Friday, June 28, 2019

Chapter 4 EMFs Including Wi-Fi May Be Particularly Damaging to Young People

Chapter 4 EMFs Including Wi-Fi May Be Particularly Damaging to Young People

Most arguments that have been made that microwave frequency EMFs may be much more damaging to young children have centered on the much smaller skulls and skull thickness in young children, increasing the
exposure of their brains to EMFs [60, 61]. However there are other arguments to be made. EMFs have been shown to be particularly active in producing effects on embryonic stem cells [62-71]. Because such stem cells occur at much higher cell densities in children, with stem cell densities the highest in the fetus and decreasing with increasing age [62, 63], impacts on young children are likely to be much higher than in adults. The decreased DNA repair and increased DNA damage following EMF exposure, in conjunction with the increased cell division in young children, strongly suggest that young children may be increasingly susceptible to cancer following such exposures [62-64, 71]. Two reviews discussed in the next chapter provide further evidence on higher cancer susceptibility of children. EMF action on stem cells may also cause young children to be particularly susceptible to disruption of brain development [66,71], something that may be relevant to autism causation.
It is my belief that the role of [Ca2+]i in synapse development is also relevant to the possible EMF causation of autism. The Hecht review of Soviet occupational exposure studies [28] reports that “younger persons show a greater sensitivity to electromagnetic fields than adults.” These are all very problematic issues and we cannot rule out the possibility that there are other problematic issues as well. Redmayne and Johansson [72] reviewed the literature showing that there are age- related effects, such that young people are more sensitive to EMF effects. It follows from these various findings that the placement of Wi-Fi into schools around the country and the not uncommon placing of cell phone towers on schools may well both be a high level threats to the health of our children as well being a threat to teachers and any very sensitive fetuses teachers
may be carrying, as well. Mr. Barrie Trower, a retired military intelligence expert from the U.K. has been going around the world, at his expense, speaking against Wi-Fi in schools. His knowledge on this is based in part on classified information which he is unable to discuss, but has given him great concern.

Chapter 5: The Importance of the SCENIHR 2015 Document and the Many Omissions, Flaws and Falsehoods in That Document 

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