Monday, November 25, 2019

This County Banned Unvaccinated Kids from Public Spaces

This County Banned Unvaccinated Kids from Public Spaces

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Joe Hendricks’ kids are part of a growing number of children in the U.S. who are unvaccinated. But unlike other unvaccinated families, Joe’s lives in Rockland County, New York where a first of its kind ultimatum has been put into effect… Get your kids vaccinated or keep them out of public
spaces. Locations included in this countywide ban include shopping centers, restaurants, schools and places of worship. People are poisoned with this. People have issues, they died or had mental issues because because of vaccines that were supposed to be helping them. Do you ever consider changing your mind, making a different decision for your family. No, I don’t because taking away the right to choose, that’s more of a problem to me than somebody not getting a vaccine.

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