Sunday, February 23, 2020

An E.R. Nurse’s View Of The Vaccine-injury Cover-up:

"An E.R. Nurse’s View Of The Vaccine-injury Cover-up:
“As an E.R. nurse, I have seen the cover up. Where do you think kids go when they have a vac­cine reac­tion? They go to the E.R. They come to me. I cannot even begin to guess how many times over the years I have seen vac­cine reac­tions come through my E.R. Without any exaggeration, it has to be counted in hun­dreds. Some­times it seemed like it was one or two cases in a sin­gle shift, every shift, for weeks. Then I would get a lull, and I wouldn’t catch one for a week or two, then I’d catch another case per night for a cou­ple weeks. This was common.
“Once, I was train­ing a nurs­ing stu­dent, about to grad­u­ate, on their E.R. expe­ri­ence rota­tion in nurs­ing school. This stu­dent and I floated up to triage to cover the triage nurse for a break. I was quizzing
them on what to ask and look for as a triage nurse on pedi­atric kids that came through. I made a point about ask­ing about immu­niza­tions right out the gates. The stu­dent was puz­zled, and asked why, and I told the stu­dent because we see vac­cine reac­tions every day and its their job to catch it, alert the doc­tor and the par­ents, and report it to VAERS [Vac­cine Adverse Event Report­ing Sys­tem]. Some higher power appar­ently smiled on my attempt to open the eyes of another nurse I guess, because not even ten min­utes later, a woman brought her child up to the counter. Sud­den onset super high fever and lethargy. I asked if the child was up to date on vac­ci­na­tion. The mother replied he had them just a few hours ago. I glanced at the stu­dent, who looked shocked and looked back at me in dis­be­lief. I nod­ded, told them to remem­ber this, and then took the mom and her child to fin­ish the triage in back. When I was done I came back and sat down with the stu­dent, and asked what he learned that night so far. The first response: “What I was told about vac­cines wasn’t true”. I couldn’t have said it bet­ter. That stu­dent is going to go on to be like me, advo­cat­ing for his patients with his eyes wide open.
“The cases almost always pre­sented sim­i­larly, and often no one else con­nected it. The child comes in with either a fever approach­ing 105, or seizures, or lethargy/can’t wake up, or sud­den over­whelm­ing sick­ness, scream­ing that won’t stop, spasms, GI inclu­sion, etc. And one of the first ques­tions I would ask as triage nurse, was, are they cur­rent on their vac­ci­na­tions? It’s a safe ques­tion that nobody sees com­ing, and nobody under­stands the true impact of. Par­ents (and co-workers) usu­ally just think I’m try­ing to rule out the vac­cine pre­ventable dis­eases, when in fact, I am look­ing to see how recently they were vac­ci­nated to deter­mine if this is a vac­cine reac­tion. Too often I heard a par­ent say some­thing akin to “Yes they are cur­rent, the pedi­a­tri­cian caught up their vac­cines this morn­ing dur­ing their check up, and the pedi­a­tri­cian said they were in per­fect health!” If I had a dol­lar for every time I’d heard that, I could fly to Europe for free.
“But here’s the more dis­turb­ing part. For all the cases I’ve seen, I have NEVER seen any med­ical provider report them to VAERS. I have filed VAERS reports. But I am the ONLY nurse I have EVER met that files VAERS reports. I also have NEVER met a doc­tor that filed a VAERS report. Mind you, I have served in mul­ti­ple hos­pi­tals across mul­ti­ple states, along­side prob­a­bly well over a hun­dred doc­tors and prob­a­bly 300–400+ nurses. I’ve worked in big hos­pi­tals (San Fran­cisco Bay Area Metro 40 bed ER, Las Vegas NV Metro 44 bed ER) and small hos­pi­tals (Rural access 2 bed ER, remote com­mu­nity 4 bed ER) and every­thing in between. When I say NEVER, I mean NEVER. I have even made a point of sit­ting in the most promi­nent spot at the nurses sta­tion fill­ing out a VAERS report to make sure as many peo­ple saw me doing it as pos­si­ble to gen­er­ate the expected “what are you doing” responses to get that dia­log going with peo­ple. And in every case, if a nurse approached me, their response was “I’ve never done that” or “i didn’t know we could do that” or, worse “What is VAERS?” which was actu­ally the most com­mon response.
The response from doc­tors? Silence. Absolute total refusal to engage in dis­cus­sion or to even acknowl­edge what I was doing or what VAERS was.
“The big take away from that? VAERS is WOEFULLY under reported. I am PROOF of that. The num­ber one place par­ents bring their kids in the event of a vac­cine reac­tion is the E.R., and as an E.R. staffer, I have NEVER met any­one who filed one, in spite of see­ing hun­dreds of cases of obvi­ous vac­cine asso­ci­ated harm come through. What does that say about reported num­bers? The CDC/HHS admits that VAERS is under-reported, and prob­a­bly only rep­re­sen­ta­tive of 1/10th the actual num­ber of injuries. I con­test that, and from per­sonal expe­ri­ence, I would say the num­bers in VAERS are more like 1/1000th the actual num­bers, not 1/10th.
“And the final part of that, is that I have, first hand, seen bla­tant cover ups from doc­tors. I have seen fal­si­fi­ca­tion of med­ical records and doc­u­men­ta­tion via inten­tional omis­sion. I have chal­lenged doc­tors who refused to put in the chart that the child was vac­ci­nated 4 hours ago and was in per­fect health, and now sud­denly they are non-responsive, seiz­ing, febrile at 105, and that labs, LP, and imag­ing con­firms cere­bral edema/encephalitis. I reminded the doc­tor as they are writ­ing their report that the child was vac­ci­nated mere hours before. And at the end, there is total omis­sion of this fact, and the physi­cian pass-off notes state encephali­tis of unknown ori­gin. I ask the doc­tor if they will file a VAERS report, and they argue that this has noth­ing to do with it, its purely coin­ci­den­tal, and noth­ing should be filed, they are safe and effec­tive. I remind them that VAERS is a report­ing body for ANY symp­toms that are con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous to vac­ci­na­tion, whether cau­sa­tion is believed to be asso­ci­ated or not, and I get the dis­missal that they are not fil­ing it because it has noth­ing to do with it.
“No one brings it up to the par­ents. It’s this giant rug-sweep that hap­pens, and any men­tion of the vac­ci­na­tion is sys­tem­at­i­cally removed or with­held from the record. A per­fect exam­ple of this, was an ambu­lance crew that came in with a pass-off report that included the fact the child had been vac­ci­nated only hours prior to onset of symp­toms. The physi­cian made sure this pass-off sheet dis­ap­peared mys­te­ri­ously and could not get filed with the patient med­ical record. So yes, I have seen the vac­cine dam­age cover up first hand. I know that it is inten­tional and active in the med­ical com­mu­nity. I know that it is hap­pen­ing. And on top of total denial of any asso­ci­a­tion, and total cover up, they also refuse to report to VAERS which is sup­posed to be reported to for ANYTHING that is even in NO WAY SUSPECTED to be asso­ci­ated with the vac­cine. This is a sys­temic sup­pres­sion of infor­ma­tion and statistics.
“And yes, in the cases described above, I did approach the par­ents, and I did tell them about VAERS, and I did start a case for them and file a report. I did force the issue through my chart­ing, although it will most likely be buried and over­looked. I have expe­ri­enced the cor­rup­tion and sup­pres­sion of the truth in the med­ical com­mu­nity about vac­cines first-hand from the provider per­spec­tive. It does hap­pen. Every day.”
Source:…/pretty_simple_explanation… (GuerillaRN - Posted 10/22/2015)

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