Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tell Congress to vote No on USMCA from John Birch Society

Our fellow Americanists,

Recent news is indicating a ramp up in the efforts to pass and ratify the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement in all three countries. We definitely need your help in stopping the USMCA as well as getting out of NAFTA.

Politico has reported within the last 24 hours that a key document pertaining to the economic effects of USMCA is to be released around April 19. The International Trade Commission's report is expected to show "a very slight bump" to annual GDP, which "could make it tougher for Trump to sell the deal to Democrats and labor groups, who already have a list of changes they would like to see made by reopening the negotiations."
Yet, as we have reiterated time and time again, the threat from the USMCA has nothing to do with jobs and the economy. Rather it has everything to do with American sovereignty!
Politico is also reporting that the push is for ratification in all three countries by either May or June:
"'Talk is to ratify before summer. We've entered a very different sense of urgency,' Mexican Undersecretary for North America Jesús Seade told Mexican business leaders during a meeting with the Corporate American Advisory Council, according to video obtained by POLITICO."
Once the ITC report is out, Congress will need to introduce an implementing bill in the U.S. House and Senate. Under the binding regulations of Trade Promotion Authority, Congress must give this an up or down vote with no amendments, no filibusters, and debate limited to 20 hours on the floor of each chamber.
Time is of the essence! We started this action project before the agreement was completed, so we could have plenty of time to prepare for this vote. It's now crunch time!
We must flood the Congress with phone calls, letters, and emails. Then ask others to do the same!
Congressmen have told us that phone calls from constituents is what really grabs their attention. Our latest USMCA legislative alert can help with talking points for your phone call.
Please phone your representative (202-225-3121) and senators (202-224-3121) and urge them to preserve our national sovereignty by voting no on the USMCA. Then please follow this up with an email.
In a nutshell, here is what is wrong with the USMCA:
  • Integrates the economies of the three countries--following the example of the EU, we know that political integration follows economic integration, leading to a North American Union.
  • Strips away Congress' constitutional duty of regulating trade and immigration.
  • Grants migrant workers labor protections and allows in an unlimited number of these workers
  • Dictates employer regulations, including LGBTQ policies
  • Forces submission of U.S. to international regulatory bodies
  • Allows for a living document by granting the ability to change the agreement without Congress
  • Creates layers of unaccountable bureaucracy
Then visit our Stop the USMCA action page for additional resources. If you're not a member, then apply for membership today! If you're not in an active Chapter, then contact your Coordinator today to join or start one!
Thank you for your help in protecting American liberty and independence!

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