Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Make a donation of $30 or more to the James Tracy Legal Defense Fund by December 31 and receive a copy of Presstitutes: Embedded in the Pay of the CIA!

“Journalists For hire” English Translation Now In Print – Support Tracy Legal Defense!

Intelligence Operative Udo Ulfkotte’s German Bestseller

Make a donation of $30 or more to the James Tracy Legal Defense Fund by December 31 and receive a copy of Presstitutes: Embedded in the Pay of the CIA!

Why all the fake news? In Presstitutes: Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession (Progressive Press, 2019) a high-level whistleblower finally comes forward and exposes the corruption of the Western media. Udo Ulfkotte explains how journalists have to play along with the elite agenda to cover the news, to get scoops, perks, and to keep their jobs. After 17 years as
foreign correspondent for Germany’s newspaper of record, Ulfkotte was fed up. He devoted his last years to exposing the treasonous lies, war propaganda, and subversive paternalism of our quasi-Stasi totalitarian media.
It’s widely believed that the CIA attempted to suppress this eagerly awaited English edition by buying the rights to it through a front company, which never published it. Many observers also suspect foul play in the author’s tragic death three years ago, at the age of 57. In Ulfkotte’s absence, the translator and publisher are giving interviews about his story.

● Ulfkotte was about as mainstream as it gets, writing for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and other big publishers for two decades. His book was 18 months on the bestseller list in Germany.

● He uses personal examples from his own career to illustrate all of the following points, from his recruitment at university, placement at the FAZ with no experience, and how intelligence officers vetted his information, even feeding him finished stories for him to sign his name to.

● He details how the system of bribery works in journalism, rewarding the obedient and filtering out the non-compliant.

● The lockstep media are synchronized and servile, with the same stories copied across the spectrum to drill us in current political agendas, rather than original reporting.

● Ulfkotte names the big names in the German media, with their personal connections to top politicians and affiliations with “transatlantic” organizations.

● U.S. control of German politicians, finance and media began in 1945, as a prop for the occupation; this Pax Americana holds sway over much of the planet.

● The German media were mustered to introduce the euro, expand the EU eastward and welcome millions of “refugees,” in order to finish the job of destroying German cultural and national identity.

● The author encourages us to shut them down by withdrawing our support from the MSM, and giving it to honest, hard-working independent journalists.

● Finally, this is a guide and a warning to future generations of journalists not to make the same mistakes the author did, which eventually cost him his life, but luckily not his soul.

Purchase a copy of this groundbreaking book & help Support the James Tracy Legal Defense Fund. Click here for additional information.

See related posts:
English Translation of Udo Ulfkotte’s Bought Journalists Suppressed
James Tracy Returns to FAU
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ Review, There’s No Such Thing as a Free Press

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