Friday, May 24, 2019

145. A Scientifically Humane Future: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from

145. A Scientifically Humane Future: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from

Chapter Twelve   

 Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede

  Membership Requirements 

 Membership in the Society is composed of women who are of legal age and he lineal  descendant of one or more of the twenty-five Barons, selected to enforce
the Magna  Carta, those Barons in arms from the date of King John 's Coronation until June 15,  1215. Membership is by invitation only. Within the Society there is an Order of  Distinction Committee composed of members who trace their ancestry to Knights of the  Garter, Ladies of the Garter and Knights of the Bath.  — Charter, Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede 

 A Scientifically Humane Future 

      In the founding decades of American forced schooling, Rockefeller's General Education  Board and Carnegie's foundation spent more money on schools than the national  government did. What can a fact like that mean? Because they possessed a coherent  perspective, had funds to apply to command the energies of the ambitious, possessed a  national network of practical men of affairs, and at the same time could tap a pool of  academic knowledge about the management of populations held in the universities they  endowed, these and a small handful of men like them commanded decisive influence on  forced schooling. Other influences had importance, too, but none more than this  commitment of a scientifically benevolent American ruling class whose oversight of the  economy and other aspects of living was deemed proper because of its evolutionary merit  by the findings of modern science. The burden of this chapter is to show how a national  upper class came about, what was on its mind, and how schools were the natural vehicle  it mounted to ride into a scientifically humane, thoroughly Utopian future.  

Exclusive Heredity 

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