A Company In Canada Linked To The Raelians Claims To Be Cloning Human Beings
In Brief
- The Facts:CE founder
Joe Martino and I recently sat down and discussed the reality of human
cloning and
where we are at today with regards to the technology and rumours. - Reflect On:Is it part of our natural development to be able to extend life, to clone, and to advance biomedicine in various ways? Is this unethical? Or is it the place where human beings operate from that determines if something like this is right or wrong?
human clones real? We dove into this topic on for a recent episode of
The Collective Evolution Show and interestingly enough, we found that
claims of human cloning are quite real, and there are multiple
individuals who claim to have successfully cloned human beings,
including one Canadian company called Clonaid.
For those who aren’t familiar, cloning animals has already been done and repeated in labs.(source)
Experts are also looking at cloning to regenerate new organs that could
replace faulty ones. Multiple universities intend to produce cloned
human embryos in order to derive stem cells for medical research on
diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and other illnesses.
Probably the most famous of cloning
cases involves ‘Dolly the sheep.’ She made headlines when she became the
first (that we heard about) mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. (source)
Prior to Dolly, several clones had been produced in the lab including
frogs, mice, and even cows. All of them had been cloned from the DNA
from embryos. Scientists also recently cloned monkeys for the first
time. So is it really that hard to believe that it’s been done on

Dolly the sheep. Photo courtesy of Roslin Institute.
Shortly after Dolly was cloned, the
United Nations General Assembly gathered to create a declaration on
human cloning, where member states were called on to adopt all measures
necessary to prohibit all forms of human cloning. 84 countries were in
favour of the ban, 34 were against it, and 37 member states chose not to
vote at all. (source) It
raises a number of philosophical questions for sure, but how fitting
was it for the UN to pose these sanctions during this time?
A Canadian Company Cloning?
Amidst all of this, there is a company
located in Canada that still seems to be in existence today called
Clonaid. Interestingly enough, the company is tightly tied with a group
called the Raƫlians. The Raƫlians, founded by Claude Vorilhon, a former
French auto racing journalist, believe that an advanced race of
extraterrestrials called Elohim created life on earth. You can see where
the cloning inspiration may have come from.
Clonaid actually made news headlines all
over the world when they announced they’d received a large donation to
fund the cloning of a human child. Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, Ph.D.
(scientific director of Clonaid) and a former chemist from Air Liquide
were in charge of the operation, and for years the company was under
regulatory suspicion and bombarded by media coverage.
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In 2001, she announced that a baby had
been born, but following multiple lawsuits and controversy, no evidence
of the human clone was provided and mainstream media insinuated that the
entire debacle had been a hoax.
Joe and I recently discussed human
cloning, Clonaid, and much more in a recent episode of ‘The Collective
Evolution Show’ on CETV. You can listen to the podcast episode here. Or you can sign up to CETV to watch the full episode and much more.
Below is a clip from the episode discussing Clonaid in a bit more detail.
The Takeaway
It’s interesting to contemplate these
types of ‘advancements’ in human technology. Obviously, it brings up a
number of philosophical questions that Joe and I went deeper into on the
episode, but at the end of the day, it’s great to see human advancement
and discovery.
The sad thing is that advancement and
discovery in any area is, in my opinion, quite useless unless it’s done
for the benefit of all. Often times with these types of developments,
they’re used by the elite or used for profit and greed, instead of using
these developments to benefit everyone. Until all of humanity operates
from a place of service to others, this type of technology is quite
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