Saturday, September 29, 2018

“QAnon” Answers Questions About The Moon Landings & Extraterrestrials from Collective Evolution

“QAnon” Answers Questions About The Moon Landings & Extraterrestrials from Collective Evolution

In Brief

  • The Facts:QAnon is still at it, he/she recently stated that we did indeed go to the Moon, but that the official story was not the correct one. Q also made it a point to let readers know about the
    "vastness" of the universe.
  • Reflect On:We don't need Q as a source, most of the topics Q brings up are already backed by evidence. One can do their own research and find multiple 'credible' sources on these topics. There are a list of examples at the end of the article.
The mainstream coverage of the fairly recent “QAnon” issue has been quite embarrassing, it showed a lack of research, a lack of knowledge, and a lack of understanding of how our world really works. A long time ago, Collective Evolution began creating awareness about the “Deep State,” or “Shadow Government,” (those two might also be separate entities) one that’s been spoken of by various people within government for decades. Theodore Roosevelt is one example I like to use, who emphasized that behind the elected government “sits an enthroned and invisible” government. He stated that the task of the real patriot would be to dismantle this secret government. This is why when words like  Deep State started being mentioned in the mainstream media quite often, it caught our attention, and so did this QAnon phenomenon.  The idea of a Deep State is far from a conspiracy theory, there is a ton of evidence in a number of different places to show this.
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The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.  – John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City from 1918-1925 (source)(source)
This is also seen when you really look at American politics, it’s not a democracy, it’s a corporatocracy that’s controlled by the financial elite. Representatives of this Deep State, according to several global politicians, Vladimir Putin and Bashar Al Assad being the latest, surround the president after the election and let them know all of the dirt they have on them, and what they can and cannot do…It’s not just global politicians, but many Americans and American politicians as well, as detailed about with one example being Hylan. This has also been expressed by several whistleblowers, like the NSA’s William Binney, which brings me to my next point…(if you follow the money, it’s not hard to see).
Politics is simply a tool used by the global elite, who control politicians like puppets. Most of them anyway…
Multiple insiders and people like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, William Binney, Sibel Edmunds, Thomas Drake and more, have all been explaining for years that there is a huge divide within the US Government, within the NSA, the CIA and the FBI, and that massive amounts of fake news and propaganda are dished out from these areas. There is ‘good’ and then there is the ‘bad,’ which is composed of those who push the agenda of the financial elite, a new world order, one in which a small majority of powerful people, whom clearly control multiple governments, push and impose their ‘political’ and ‘economic’ will on other countries and use false flag terrorism as a means to achieve it. It is my opinion that the war on terrorism is a complete fraud, and a fabrication, similar to the war on drugs.
So, when it comes to QAnon saying there is a ‘Deep State,’ it’s easy for mainstream media to brand this as a conspiracy theory simply because they don’t have any understanding of it. QAnon was and is not needed at all, we can see that there is a Deep State, and we can provide examples in many ways, something which we’ve been doing for years, and many others have as well.
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QAnons claims are out there, for example, accusing the global elite of being involved in a massive satanic global pedophile ring. Again, this was also branded as a “conspiracy theory” with no evidence. The funny thing is, we don’t need a QAnon to bring this up as a form of proof, there are countless examples from the Vatican, from within the military industrial complex and within several governments as well within organizations like the United Nations that could all be used as pieces of evidence…It’s enormous and hardly a debatable subject. For more information on that, you can visit the International Tribunal For Natural Justice. Why didn’t mainstream media bring up the NBC news report implicating in covering up a massive pedophile ring within the state department? Anyways, I digress.
‘Conspiracy Theories’ have been confirmed in many different ways, the only ammo the mainstream media has, is simply to ridicule a topic, label it as a conspiracy theory and not even address any of the evidence that’s been brought up.
The people involved in this type of activity have risen to the top of the global power structure, occupying major positions that dictate global policy, which is why it’s so hard to bring accountability to them, especially when they can simply use their mainstream media networks to brand something a “conspiracy theory.”
It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research in order to determine the credibility behind certain claims. We do not need government agencies deciding for us what is ‘fake news’ and what is not ‘fake news.’ It’s time to think for ourselves, and we are, which is why all of this stuff is slowly seeping into the mainstream consciousness….We are becoming aware.
Below is a great explanation from CE Founder Joe Martino, I thought it was important to put it here before we get into what QAnon recently said about the life on other planets.
Related CE Articles On Q:
Anonymous White House Staffer’s New York Times Op-Ed: The Deep State Antidote To Q?

So, What Does Q Have To Say About Life On Other Planets? 

Q recently posted about information related to the Moon landing, Roswell, and the Secret Space Program, one that Pentagon hacker Garry Mckinnon brought to light approximately a decade ago when he performed the largest military computer hack in history.
On September 19th, an anonymous user asked Q, “Are we alone? Roswell? And Q responded with, “No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space.”
He or she was then asked if we really went to the Moon. The user asked, “Did NASA fake the Moon landings? Have we been to the Moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created? ‘Q’ answered, “False, Moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of the public domain.”
Again, this is yet another example of where we don’t really need a ‘Q’ for us to really get to the bottom of the fact that something is going on. The UFO phenomenon is now verified within the mainstream, I recently published an article about the latest updates with regards to mainstream UFO disclosure:
We have statements from high-ranking people from within governments, military, intelligence agencies, academia and more to compliment the electrooptical data, radar trackings, physical evidence etc…
The statement below from Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, doesn’t seem to hold so true anymore, at least the last part.
“We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”
(Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
As far as the Moon goes, Q’s comments are interesting, because I share the same sentiment after all of my research into the topic, something I’ve been doing for more than a decade. You can see why I feel the way I do, and all of the evidence available that has me, and others like Q, thinking that way. The only difference is, perhaps Q is privy to insider knowledge, perhaps not, but that’s not the point here. The source of this information should not be put on Q, it should instead simply point to the evidence which already exists.
The Deputy Manager for the Clementine Mission to The Moon told the world that it was really a photo reconnaissance mission to investigate artificial structures that have been built on the back side of the Moon by, who knows?  A study was recently published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration examining strange, what appears to be, artificial structures on the back side of the Moon. All these points and several more are sourced and discussed within the articles below, enjoy!

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