power.

Here at Collective Evolution, we’ve been subjected to immoral and unethical ‘fact checking’ that has greatly reduced our ability to sustain ourselves. We are even fearful of our Facebook Page being deleted, so we are encouraging all those who want to continue to receive and be able to find our content to sign up for our email listThis is very important if you want to continue to follow our work in case Facebook deletes our social media platform(s).
As far as Vitamin C treatment for Covid-19 goes, regardless of what some media outlets are claiming, Medicine in Drug Discovery, of Elsevier, a major scientific publishing house, recently published an article on early and high-dose IVC in the treatment and prevention of Covid-19. The article was written by Dr. Richard Cheng, MD, PhD, a US board-certified anti-aging specialist, from Shanghai, China. Dr. Cheng served in the United States Army as a commissioned officer (Major) and an Army physician. While in the Army, Dr. Cheng served in various positions including Chief and Medical Director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. It’s safe to say that he’s probably a much more trusted source on the topic given his background and recent peer-reviewed publication about it than an article claiming that this is false information.
In his article, he states the following:
High-dose intravenous VC has also been successfully used in the treatment of 50 moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in China. The doses used varied between 2 g and 10 g per day, given over a period of 8–10 h. Additional VC bolus may be required among patients in critical conditions. The oxygenation index was improving in real time and all the patients eventually cured and were discharged. In fact, high-dose VC has been clinically used for several decades and a recent NIH expert panel document states clearly that this regimen (1.5 g/kg body weight) is safe and without major adverse events.
His article was published on the 26th of March, but prior to that, Dr. Cheng was providing updates with regards to multiple clinical trials that have been underway in China for treating covid-19 patients with intravenous vitamin C. The US National Library of Medicine posted the information about their clinical trials on their website. The title of one of the trials is “Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia.” The sponsor is ZhiYong Peng, and the responsible party is Zhongnan Hospital in Wuhan University (ZNWU).
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Dr. Cheng has been updating everyone via his YouTube channel about vitamin C treatment cases out of Chin prior to the publication of this article. We have been covering his updates as he is in direct contact with this treatment and isn’t simply an armchair scientist at the moment. We feel in this time this is a very important detail as he is seeing and hearing results first hand, not simply theoretically.
Cheng also had a message for the ‘fact checkers’ as posted in the description of his latest Youtube video.
I was made aware that FB Fact Check claims “Shanghai did not officially recommend high-dose IVC for the treatment of Covid-19” (left on the above photo). Let me make it clear that not only Shanghai, but also Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, another major city in China, publicly endorsed high-dose IVC for the treatment of Covid-19. Those who does Fact Check, please be more careful.
In one of his latest videos he also commends New York hospitals for becoming aware of the information regarding vitamin c, but claims they are not using high enough doses.
 According to a recent article by the New York Post, who has also picked up on the topic,
Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China, The Post has learned. Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C. Identical amounts of the powerful antioxidant are then readministered three or four times a day, he said. Each dose is more than 16 times the National Institutes of Health’s daily recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C, which is just 90 milligrams for adult men and 75 milligrams for adult women. The regimen is based on experimental treatments administered to people with the coronavirus in Shanghai, China, Weber said.

How To Take Vitamin C For The Everyday Person

I have turned to the following credentialled individuals to make the statements in this article. They have also pointed to numerous studies which I will list below. These individuals are Damien Downing, who has a bachelor’s in medicine and surgery, Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., Gert Schuitemaker, Ph.D., and Richard Z. Cheng, MD, Ph.D., International Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team Leader. – Joe Martino, Collective Evolution Founder
Read Joe’s article for more details: How To Take Vitamin C Orally. It May Help Protect Against Viruses
For anyone looking for a high-quality vitamin C, we have been using and recommending liposomal vitamin C. There are many brands out there. We are using this one from PuraThrive as it is very high quality and has an incredible clinically proven absorption rate.

The Takeaway

It’s truly a heads scratcher as to win intravenous vitamin C treatment for sick patients isn’t really being explored, nor mentioned at all by mainstream media networks. Is this really a surprise?
Even the pharmaceutical companies have been able to purchase congress. They’re the largest lobbying entity in Washington D.C.. They have more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than there are congressman and senators combined. They give twice to congress what the next largest lobbying entity is, which is oil and gas… Imagine the power they exercise over both republicans and democrats. They’ve captured them (our regulatory agencies) and turned them into sock puppets. They’ve compromised the press… and they destroy the publications that publish real science. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  (source)
Ultimately, when it comes to sickness, we must ask ourselves where government allegiance lies. It’s a for-profit model, first and foremost. That’s not to say there aren’t many great things about our health care system

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